If he is anything like me then something lacy, stockings, and tall sexy heels. Be waiting for him in that when he walks in the door. Single Malt Scotch Whisky, specifically Glenlivet's 15 year old French Oak Reserve. Do I get a prize?
Coke, the only chaser for Polar Bears. Now that I know what a pegging is, um, I don't think he's into it. Just guessing.
Oh my God, you should stop now, you're apparently too drunk to continue this debate if you think that invesments are somehow limited to single companies.
No idea where this came from, but I have a wicked urge to dip tonight, haven't touched the stuff in years or even thought of it, but all of a sudden the urge is there. Might do it just to piss off my pussy whipped friend next week.
Don't do it. Although, I have no room to talk....I've been dipping on and off for the last few months, and can't quit completely.
Scraped my bowl, feeling hella resinated. Plus beer, Southpark and painting my nails neon green. Punk Rock. So what is your reputation really like?
I have a Chevy HHR as a rental car. It's a cool-looking car and it drives OK. But I think whoever designed the drivers' seat ergonomics thought to himself "how many hard plastic things can I poke the driver with simultaneously?" If you scoot back far enough so your leg isn't getting a pinched nerve from the center part of the dash, you have to extend your arms 100% to reach the non-telescoping wheel. It's gonna be a long 1500 miles to drive.
Thank god I haven't had to do that in years. My bowl needs a good cleaning and I have smoked nothing but Kind bud out of it. But I still don't want to smoke it.
It still kind of surprises me, and more so people that know me, that I never really smoked much. I'm am such a completely laid back person and I listen to hippy jam bands all the time, but I've just never gotten into it for some reason. Liquor has just always been my drug of choice.
The only reason I am out is because I am lazy. I want it delivered, damnit!! It will be tomorrow morning. I am enjoying my black tar, thank you, thers ia nothing but Kind and/Kind Hash enjoyed out of this piece. edited: Bud is WAY better.
The best time I ever had smoking resin was in college when we used it in a gravity bong. The whole campus was dry and we all cleaned our bowls. Now that did fuck me up.
You know, the older I get, the more I want to actually smoke a little. I have a feeling that if I could talk The Girlfriend into being cool with it, I would actually start smoking here and there.
A roommate my freshman year of college had a half ounce of really ridiculous bud/a vaporizer given to him for his birthday by his brother. This kid was a total recluse, had zero friends, never left his room, so imagine my surprise when I get home from class to see him sitting in the living room with this embarrassment of riches before him and a look on his face that basically said "I have no idea what I'm doing..." He said he had never smoked before, so I got everything rolling for him, and within twenty minutes he was out of his mind stoned, and said he didn't want to ever do it again and I could have the weed. The next 72 hours are obviously a little fuzzy, but I remember at one point sitting in my underwear, watching Curb Your Enthusiasm, eating chicken wings and thinking "You need to remember this moment, because you my friend....are a fucking cliche."
Must have been some good weed because it took me my third time of smoking to get high. It was shit weed though. Damn, the most KB I ever owned at once in college was an eighth.
First time I ever smoked good stuff was at Bonnaroo '05. The girls we were with had just bought a new pipe from some guy, and then a guy came by selling some KB. If you have never been to one of these jam band music festivals before, when I say he 'came by', I literally mean this guy walked right by our tent selling bud right of the stem. He literally walked by holding it up high so everyone could see what he was selling. Anyway, we smoked because why the hell not, and I don't think I've ever been so high in my inter life.
Most of my friends who smoked were of the "half eighth every two weeks, pack it in a tiny gravity bong for mass extraction" kind of smokers. Basically, uh...well, jews. Looking back on it, it was kind of pathetic. I mean, getting so stoned that shadow box yourself in the bathroom mirror isn't funny per se, but trying to explain what you were doing when you get caught kind of is. I used to be able to do anything while high, whether it was golf, homework, have a conversation with parents, whatever....so being in that kind of shape was weird for me.
