If they really wanted to have fun, just put blanks in all the guns. "Haha, just kidding, we're not really going to shoot you...we're gonna electrocute you instead."
Just seems like he's already about to get shot - no need to stick a safety pin through his skin. That's all I'm saying. Oh, they pinned it to his shirt? Well that makes much more sense. Although, an "X" with a Sharpie probably would've worked, too, and saved paper. Soooo, back on topic . . .
I hope they penciled in some point values and compared scores afterwards. I mean, three firing squads in 33 years? They may never get the chance to do this again, might as well make it interesting.
Short hair is good, just as long as it's long enough to pull. Now if only I could find a non-slutty way to tell that to my hairdresser when she asks how I want my hair cut. Also Natalie Portman, potentially the only woman who looks good with a shaved head: Yeah, I'd still hit it.
Natasha again. God, I love her ...and her incredible (late) mother, Natalie Wood. Great genes in that family:
I couldn't send this... but I had to share it. My ex was just offering me, and in no way do I believe it to be true, no strings attached sex. My finger was inches away from sending a text that read, "I don't like the way your vagina smells." I handled it in a much more mature fashion. Besides, I can hang out and do work and play on the internet. What else would you do on a Friday night?
I thought you were all up for this? (pun intended) jennitalia is spot on with Natalie Portman. yum. Spoiler Spoiler cause it's a huge pic
Sure, it starts off "no strings attached" and then you wake up, and she's dancing around in a bondage suit wearing a Fred Flintstone mask on to "I'm Every Woman" while carving symbols into her arm with a straight razor, and she's taped of all the pictures she has of you on the walls of the bedroom with the eyes cut out in them. Also she's stolen your wallet, which really sucks.
While on the subject of dumb things to do in a 2 ton chunk of metal: I know a lot of dumb people. Over privileged dumb people. Last night one of my "friends" decided she'd take a joy ride while high on X and white wine. 6 a.m. this morning she got arrested for DWI along with possession of marijuana AND 8 COUNTS OF POSSESSION OF MDMA. Her purse doubles as a fucking pharmacy. The bitch is screwed. What I would have given to be a fly on the wall when rich daddy heard that shit. I lost 2 people to drunk driving so far. While this twit isn't my favorite person, I'm glad she didn't take someone out before she got stopped. Who the fuck drives on X? No short hair girl thread is complete without Audrey Hepburn. Classic hot. Just looking at her breaks your heart: Spoiler
When it snows you can write shit, for one. Like "DIE, SLUT!" on your ex's front lawn. That moistens up our Canuck girls like none other.