It took me a year and four days. For many reasons, chief among them was a serious lazy streak I get every winter. I don't have true before and after pics, I didn't take any before I started demoing.
Not sure if this is the best spot to ask this, but does anyone have a grommet tool they like? Everything I'm finding online looks like it'll break the first time I use it.
I got something like this from the local Princess Auto... it's a solid metal die that has worked very well for the 30 or so times I've used it.
The relay on my well pump control panel went out this morning. The control panel is just two parts - the relay and the motor start capacitor. I got a new panel for $85 at Home Depot. The capacitor in the other panel is good, so I thought I'd order a relay to repair it and have a backup on the shelf for emergencies. But, the exact relay is about the same price as a whole new panel at regular electronics places. Two questions: I can't tell if this part number has been discontinued and replaced with a new one. Existing relay is 3ARR3J3V3, and those seem to be hard to find. But, there is a 3ARR3J3G3. Does anybody know what the numbering system is? Has anybody ordered from Aliexpress or Ktool ? I see mixed results.
Short version is that it appears that letter represents the coil calibration, and a V is very different than a G,based on that spec sheet. I would say that they are not interchangeable. Page 5, left most column.
Looks like there may be replacements available for that model:
And remember, the quality of this advice is worth exactly what you're paying for it... I'm just stuck in a legal call and bored out of my tree while people talk about compliance measures.
I was able to find a data sheet for those at the following link Based on that the only difference in relays are the setpoints they are calibrated to. The V3 has a pickup in the range of 224-252 Volts and a dropout range of 40-90 Volts The G3 has a pickup in the range of 335-364 Volts and a dropout range of 50-100 Volts Nett beat me to it
Thanks guys! I appreciate it. I think my best bet is to throw this one in the trash and just buy another complete control box backup from Home Depot. I'll probably hang on to the capacitor, though, as as backup.
It was not the relay or control panel. I think the well pump is bad, unfortunately. Waiting on the Contractor now. Crapola.
Hardy har har. Anyway . . . it was one of the control wire down in the well. It rubbed wire raw and it was shorting out. Had to pull 400 feet of wire out, but didn't have to change the pump. A nearby tree had grown up a lot since the well was installed +20 years ago, so me on a ladder cutting limbs with a chainsaw so the service truck could raise their boom was fun.
Sounds like a cheap if not pain in the ass repair. And yeah… now that I’m in my 50’s I don’t do ladders any more.
In case any of you needed a reminder that you should probably disassemble and thoroughly clean your washing machine occasionally... Those washing machine "cleaners" don't work, or at least don't get it all. Had it apart just to replace the drain hose, saw the tub was disgusting, so tore into it further to clean it. The wife is probably going to want me to do it at the end of every summer now, since that is the season we wash the most sandy stuff.
So we rent the bottom half of a house that the owners have converted into a fully separate apartment, however they let the guy who moved in first put together a kitchen, and it sucked. Hard. Not only that, the guy did an awful job. Over the years as they have had new tenents, the tenents have rushed to move in as the rest of the place is fantastic, and the location is one of the most desirable in all of Stockholm. So they just dealt with the crappy kitchen. So the owner of the house one day apologized for how bad the kitchen was, and I volunteered to do a full remodel. He agreed. We designed it together, he bought everything and said one months free rent for labour. Oh look, the moron who put the kitchen together didn't fucking use sealer So that mold took some serious work to get in order, including removing a huge chunk of the wall. In the end: All that is needed now is proper curtains. Edit: If you don't have Japanes spackle/putty knives do yourself a favour and buy some. They are the single most useful tool I have used. Great at scraping, applying spackle. Fuck using the mortar blade to apply tile glue to the wall, you get far better coating with these, just use the mortar tool for scraping lines. Also, fuck grout floats, you can grout far faster and cleaner with these. Also great as dough knives.
Here's a crazy situation. We seem to have "lost" power only in some parts of the house. Some circuits are shining bright, others resemble a brown out, light bulbs coming on dim or only partially, like 1 out of the 5 on our ceiling fan. Nothing is tripped downstairs. Did a rodent eat thru the wrong power cable or what?
How old is the house? I’d call an electrician asap, personally. Electrical scares me. If it’s an older house, you could have a junction box that has a loose ground or something that is arcing and causing that brownout. That kind of shit can turn into a fire way faster than you’d think.
Sounds like a floating neutral. Half your circuits are probably overvoltage and half are undervoltage relative to ground. Could be a problem at the utility side or could be in your home wiring. Should call your power company and report it. If it isn't on their end you will need to get an electrician in. This can be a fire hazard and can also damage your electric devices.