In response to this post: <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&p=78995#p78995</a> I'm not a fan of acronyms, but this thing made me LOL. I was not aware of how desperate his situation is.
In reference to my post about my drinking buddies getting pregnant: Durbanite got it right. That is a rave for sure.
All green dots, on the subject of some kind of karmic jungle fever I've been experiencing at work: Viking33: Dcc001: Evolution: Thanks folks, that'll give me something to think about when I'm riding my horse to work Monday morning (because that's what we do in Texas).
For my post about dropping out of school to play in a band: Thanks guys! I appreciate the- oh what's that, Frebis has something to say? Well, shit.
Referencing this post Guys, I swear, I drink manly things usually! Promise. I really need to stop admitting when I drink the girly shit.
Today I was looking at my rep comments and saw for the first time this gem from Ballsack3.0 about this post...
I hate almost everything about where I'm from, too, with two exceptions: 1) Central time zone. Fuck the Eastern time zone. I love prime time being at 7. I love that I can watch The Daily Show at 10 instead of 11, I love that I can catch 'late night' shows an hour earlier. Lived in the Eastern time zone for 6 years, and hated it. 2) I'd rather live near Chicago than Indianapolis. Otherwise, yes, fuck the shit-hole area I live in. If I could, I'd move far, far away from the midwest.
Another round of gold... I got some feedback from my avatar but nothing as analytical as Kubla Kahn's I said I had an interview lined up, Disgustipated had some fashion advice For giving hotwheelz some advice, Harry Coolahan thought I was mistaken Post unrelated, but BakedBean was curious* *To answer: I was really pissed off for losing ALL MY VALIDATION POINTS at first but now I'm okay. My self-esteem is mighty bruised though, so I'd hate it if anybody neg-repped me again. For my the tit pics in the booby thread, Puffman thought to say and E.Tuffmen offered some life advice Turns out that whatisinaname is the board's borderline personality disorder. For the booby pic he had to offer this nugget of wisdom but then for my Halloween costume... Aww 'lil bro... maybe if you were a bit less of a closet-homosexual you'd have "nice tits like that" sleeping with you too! Damn, I now feel sad for you as well...
I got this one from The Sack for my post on the Getting Canned thread: I wonder if he knows South Africa isn't a State in the U.S., or Mexico for that matter. Also, we don't have a "republican" party here. There's only the ANC, who have a massive overwhelming majority, since they have an alliance with the SACP (South African Communist Party) and COSATU (Council Of South African Trade Unions). So no, all we have here is Communists in government. Yay?
I don't normally contribute to this thread, because apparently very little of what I post is controversial. However, I got a few funny reps about the armadillo that was tormenting my yard, which I subsequently shot (and found out today I killed). Kubla Kahn: After that rep, in the ensuing several days and counting, I have used the word "armadildo" in conversation at least 7+ times. I don't know what that says about the quality of my conversations, but regardless, no, I have not credited him with inventing it. As far as others know, "armadildo" was my word, because I am that funny, damnit! Jennitalia: You laugh, I cry. They suck. But yes, it could potentially be a funny word. Like if a stripper was named "Silo the Armadillo" or something like that.... actually, that's a better name for like a mob boss. Whatever. They both take my money. rei: Yes, it died quick. And yes, every gun control argument does lose to that logic. In fact, every gun control argument loses to pretty much everything I use guns for: home protection against invaders that are realistically just in my imagination, drunken fun, sober fun, and ridding my yard legally of pests and varmints and whatever else I want to kill that won't subsequently destroy the ecosystem. I differ in this argument to Lord Homer Simpson in saying, "Guns are a tool, like an alligator." Saint: You just gave me a great idea. And about another grand in home repair bills. Fuck. It's a double-edged sword. Angel_1756: That was the second time I had been called toytoy, in as many days. I am not sure if this is a compliment, or insult; however, I must make at least two distinct differences between myself and him: 1) I am not, not could you ever possibly infer that I am, a closet pedophile obsessed with my niece's perceived innocence. 2) I have a job, and a future, and no criminal record. Although I do have a parrot, live on a ranch, drive and frequently use a tractor, have drunkenly driven said tractor, used to drive a truck, shoot firearms safely but indiscriminately, chased lights of unknown origin while vocalizing threats to shoot and kill them, and sworn to anybody who would listen that I saw a ghost.... ok, I guess the line kind of blurs at a certain point. katococh: 1) I didn't brag about it (it was a "rant"). 2) It wasn't online, it was in person. In my fucking yard. 3) It wasn't a marginal shot, it was a reasonable shot, that would have been followed by an even better shot if not for unforeseen circumstances (like me laughing). 4) I don't know what DRT means, but I did put it down. It's about 40 yards behind my house and this afternoon I located it by following the vultures. 5) Real mean don't have to brag. They just have shit on their walls that intimidates you when you walk in. [5.5) For the record, and completely going against everything you'd probably infer from above, I actually don't like hunting. At least not with rifles with scopes. Shotguns and pistols, yes. Bow and arrow, even better. Anything with open sights and beyond reasonable range is fair game. Reason is, and I don't mean to brag, but I'm honestly a good shot. I once killed a squirrel at a measured 82 yards with an open sighted pellet gun. It was on a dare, and I hit it through the head first shot. Whoops. So since it's not sport anymore, I'd rather just watch the deer or whatever, and see them in their natural habitat. Yes, I do hand feed them outside the house, and yes, I do get to wake up every morning with several 8-10 pointers chasing doe in my yard.]
Wow. Not two fucking minutes ago I post a "rant" about how I fell in love with a girl for smoking the same brand of cigarettes. How does Mr. Gravitas feel about that? You mean-spirited son of a bitch.
I rarely post here but this was just too good not to share. One of the fine TiB ladies left this for me: I think the thread it came from is obvious.
For this post regarding my gf possible having pinkeye. Sadly she does not enjoy the dutch oven, I know from experience. What? How do you know if you don't give it a shot?
My first day back has been encouraging And then there's ballsack: I'm amused that in order to continue to red dot me he will have to spread love and good will to other board members, so in a way I'm a rep-martyr for the benefit of other board members. That or spread hate and loathing, which will probably bite him in the ass in kind. Either way I'm taking credit because I'm fucking awesome. Also I'm a little offended that he didn't send me the jack-off video he sent to Shegirl. I thought we were butt buddies, ballsy? No bro love for your biggest (pun intended and factually accurate) admirer? Don't make me rape your mother with your father. I HAVE DONE AN ART Spoiler
From the golden lab sex abuse scandal in the pet thread... so you're saying it's not abuse because you feed him after you fuck him? Gravitas Is that why she is on your bed, with a look of horror like "please, not again." zyron Awesome outdoor furniture. Did you have it custom made? whatisinaname Jesus, only take candid shots from now on. That second picture makes me think you sexually abuse animals or something awful like that.... Pinkcup
Holy shitstorm, Batman! My new avatar got a slew of rep from people spazzing out and foaming at the mouth. Guess I’ll change it before someone tries to sue me for death by epilepsy. But I'd like to give the flag one last wave here, for historical purposes. Spoiler
Maybe it's just me but I found this hilarious. I made fun of ballsack in the sober thread and he repped his response: