All these in response to me posting my ranga beard for all to see. I still don't quite understand the Abo/Dingo cross one.
this post Does your boyfriend like opera as well? LessTalk MoreStab Enjoy, it's fucking AWESOME. Crown Royal Did you get one for your boyfriend as well? MadDocker You forgot the second half. "Rant: My boyfriend says I'm bottom this week." Gravitas Thats a Rave? hoju Thanks everbody, with the exception of Crown Royal and hoju for calling me gay. (Not that theres anything wrong)
I just really wanted everyone to see this again. I have laughed out loud numerous times at this board but this was pure genius. Anyone who can remember Tucker's strange hatred for The Hangover has to just fucking love this. Sorry to have it reprinted but it was posted while the Thread was really new and I don't want anyone to miss it.......IT's GOLD JERRY!!! GOLD!
For one of my many insults directed toward Durbanite. I don't know if Durbanite or other posters realize I'm half-serious, but that just makes it funnier.
For my rant: <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=3&p=37169#p37169</a> Roxanne-Yes, that is always the trouble. Bad sex is like having a bowl of cereal when you're starving, it just doesn't satisfy that craving the way you had hoped. Indiana-Ah... see now THAT'S the real key isn't it. Any moron in heels with a pussy can get laid. Earth shattering, coma inducing, "I will even do you again the next morning" orgasms are harder to 'come' by. The girls know... whathasbeenseen-Why is it I picture you laying back, legs akimbo, with an Oxford Dictionary in one hand and Olympic Judges’ scorecards in the other hand. Man, the pressure to please you must be brutal on a lad. You know me in real life, that's how. Supertramp-ey bitch, I can fuck you good, I can fuck you real good. ssssssssnatch! I am so dry at the thought.
For my awesome dogs (and wife) in the pet thread: <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=3&p=36639#p36639</a> Wake her ass up and tell her that laundry in that basket isn't going to fold itself. Clearly Maximus is so threatening that your wife has fainted from the fear Max is copping a feel on your wife's cleavage. You going to stand for that? It looks like Maximus is trying to steal second base. I would set some ground rules if I were you. I think your dog is making a move on your wife...better check that shit
For my rant about excessive beer pissing, and my decision to switch to Amaretto rocks instead, senorviper wrote: For the record, I cannot, and will not, stomach whiskey. Straight, rocks, or mixed, can't stand it. Also, I have three go-to drinks if I'm in the mood for liquor: vodka neat, gin and tonic, or amaretto rocks. From my understanding of popular critique on those drinks, this indicates I am: vodka) russian douchebag (I'm an edumucated redneck) G & T) old man who drinks to mask the pain of some killer war stories (young man who shoots guns at shit to relieve stress from family) and after last night amaretto rocks) sickly old lady (oft-sickly young man)
For my response in the Top 10 Sex Myths thread: BlueDog So poetic, I feel my heart growing three sizes.
In response to: Beware indeed. I tried Clamato once, and I have never vomited so violently. I don't foresee a Twilight marathon in my future, but I can't lie, I would probably bone the shit out of Kristen Stewart.
For this I got this: Is it wrong that I laughed at this? ... and for this I got this: I can't think of an appropriate response to this.