Hahahahaha. For my post about the fact that the Uni I work at has 13,471 female students, approximately 0 of whom are sleeping with me, Nom says: Hey man, all I want to do is run a tag and release program, is that so wrong?
Hehehehe! Post irrelevant: Good to know man, good to know! Out of context comment of the day! And although not technically a rep, a PM exchange with Dcc001 went like this:
For this post While admittedly funny given the context of the thread he's probably referencing that I started, I actually do not hate kids. I think they're fucking useless little shits, but I don't hate them, they're like super expensive dogs that live way too long and despise you. As long as you're honest about that, it's all good.
Because Hulkamania ran wild, brother: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:42 pm: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:43 pm: I got a HUGE kick out of the nearly simultaneous love for Randy. Dude's gettin' up there. He'd probably break a hip.
These two make me laugh. Regarding my brief sandwich competition with Devil's Advocate: While Gator said: This is particularly funny to me because I honestly don't know who he's suggesting is the dyke, me or Ms. Advocate. I'm a straight guy (despite what my reps would tell you), and as far as I know Devil is straight, although I really have no idea about her preferences outside the sandwich department.
From the WDT about comment hog hunting I got this reply to my rep fucking stabbed?! I keep picturing the scene from Forgetting Sarah Marshall where dude is stabbing the pig yelling "I'M SORRY!!!! I'M SORRY!!!!" while sobbing
Evolution: Knowing this board, you only bought the fish to have sex with them or eat them. Probably both.
From the Halloween Costume Thread Any time I mention I'm black I always get a rep saying "Wait, you're black?" every fucking time...
For my post of my kids in the drunk thread, Rob4Broncos left me this. I think if you wanted to preempt any black jokes, you should have refrained from referring to your own children as a thief and a diva. It gave me a hearty chuckle. Dick move good sir, but fair enough.