I wouldn't have it any other way I've been married for 11 years and have three boys, the youngest of which is still a very small infant. Valentine's Day, my birthday and my anniversary are the only 3 days a year where I feel like I get back what I put in. You whippersnappers may not understand this now but when you can barely pee in peace, sometimes you need a day set aside for just such displays of appreciation. I'd venture a guess that half of you guys only show your mamas some love on V-Day and her birthday, otherwise she wouldn't get squat, especially when you were younger. Amirite? Now get off my lawn or something.
I participate in the valentines day festivities every year by cooking a nice dinner (sashimi, prime rib, roast potatoes, chocolate fondue)for my wife, her siblings and significant others and her parents, after dinner we play games it has become somewhat of a tradition that I gladly participate in. The reason I gladly participate in this is for purely selfish reasons, the first being I like to cook for people and my in laws tell my wife how lucky she is to be married to a guy who cooks. Secondly and perhaps more importantly, I am often absent from Thanksgiving because there is a bull elk hunt that I get drawn for from time to time that starts the day after Thanksgiving. My active participation in the Valentines Day thing ensures that should I get drawn for elk I can be absent with no fear of reprisal. On a side not I proposed to my wife the day before V-day, 2 birds one stone.
I heard her ideas in a radio interview this morning. She had some really good ones so I figured I'd share. I really think the most important thing about that day is spending time with each other. As far as gifts go I don't care. Empty the dishawasher without my having to ask you too. Take down the christmas lights outside that have been up way too long. Give the dog a bath so when your SO gets home the pup is all fluffy and fresh. The biggest hint I can give you guys, and I've preached this forever, COOK FOR HER. It doesn't have to be something elaborate but not ramen either. It's damn sexy. EDIT, to respond to a rep question. If she's used to it, make her her favorite thing that you already cook for her, or since you're already a step ahead of most, try something new and fancier. Switch it up with a fancy homemade desert. Make a platter with finger foods like, sliced fruit, some crackers, some fancy cheeses, a good bottle of wine and a good quality chocolate. Have fondue, served with various food/breads for dipping. I've made chocolate fondue and it's way easy. Add that to your night with the appropriate things for dipping. I don't know who you guys are dating or whatever but damn man, you planning the menu, doing the shopping and the cooking wouldn't be enough for her merely because she's used to it? Sounds rather bitchy and spoiled to me.
Unfortunately my boyfriend is stationed in Hawaii. This year (he forewarned me to make sure I was okay with it) he bought me and himself conquerclub.com memberships so we can play together while we are apart. I'm a huge Risk player and play on that website a lot. My membership expired sometime in October last year and I was too cheap to renew. I'm not a materialistic person. To me, holidays are about spending time with your loved ones. I come from a huge family so when we get together, it is always a grand, drunken affair. If the boyfriend were here, it would be the same thing. He likes to give me some kind of gift because he likes to make me feel special, but I don't expect it and he knows that. I'd like nothing more than to rent a cheap movie from Redbox and get some Chinese take out and wine.
Anyone looking for a fairly cheap, last-minute idea: My fiance, like pretty much all women everywhere, loves scented candles. Also, I firmly disagree with buying flowers on V-day (not only are they expensive, they are an overhyped a cliched symbol of, well, last-minute, thoughtless desperation). So I went and got a dozen, different-smelling scented candles (as opposed to a dozen roses; you can certainly do less). Depending on where you go, you should be able to get them for around $5 a piece. Then find a decent wicker basket (which you can re-use in the house, so get a nice one), throw some pink and red confetti strands in there and call it a day. I did the above for around $90, but it's going to last her a really long time. To me, it was worth it; you can certainly do the above for a lot cheaper though.
Last Valentine's Day, I was deathly sick with the flu, so all of his hard work (ie, talking on the phone to make reservations*) was for naught. This year, he is moving to Illinois on February 15th. What exactly should I be doing this year for Valentines Day? I was thinking of a home cooked meal, but the house is up for sale, so making of any mess becomes a huge issue. Dining out is not an option. Any ideas??? *he is . . . quiet? non-communitive? take your pick.*
Nope, has to be one, then the other. How could you possibly, thoroughly enjoy a blowjob while at the same time trying to equally, thoroughly enjoy a succulent steak as well? Both are deserving of their own appropriate time and place (though if the woman is in the kitchen making you a steak, she might as well blow you in the kitchen as well afterward). Both are delicious, otherworldly experiences, not to be overshadowed by one or the other. The product is greater than the sum of the parts in most instances, but if the separate parts are in-and-of-themselves perfect (examples: steaks, and blowjobs), then the product is a mere shadow of what it could have been You are clearly drunk, high, or a virgin both to steaks and blowjobs. How dare you suggest such heavenly pleasures be combined together, in such a way as to dilute the pure, unadulterated enjoyment of each individual act. It is not steak and blowjob day. It is steak, THEN blowjob, days.
