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Fucked Up Pillow Talk, TiB Style

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Racer-X, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Is it weird that I'm reading these in Joe Buck's voice and find it hilarious?
  2. bonzo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Near Toronto
    Her: Can you give me a ride to court in the morning?

    After hooking up with some waitress at a strip club:

    Her: My boyfriend is on a hunting trip. He may be back tomorrow.

    I could not get out of there fast enough. I'm not very good at dodging bullets.
  3. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Not sure if I posted this on the old board, but sadly, for a single guy, I don't hear that much fucked up pillow talk.

    Picked up a random last summer who I knew before leaving the bar was all kinds of fucked up. We were grossly making out and I sort of pushed her down on to the bed. Nothing forceful at all ('push' seems like too strong a word), but she took it as a sign that I'm into rough sex (I'm not), so she immediately stops and asks, "are you good at choking? Could you choke me until just before I pass out?" I paused and said, "uh, I don't really know, but probably. Not sure I wanna risk it though."

    So we go at it, and the bitch scratches the shit out of my ribs and back. Now this can be hot, but it seemed kinda forced, like she was just doing it cuz she thought I liked it, not because she was that into it. When she started ripping my hair I had to turn her over for protection. Eventually we're facing each other again and she figures it's very much worth the risk:

    "Ah fuck it. You can choke me until I pass out."
  4. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    This one is easy. Just picture what you want her to do, or what you want to do to her, or what you actually are doing to each other, and describe it. Not in the play by play exactly literal way someone else said happened to her, but.. you know... sexy.

    I dated a couple girls related to this very comment while I was living in Bahrain. One of them didn't actually want to be choked out, but she had some kind of weird condition where when she got too hyped up, she'd just fucking pass out. I don't know if she was Narcoleptic or what. Problem was, the first time I ever saw it happen was when we were fucking. She passes out mid thrust, and I'm kinda drunk and thinking, "Did I just fuck this girl to death?" I was 20, and just that cocky. I'm trying to figure out what to do, when she gasps, starts breathing again, and asks me why the fuck I stopped. I was just trying to figure out if I was allowed to finish before calling the cops.

    The other one was that same year, and she was about 32. Taught me a lot of shit. But she loved to be choked. Hard. All the time. The problem I had with that one was this: she was on top, and suddenly she stops, peels my hands off her neck and says, very hesitantly, "Can I.. um... can I pee on you?" We stopped sleeping together shortly thereafter.

    I'm just glad she asked first. Would have been awkward if she'd just gone for it.
  5. Tyty

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    A while back I was getting with this sorority girl, she had just come back from a social thing where the theme was Caddy Shack. As I was just putting it in, I guess she was thinking about the evening and she moans the name of one of her sorority sisters. Strange part was that it wasn't even an attractive one.

    Somewhat demoralizing.