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Fuck it I still love that movie!

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by Kubla Kahn, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I forgot about Cabin Boy, that movie is great.

    Mulligan: Do you know what I do to guys who quote unquote "sleep" with my wife?
    Nathanial Mayweather: Talk about your discomfort over a cup of hot cocoa?
    Mulligan: Clooooooooose. I cut off their heads with a nail clipper.
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Dude Victoria Silvstedt playmate of the year!

    Dude that's Victoria Silvstedt playmate of the year!

    BASEketball. Fucking love the movie. Reviewers hated it as well as a decent number of South Park fans. They even rip on it in the show. Still fucking awesome.
  3. FreeCorps

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    #1 Internet Boo

    Apr 22, 2010
    Boca Raton, FL
    I was late for work today because as I was channel surfing while eating breakfast I came upon Kiss of the Dragon.

    Excellent fight scenes along with one of the most awkward love interest plots ever? Yes please.
  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Marked For Death

    The brainless ultraviolent action movie at its zenith, this film is EASILY Steven Segal's most entertaining and fun movie. In it, the film employs lots of of stuntmen in dreadlock wigs (Raggae posse are the bad guys) to have their limbs broken, or be shot, stabbed, chopped, hit in the face with sledgehammers and blown up.

    Segal breaks more limbs in this movie than every other movie ever made (as a sexiness bonus, his ponytail was never longer than in this film). Character actor par excellence Keith David being his deadly sidekick only adds to the awesome, plus the film gets a huge boost by having a truly frightening and creepy primevil (Basil Wallace) in the villain Screwface.

    Pure fun. It you need to kill 90 minutes, here's your ticket.

    That out-of-nowhere pistol whip at the end is the tits:
    #44 Crown Royal, Dec 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  5. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Double Dragon (1994)

    Last weekend I saw this for the first time, thanks to Netflix, and I actually enjoyed it. The fact that I was a big fan of the video game series and the fact that it had Alyssa Milano in it probably helped.
  6. FreeCorps

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    #1 Internet Boo

    Apr 22, 2010
    Boca Raton, FL
    Oh man, how could I possibly forget:

    I remember this movie would play approximately 1542352345 times on either TNT or TBS during the summer, so at any point during summer vacation I could catch a glimpse of this theatrical marvel.
    #46 FreeCorps, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  7. Hoosiermess

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    Jun 2, 2010
    I used to watch this all the time as a kid, the Beast Master clip above reminded me.

    I present to you: The original.

    #47 Hoosiermess, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  8. FreeCorps

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    #1 Internet Boo

    Apr 22, 2010
    Boca Raton, FL
    Also in the same vein:

    Holds up surprisingly well.
    #48 FreeCorps, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  9. Hoosiermess

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    Jun 2, 2010
    Good pull. Call and Raise:

    To be honest, after watching that I'm not sure it holds up well but I'd watch it again.
    #49 Hoosiermess, Dec 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  10. lust4life

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    Those last few reminded me of The Sword and the Sorcerer" with Lee Horsley. That movie was very much inline with the D&D concept. Same weapons, etc. we probably watched it a few dozen times in college, but haven't seen it in years.

    The Holcroft Covenant, a Ldlum novel that was made into a movie with Michael Caine was on the other night. Obviously a lot different that the Bourne franchise, but it still held up well.
  11. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    This is way too common in this thread. Fight Club? Seriously? The movie is universally loved and I can literally name like ten people I know who say it is their favorite movie. The rest of what you listed is almost as bad, and in cases like Alien and Die Hard arguably worse.

    For me I'll say Scream 3. I can see people not liking it as much as the first two, but for all the bad reviews and scorn it got I thought it was quite enjoyable. If any deserved scorn it was the fourth. I'm sorry, Emma Roberts being extremely hot does not make up for the fact that the killer lost all his wit. 'I'll put you in the morgue!' Fail. Also, it was by far the most predictable of the franchise. At least in others there was some suspense regarding who was going to live and who the killer(s) were.

    Dying Breed. I don't get why this got so much hate. It wasn't THAT bad. I thought it was an above average horror movie, and was surprised to see how many people hated it.

    For the reverse of this, I'll say American Beauty. When I watched it in high school I thought it was brilliant. When I saw it again in college I thought it was one of the worst movies ever, and was symbolic of the new age fuck the media/hate social norms/hate on your own culture/hipster doofus/etc crap. It could have been good, but it was just too ridiculous and over the top. People aren't really like the characters in the movie. I know they were caricatures, but still, it was just too out of touch with reality. And the hero of the movie is some idiotic but job who films plastic bags and walks around like a zombie? No thanks. Oh, and I got all the stupid messages and symbolism so if you want to red dot me don't make it about that.
    #51 Kampf Trinker, Dec 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Quick and the Dead- Alway surprised why this filmed was reviewed so poorly and no one I know seems to have ever seen it. I think it's fucking awesome. Coming out at the same time Quentin Tarantino started his homage film making this western by a pre spiderman Sam Rami still holds up. Some big names, pre-TITanic Leo, pre-phone chucking Maximus Russell Crowe, pre career slump sharon Stone, and Gene Hackman. While a movie like The Unforgiven was a little more introspective this movie is pure popcorn entertainment but doesn't rely on any cheap gags and corny dialog. Style obviously lifted from Leone spaghetti westerns there is action, fun characters, and a gun fight tournament (seriously could there be a better plot line to a western movie?)...
  13. Mr. Satanism

    Mr. Satanism
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    Village Idiot

    Dec 25, 2010
    Supervillain Island
    Stone Cold. The best trash action movie ever made, on a multi-million dollar budget. Bosworth sucks as an action hero, but the script knows it and mocks him the whole way through. (After the Boz says he's done time in prison a baddie quips "Pretty boy like you must have done some painful time."). Plus you just can't knock an action flick that features Lance Henrickson as the main villain and William Forsythe as his #1. Some of the most insane pre-CGI action sequences ever (motorcycle crashing out the fourth floor window of a building and hitting the helicopter hovering outside, an endless gunfight between the national guard and a biker gang, the entire Mississippi supreme court gunned down), bikers giving a dead comrade a Viking funeral, and the most brilliant wrap-up to the unnecessary tacked-on romantic subplot I've ever seen.

    Also, I liked Tucker's movie. It was totally worth got it free from the library.
  14. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Man, what a goldmine of a topic. A lot of choices I completely agree with, too.

    Props to those mentioning Cutthroat Island, Demolition Man, Beastmaster, and Judge Dredd; critically panned, but very enjoyable films. I wasn't aware of Bloodsport being badly reviewed, but it's one of my favorite films, and I have seen it over 100 times during my life, more than anything else except maybe Conan the Barbarian. And Marked for Death is easily Seagal's best film.

    Two films that were most egregiously underrated (and both mentioned) are

    Super Mario Brothers- When I watched this as an 8 year-old, I hated the film because it was so different than the video game. When I re-watched it at 15, I discovered a funny, fast-paced, entertaining film with excellent performances by Dennis Hopper, John Leguizamo, Bob Hoskins, and Samantha Mathis. JUDGED ON ITS OWN MERITS, "Super Mario Bros." is perfectly worthy, light-hearted entertainment. Just forget about the freaking video game first.


    Might as well post a full review for those who want to read;

    Every so often, I like to revisit films I loved as a child, when I was 6-10 years old. It's mostly a disheartening experience, as I either end up hating it ("What the FUCK was I watching?!"), or just considering it really predictable and boring. So I didn't expect anything different when I decided to watch my favorite film back then;

    Krull (1983)-

    The premise is a blend of medieval swords-and-sorcery epics and sci-fi action. Specifically, it's a mix of 1977's "Star Wars" and 1981's successful "Dragonslayer" (which sucks). A floating fortress lands on a planet with two suns, and its evil beings, "Slayers", start killing and burning the planet's towns. Right as a prince is about to marry a princess, uniting two kingdoms, the Slayers crash the event, kill both kings, and steal the princess, where she is to wed their leader. The prince, with the aid of one of the coolest, most original weapons ever, journeys across his planet to rescue her.

    As soon as the opening credits begin, you're hit with the film's strongest point. The music. It's incredible. It's unbelievable. It's in every single scene, battle, never grows repetitive, and enthuses every action with a depth and excitement it would not have otherwise. It was composed by James Horner, who also did soundtracks for Titanic, Braveheart, Apollo 13, Aliens, Avatar, and half the major blockbusters of the last 30 years.

    This, however, is his best work, and might well be the greatest soundtrack to any film ever made, right up there with any of Ennio Morricone's scores, Basil Poledouris's work on "Conan the Barbarian", "The Godfather", etc.

    Beyond that, the movie, despite being 27 years old, is still fucking gorgeous. The scenery, composed of rolling mountains, endless green plains, all filmed on location in Scotland, is among the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen. Better yet, the set pieces all look phenomenal, whether in a quicksand swamp, an enchanted cave, a castle, or the elaborate, morbid fortress of the Slayers.

    The film's fight scenes are mediocre, even for a Hollywood film in 1983. But it makes up for this in several ways. First of all, the pacing is perfect; not one moment is wasted, as there is constant action and adventure from beginning to end. Secondly, the picture is humorous throughout; this is no bullshit "dark, gritty" treatment of an intrinsically childish story. Fuck no; our hero prince laughs, smiles, and yearns for combat. Finally, the weapon he saves until the end of the picture is well worth it, and makes an otherwise tepid final battle exciting.

    As the prince travels along with a band of murderous thieves, several magicians, a shapeshifter, and a cyclops, the banter and conversation is always light-hearted and funny. These elements all make the film captivating to watch, and more remarkable still, brought back some of the same emotions I had about the film as when I first saw it as a little kid. I didn't think that was possible.

    See, I expected the positive elements of the picture to be ruined by horrible acting, directing, and script. But none of them were bad. Several actors actually give strong, effective performances, and no one embarrasses themselves with pretentious speeches or maudlin cliches. The director, Peter Yates, made the Steve McQueen classic "Billuit", "Breaking Away", and highly regarded "The Dresser", and does a solid job presenting the action.

