For my post regarding Eyes Wide Shut: That movie was a big let-down. I took a girl to see it when I was in highschool, and I didn't get laid afterwards; it has nothing to do with the movie, but it didn't make a good impression. - DixieBandit
For the post regarding Kim Kardashian being aesthetically pleasing but overall revolting I swear to Allah, we need to create a website like Shit my Dad says for Crown Royal and just repost what this fucker says.
For comparing the Chilean miners to Fallout 3, JoeCanada sent me this: If you've played the game before, you'd know how funny this is.
For my totally rational anger and hatred: I'm really not sure if this was a joke or not, and if it wasn't... who the hell is actually attracted to the Jonas Brothers that isn't 14?
For my post about a Roman Polanski movie having good pacing: Not sure if he's disgusted with the pedophilia or just the fucking.
For my several rants about how drained I am now that university started again. "waaaaa woe is me I get out to party several nights a week and get laid all the time." If I was Les Grossman I'd hire a key grip to punch you in the face. - carrymehome
For my recent post in the Networking With Idiots thread. I said I hadn't gotten any responses last time I posed a similar question. big B's rep might be a little too rage filled to be taken as a joke, but it made me laugh anyway.
For my rant: "What's worse than fleas?" I answered: "Nothing." You answered: "Bedbugs, homeboy. Bedbugs are far, far worse." "Fleas on your nuts." "Bedbugs. With bedbugs you just have to burn everything you own." "bedbugs are way worse." You know why bedbugs aren't worse? I don't have bedbugs, I have fleas. That's why. redbullgreygoose answered: "What about an orderless poison that slowly kills you by shrinking your penis until your heart fails three months later?" Okay, that might be worse. I don't hate you, redbull.
For my pseudo-tyraid against an unnamed RMMB: Let me guess. Silly Little Fag?- Nitwit You picked a fight with slf huh?- Durbanite sillylittlefreak, I presume?- KIMaster Was that Frogs? I hate that place.- rbz90 So you are suggesting TheBunny had a penis?- Kubla Kahn Swing and a miss, friends. I'm guessing I'm one of very, VERY few that never actually had a problem with Bunny or SLF. To answer I can't name names, so we'll say it rhymes with "Diet Coke Head"
For my rave about getting a date with the hottest chick I know: E. Tuffman Mike Ness Gator Someone give these guys another cup of Haterade, they chugged the last one.
In response to my post on enjoying a girly twist on pumpkin beer: Hate all you want, it was delicious and I will no doubt be drinking it again before the season is over. I don't care how gay that makes me seem.
I'm a sucker for a good quote, so was delighted when I received this rep in response to one of my professors being John Malkovich
For my last post in the Always Sunny in Philadelphia thread, KIMaster put: I'll give him this: this man is COMMITTED to giving me red dots to go through the thread and count the number of disparaging posts about the show.
In the R&R Thread, I wrote: Some of you responded with: And, my favorite: Oh yeah, you're all fucking hilarious. But, I'll show you -- I'm going to spend up all your social security money. Now excuse me while I go to the early bird special.
My red dot from the pet thread of my Starburst Baboon Tarantula: MateFeedKillRepeat You got me dude. Considering my spider came from this shop in Wales through the exotic pet store I buy from. They wouldn't take a picture of a spider they were selling and put it on the interwebs would they? Who the fuck wants pictures before they buy? Dumbfuck.