I don't have anything against Oprah personally, but I just never liked her... mostly due to the way she talked. I just don't think I could be friends with Oprah... On the other hand, I also am a victim of less cartoon time as a child because of Oprah. Her, and Major League Baseball can all go to hell for all I care for cutting into my prime years for enjoying cartoons like The Simpsons and Futurama. Oh well, I wonder who the next big-thing will be.
http://www.oprah.com/index Here you go, in case any of you missed it. Of all the things that you could direct any thought or anger at, almost everyone here has something against Oprah. Missed your tv time when you were a kid? Use your pink spray bottle to wash the sand outta your vagina. She's taking over the minds and souls of stupid people? http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm There are plenty of other things to be pissed about, our education system, health care, etc. She's been on the air for twenty-five fucking years! No one seemed to give that much of a shit until she decided to hang it up. After doing more good on the planet than bad. What kind of fantastic life has this woman had? Sure, she's made a few mistakes. Who hasn't? She's probably going to end up as our first female president. (If she ran tommorrow she'd kick everyone's ass.) When she went on the air, was the whole master plan to take over the world? Or to give something back to it? If I accomplish 1/1000 that Oprah did, I could die happy. On a side note, never watched her show.
What I couldn't stand was anything she said being taken as gospel. I tried for years to get my mom to read Ken Follet's Pillars of the Earth because I enjoyed it so much. For years she brushed me off because, "it wasn't her type of book." Well, what do you know, Oprah puts it on her book-of-the-month club selection and my mom buys a copy and reads it in a weekend. She then tries to tell me how great of a book it is, and that I should read it ASAP. Just seeing that fucking sticker on her copy made me want to burn it. Fuck Oprah and her mindless band of Stepford Wives following her every word. Fuck them in the mouth. Except my mom, she baked me cookies last week, she's ok.
Dude...no. That sentence alone sums up your post. You're responding in a gut reflex to someone you apparently lionize being under attack. You are too upset by the idea of someone bringing her down that you don't take the time to carefully think through your arguments, or carefully consider the points that the opposition is making. In places you're just responding illogically entirely out of upset reflex. The fact that Oprah inspires such fanatical viewership is irritating to others who wish to watch Television. That's all he's saying. He's not wrong, chill the fuck out. Does that mean she's charismatic and good at what she does? Yes, yes it does. Does that make it any less annoying to be unable to watch what you want? No, it really doesn't. Then the next section is you trying to make excuses for Oprah's getting swindled, without addressing the points he raises. Once in power Hitler won the people with charisma, ingenious social programs to get the children on his side, nationalism, propaganda, and playing on endemic racism/feelings of aryan superiority/outrage at the treaty of Versailles. It was only after he had swayed 99% of the population to his side through these methods that he finally captured the last 1% through the force of the 99% he'd convinced nonviolently. She isn't forcing her ideology through force and neither did Hitler 99% of the time, they're both just saying what the crowd wants to hear and reaping the loyalty that such an act garners. Just saying. Just do what all the other poor kids do, buy a gun and go to any intersection. Then all you have to do is walk up to whichever one you want. Focus: I don't give two fucks either way if Oprah stays or goes, I don't watch her now and I won't watch her in the future. I do, however, loathe Dr Phil. He's a blowhard pseudo intellectual windbag who thinks he knows better than everyone else and has no problem in telling everyone else exactly what they should be doing and delving into the realm of morality. Fuck him. Oprah gave us Phil, so she gets a little collateral damage from my hatred of him. But then it doesn't matter anyway, since she's not actually stopping the show, just moving it.
I didn't mind the O-dog until she decided to make "va-jay-jay" accepted terminology. Seriously, cooch would have been better.
It's because of this woman, I had to explain to my mom what 4chan is. Thank you Oprah, thank you, and all of your fact checkers for a job well done!
Well, all I know is, Tucker better get cracking on finishing Assholes Finish First so it can be inducted in the Oprah Book Club, because you know, it's going to be that fucking great. But seriously, she built an incredible media empire and with that comes (and takes) a certain degree of ego. Hearst, Turner and Murdoch come to mind. I was never a fan, but I do admire her business accomplishments. But as someone else mentioned, the thought of her in politics is scary.
I was waiting for that one. The first and last time I payed attention to Oprah. I echo the sentiment that she's done a great many things to better the world through her army of brainwashed bored housewives and her large piles of fuck-off money. She's the definition of the American Dream paying off that keeps the rest of the suckers trying for it.
The thing that bothers me about Oprah is that she is portrayed as such an amazing philanthropist but is still a billionaire.
Because she should give away all of her money, right? Fuck all the hard work she put into it, she should live as a middle class wage earner to give away everything she has. I think she's a pretty good philanthropist if she was the #1 in America.
I can't knock her for her philanthropy, as there are plenty of very well off people that do nothing and give nothing back. I guess I always thought of her, having had to sit through parts of the show in my youth, as a pseudo intellectual. I will say this, after having been home on weekdays recently, day time tv really sucks and pretty much anything with any merit could run forever. Never liked the show, nor her, but sadly it's probably a better show than 90% of what is on during the daytime.
Being a billionaire doesn't mean she has a billion dollars cash in a bank account. Her company and her show are where her wealth is derived. If people stopped watching her show today she'd be worth nothing in about a week. If she left the show and company and gave it away to a charity, the same thing would happen. Would you accept criticism for owning a $200,000 house while only giving $5000/year to charity? That's how you're criticizing her. Besides, it's her money. She can do whatever the hell she pleases with it. I don't get people who criticize others over how much they give to charities. If you don't like it, go make your own billion dollars, and then you can give away however much you want. It's not like she stole it from anyone.
They missed the opportunity for cross-promotion. A calendar shoot, wherein a naked Oprah is covered head to toe with a different Newman's Own dressing for each month of the year. You build a huge bonfire next to the sales booth and charge $15 bucks a pop to send those pictures straight to hell. "YOU get to keep your eyesight!! YOU get to keep your eyesight!!! YOU get to keep your eyesight!!!" Fucking children will have more canned beans and poverty blankets than their cold, starving asses will know what to do with.
I just jizzed myself thinking about those photos. FOCUS: I think part of the issue is the fact that she's now perceived as having always been this saintly character, when in fact, she was just as deep in the late 80's-early 90's trash talk show battles as Geraldo, Donahue, Sally Jessie Raphael, etc. I've always heard (and believe) the phrase "Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future", but I think the fact that people forget the early years of her show is a point of contention. At least, this is part of my beef. Yes, she's done great things, and has changed her shows format, but this is still not an excuse to put on airs and act supercilious. She's the "Queen of Media", but she's queen of a media filled with stupidity and mediocrity. Basically, she was in the right place at the right time. And no, even if she was a he, or white, or whatever, I still would not be that impressed with "OPRAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Yes, she's a household word, but so is garbage, and it stinks when it gets old too. Good luck with the new venture, and get out of the spotlight.
I hate saying this, but besides all the bullshit she does, she has helped tons of people. But then again, so did Bono and he is still a douchebag. Charity is supposed to be a personal endeavor, not a marketing strategy.
Until Oprah invites Kathy Griffin on her show and chooses her book, Official Book Club Selection, as her official book club selection, I can't be bothered to care.
Can't knock the hustle. Homegirl gets paper. Plus, I was impressed that she was able to get Middle America to take on weighty literature. I'm not the classical lit snob type at all, but getting soccer moms to read Tolstoy and Faulkner? Damn, that's impressive. ^ To paraphrase WWTDD, that story wins both the gold and silver medal for best euphemisms for lesbian sex in a mainstream news story.