For my post asking how to "naturally" get rid of the weeds, bugs, and rabbits around our house, because my wife won't let me use chemicals: You, sir, have given me a perfect recommendation for my wife.
Frank had the balls to post something he knew he shouldn't so I banned him for a day. It was more a joke than anything else. It's here if anyone cares. Anyway Solaris here decided to take it upon himself to tell me the following: And you really need to steer clear of me. I don't like you, you know that. Are you that dumb? Actually never mind, yes you are, no punctuation or caps. Whereas Frank who got the ban and has a sense of humor left me this: I would never deny that fact kind Sir.
This happened a bit ago, but I never posted it. I recently got a job as a "Mudlogger" and a few of you seem to be slightly confused on what it may entail. I am not infact a gay, fudgepacking, pipeunclogging manual laboror, although all of it kind of gave me a chuckle. I analyze rocks all day. It's boring, but better than pounding male ass on the regular.
Another from Roxanne True but the flooded basement would just ruin my fiery pet. But I guess everything above would be "Taken care of" so to speak.
In response to me getting my shit together, and getting in shape... Really? I thought you all cared about my well-being and my feelings. Every time I go grocery shopping, I tell my husband that the fruit and vegetable aisles make me sweat a little. To a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And to a sex addict, everything looks like a sex toy.
I was really bored when I posted this as a joke, but evidently the sarcasm wasn't overt enough, because I received a couple concerned replies: I referenced Joe DiMaggio and FDR's New Deal as if they were current. I figured that would have been pretty obvious. And no, I don't have polio.
In regards to my post-graduation Summer plans: Don't know why, but this made me chuckle. Maybe because it would be a scene out of a Bruce Willis movie, or something.
In response to the name of the vBulletin theme that I suggested for this place's new look, "Blue Steel": And my favorite:
Over the months I'd forgotten about this thread. Here's a good one from one of the confused young men on the board, fuzzzy: I bet you think "pegging" isn't gay either.
Wise words. Should have heeded them. Were it not for the 24 oz. can of beer in between her heel and my face, I would have five less teeth right now. The beer was not so fortunate.
You guys are jerks. But funny jerks. From my post saying that the girl I lost my virginity to died less than a year later: Not that I noticed.... ....Probably.