Ha! You know those LulzSec guys that have been hacking everywhere? Seems that another hacker group has kind of hacked them. <a class="postlink" href="http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iVujX4TR" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=iVujX4TR</a> The link supposedly lists all sorts of real names and places of employment and that kind of stuff for a number of the relatively famous members of LulzSec. Not sure if it's real or not, but I can only imagine the sheer terror of those guys reading their real names if it is legit. Kind of like Solaris reading his password out in the open after telling me what I said "was absurd". Makes me chuckle. Spoiler Code: ################################################################################################################################## ################################################################################################################################## 88888888888 888 888 8888888888 d8888 88888888888 8888888888 d8888 888b d888 888 888 888 888 d88888 888 888 d88888 8888b d8888 888 888 888 888 d88P888 888 888 d88P888 88888b.d88888 888 8888888888 8888888 d88P 888 888 8888888 d88P 888 888Y88888P888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y888P 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 888888 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 d8888888888 888 888 d8888888888 888 " 888 888 888 888 8888888888 d88P 888 888 8888888888 d88P 888 888 888 ud$$$**$$$$$$$bc. u@**" 4$$$$$$$Nu J ""#$$$$$$r @ $$$$b .F ^*3$$$ :% 4 J$$$N $ :F :$$$$$ 4F 9 J$$$$$$$ 4$ k 4$$$$bed$$$$$$$$$ $$r 'F $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$r $$$ b. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$N $$$$$k 3$$$$$$b $$$$$$$."$$$$$$$$$ .@$**N. $$$$$" $$$$$$F'L $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ :$$L 'L $$$$$ 4$$$$$$ * $$$$$$$$$$F $$$$$$F edNc @$$$$N ^k $$$$$ 3$$$$*% $F4$$$$$$$ $$$$$" d" z$N $$$$$$ ^k '$$$" #$$$F .$ $$$$$c.u@$$$ J" @$$$$r $$$$$$$b *u ^$L $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$u@ $$ d$$$$$$ ^$$$$$$. "NL "N. z@* $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$P $P d$$$$$$$ ^"*$$$$b '*L 9$E 4$$$ d$$$$$$$$$$$" d* J$$$$$r ^$$$$u '$. $$$L "#" d$$$$$$".@$$ .@$" z$$$$*" ^$$$$. ^$N.3$$$ 4u$$$$$$$ 4$$$ u$*" z$$$" '*$$$$$$$$ *$b J$$$$$$$b u$$P $" d$$P #$$$$$$ 4$ 3*$"$*$ $"$'c@@$$$$ .u@$$$P "$$$$ ""F~$ $uNr$$$^&J$$$$F $$$$# "$$ "$$$bd$.$W$$$$$$$$F $$" ?k ?$$$$$$$$$$$F'* 9$$bL z$$$$$$$$$$$F $$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ '#$$c '$$$$$$$$$" .@"#$$$$$$$$$$$$b z* $$$$$$$$$$$$N. e" z$$" #$$$k '*$$. .u* u@$P" '#$$c "$$c u@$*""" d$$" "$$$u ^*$$b. :$F J$P" ^$$$c '"$$$$$$bL d$$ .. @$# #$$b '#$ 9$$$$$$b 4$$ ^$$k '$ "$$6""$b u$$ '$ d$$$$$P '$F $$$$$" ^b ^$$$$b$ '$W$$$$" 'b@$$$$" ^$$$* _ _ _____ _ _____ _ | | | | __ | _ | (_) | _ | | | | |_ _| |_______ ___ ___ / / __ _ _ __ | |/' | ___ _ ___ | |/' |_ ___ __ ___ __| | | | | | | |_ / __|/ _ \/ __| / / / _` | '_ \| /| |/ __| / __| | /| \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \/ _` | | | |_| | |/ /\__ \ __/ (__ / / |(_| | | | \ |_/ /\__ \ \__ \ \ |_/ /\ V V /| | | | __/ (_| | |_|\__,_|_/___|___/\___|\___| / / \__, |_| |_|\___/ |___/_|___/ \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|\__,_| /_/ __/ | |___/ ################################################################################################################################## ##################################################################################################################################