Fuck that, I've been there, done that, and loved every bite and every second of it. Yeah, my girlfriend is that awesome. I win, you lose. I also get bonus points because she's a fuckin' vegetarian. Ha!
I remember the first time I had steak - hell, how can you not? My dad enjoys his without anything on it but a little salt and pepper - nothing but natural flavor - thrown on the grill until set at a perfect rare. The outside, crispy and marked; the insides, tender and delicious. Then one day, I found myself with a bottle of Montreal Steak spice. From that moment onward, steaks have been enlightened. All I'm trying to say is that something that is perfect can still be perfected. Generally, with a luscious pair of lips wrapped around your cock while you eat a perfectly cooked steak off the back of her head.
If you do that, you risk getting hair in your steak or losing some of the wonderful flavor rubbings. Why not just use your hands?
See title of thread. I'll pour one out for my homies today that are forced to get all Oogie Bear in order to receive the all-important blowjob. Don't forget to wear an 80's-style sweater tied around the neck and squeal at kittens in baskets. Snoogy-Woogy Wips.
Whatever, haters. I, along with most men, despise the Hallmarkedness of V-day, but I am going to enjoy the shit out of my night. A nice dinner at a restaurant downtown, getting drunk at the movie theatre even though the movie will probably suck, then back home for a night of wild monkey sex. It only comes once a year so I don't see the big deal. It's not like I'm buying diamond jewelry and a dozen over-priced roses.
Today is my brother's birthday... and since it's V Day, I've always gotten a present as well. My mom just gave me a lamp. It's pretty and all but I really don't need a lamp.
Due to just having a baby and all, we haven't had sex in like 6 months (literally), not by my choice though. Tonight was gonna be the night! Provisions were even purchased by him for the momentous occasion. Condoms and some of that nifty new KY his & hers stuff! Woo-hoo! Ro-o-omantic! Yeah, my period started last night. Even though I am breastfeeding and therefore not supposed to have one, that fucking shit came along anyway. My first one since giving birth, in fact. A few hours after announcing this to my husband, I told him "Hey! You've been given a reprieve!" To which he replied "Eh. I was hoping to go ahead and get it over with." I really hope he was kidding.
http://www.hulu.com/watch/25689/the-simpsons-getting-a-gift That is how we started out our day. "Happy Bacon Day, honey!" "Oh, that's crazy talk!" As you can imagine, V-Day is not that big a deal in our house. However, I'm always up for cooking "special" meals on "special" days, so I've got duck breast in the fridge for us to enjoy tonight. Mmm, duck fat.
I'm perpetually single, so being alone on Valentine's Day is nothing new. I think I might buy myself a big ol' bottle of wine and a bunch of dark chocolate and watch chick flicks while cuddling with the dog, who likes burrowing in my covers and thinks that he owns my bed.
Because you're getting a blowjob. Unless your hands and cock are so tiny you can fit them both in her mouth at once, that doesn't sound very feasible. Also, why don't you put some of that awesome spice on your dick? I mean, unless it's spicy or acidic or something it can only motivate a more enthusiastic performance. Oh the joys, dangers, and races to the ER room of applying random substances to penises, I could laugh at them all day. Also maybe samr's motivation to separate his pleasure is that he doesn't want to be eating a steak while his fiancee blows him and anal wind all over his immediate proximity. Opinion is driven by individual experience, and I think I just found the bias!
Well my valentine's day was awesome. Just walked home three doors after hooking up with my hot norwegian neighbor. Me and all my roommates are single, so we threw a party-that-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-fact-that's-it's-conspicuously-taking-place-on-valentine's-day party at my place last night and like 50+ people came. The Norwegian girl got drunk as shit, and at one point we were sitting on the couch and had this exchange: Her "We should go to your room." Me "I think so too." "But I don't want anyone to see" "I doubt anyone is looking" "I'll go first, you wait five minutes..." She leaves, and I swear to god, some douchebag follows her INTO MY ROOM. I immediately got up and she's there, on my bed, and he's standing over her, then looks at me, stutters something and bolts out. If that exchange had lasted anymore than the half a second it did, I swear there would have been violence involved. My roommate kicked him out right after that, also due to the fact that he was creeping out every girl in the house. I didn't think anyone could be sadder than me on Valentine's day, that kid proved me wrong.