    I came in with zero or almost negative expectations, but "Krull" is an almost perfect children's fantasy work. The first "Star Wars" is slightly better overall, but goddamn if they don't both have the exact same strengths and (relative) weaknesses. Except, Krull's soundtrack is even better...


    Another underrated work is The Stupids, that dumb Tom Arnold comedy from 1996 (directed by the great John Landis, no less). Turns out, it's a consistently hilarious, old-school comedy adventure with plenty of punchlines and gags. It's purposely hokey, which makes it an easy target for lazy reviewers to dismiss, but who the fuck cares about what they think, anyways?
  15. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    This may be cheating a little bit, but I recently went back and watched all of the Bond films. I had only seen about half of them, and hadn't seen any since I was in high school. So:

    A View to a Kill is always ranked as one of the worst films in the series, if not the worst. I do not understand this at all, and I have it ranked as my third favorite Bond film (behind Tomorrow Never Dies and Moonraker). Christopher Walken and Grace Jones were both great villains, and there were plenty of good action scenes. The fact Roger Moore was like 57 when he had his last outing as Bond didn't bother me. Tanya Roberts was a pretty awful Bond girl, but she is far from the only bad one that has appeared in the series.

    I also liked The Man with the Golden Gun and Live and Let Die, both of which are usually rated by critics as being two of the worst films in the series.
  16. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I didn't like IHTSBIH, but Stone Cold? Hell to the FUCK yeah. The Boz' mullet alone can captivate you, but he also throws people around a lot and kills them too! He has a KOMODO FUCKING DRAGON as a housepet. Now, to have a man-eating misery lizard living in your house that spits fatally contaminated bacteria in your face? Bad. Ass. Lance Henrickson can play a nasty villain in his sleep, and he's possibly at his most viscious in this film.

    This film is a trash film. MEAN-SPIRITED trash. People don't get shot once, they get shot twenty times. Or insanely hot-looking women get shot point-blank in the head. Or William Forsythe delivering the best kick to the nuts in movie history: "I got news for you baby, You're ALREADY gone!"

    The stunt in this film, some of them are Road Warrior-dangerous. Especially the climax, the fall guys really earn their paycheque. It's worth to watch the film just for the tasteless bloodbath climax alone. Mind-numbing, mindless totally 80's action entertainment. A guilty pleasure, I guarantee it.
  17. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wow, I think we have similar taste when it comes to the Bond films. I would rank them all-time as

    1. The Man with the Golden Gun
    2. You Only Live Twice
    3. Moonraker
    4. Diamonds are Forever
    5. A View to a Kill

    Never understood why "The Man with the Golden Gun", "Moonraker" (both huge box office success, by the way) and "A View to a Kill" didn't get more critical acclaim. Oh well. Critics are dumb.
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Alright, alright this ain't the 007 ranking thread.

    I just downloaded and rewatched a great 90's comedy that got shit at the time but stands up well and is actually a solid comedy. The Cable Guy, honestly I never knew what the fuck anyone had against this movie. It was darker than Carey's other movies? I think it is hilarious. Ben Stiller's minor cameo as the Sweet twins that mocks the Menedez brother's trial was great, Medieval times, Jefferson Airplane, playing Mortal Kombat with a friend in Vietnam, and on and on too many classic moments to list.
  19. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    It had some good elements, sure, (Medieval Times is a definite favorite) but my main gripe with the movie is that it goes from a light-hearted, silly comedy to dark, weird, and fucked-up about 2/3s of the way in, and the transition is handled about as gracefully as a head-on collision on the freeway. Had they consistently stuck with either of the two themes, it would have been a pretty good movie.

    Also, the ending is just unforgivably lame.
  20. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario

    I can't truly say I love this movie, because let's just face facts here: this is the noisiest goddamn action film ever made, the epitome of the "One Man Army" routine. Arnie is John Matrix, not a name you would put together with a thick Bavarian accent, but why carp? Naturally, this is scripter Stepen E. DeSouza throwing around his tongue-in-cheek humour which he made MILLIONS off of back then, but as far as bubblegum action goes, this is Roadhouse-like irresistable to watch. Sort of like two dogs fucking on the side of the road, and dammit if you can't but help stopping to watch and cheer it on.

    It's also a powerhouse drinking game: one shot of beer for every Arnie kill. Want to find out why you might black out?

    Arnie kills 96 people in this movie, and more than 80 of them are in the final 15 minutes. Almost a Century Club. In the meantime, he throws a phonebooth with a man inside it, rips a tempered steel chain open like a party cracker, throws ten security guards off him at once, lies about killing Sully last, jumps out of an aircraft going 200 mph into a two-foot shit of a swamp, kills Bill Duke with unrealistic ease (Bill Duke is too badass for that), but once he rows a heavy boat out into the middle of the ocean in a speedo, finally kills many MANY men with moustaches using everything but the kitchen sink. If you watch this high, the climactic shottout will have you rolling on the floor.

    Finally,let us not forget the down-the-pipe one-liners. LET OFF SOME STEAM, BENNETT.