I’ve done this in the past also, when salt was in short supply. Softener salt also comes in crystals, not just pellets, and the crystals are basically coarser grained driveway salt. Another pro tip- while it won’t melt anything, plain kitty litter makes things far less slippery. Make sure to use the plain, cheap litter that is basically bentonite clay. You can find it everywhere. Growing up we used it on our driveway all the time. You can walk without slipping and it gives great traction if your car is stuck.
Back when road crews used cinders, residents of our town could go to the town hall with buckets and get some for our driveway. That stuff worked great. The damned sand I bought was wet in the bags and froze so I had to bring a bag inside to use of the sidewalk.
3'x6' Knee pads, and constantly moving between sitting and kneeling. First time doing river rock type tile. Learned a lot. Would definitely do a few things differently. - They said to use a 1/4 trowel, 3/16 would be fine maybe even smaller, would have to test. problem with 1/4 is it leaving to much grout and when you push the rock down it pushes up between the rock and is a pain to clean - The rock comes in sheets of 12"x12" on a membrane that you can move around. I would try to spread it out better so you dont see so many straight lines, as you can see i got better the further to the bottom i got - It takes way more grout then you can imagine. Have lots on hand.
I'll guess I'll pm you (and anyone interested) a picture. I don't know how to describe the construction and don't want to share a pic of my house on the public forum.
Sweet. Thanks for the help. Sometimes I just need outside perspective from a sane adult to tell me if I'm nuts. I have zero construction background.
If it has some drain holes in it, it shouldn't be a problem. But a bathtub full of water and wet soil is going to weigh more than 300 lbs. Your plants probably wouldn't like sitting in a tub full of waterlogged soil either. Look at these things from a pounds per square inch perspective. Your husband is a giant, if it will hold him up, just on the area his feet contacting the deck. It would definitely hold 300 lbs spread over a much larger area than the size of his footprints. Unless it is a claw foot tub and all the weight is being supported by four small feet, then you might want to put something betweenthe feet and the tub to spread the weight.
Oh yeah it has a drain. I plan to add some PVC piping to drain it away from the deck boards. It's being used as a planter down in the garden now. It was originally acquired for use as a duck pond. I'm worried it's heavier than 300lbs, but still, sounds like the weight shouldn't be an issue since I plan to place it on a corner. I removed the dirt already into some Rubbermaid bins I had. It's probably equivalent to like 3 big bags of soil from home Depot. I'm excited to have my daily picked stuff right out the kitchen door. Lettuce, basil, green onions.