Building cathedral turns brother against brother. (Fuck, the book is longer than the Bible - I almost picked a Dr. Seuss book instead...)
Ah, but (spoiler alert) in the end, he DID like those green eggs and ham! Man meets soap maker, mayhem ensues.
White girl goes on a hike. Old guys go on a hike. Kid meets a Judge, shenanigans ensue. April pilgrimage, too many fucking stories. Dragon > monster's mother > monster, fights naked.
Wild and Walk in the Woods (I repped them already but mine were indeed Kavalier and Clay and Bell Jar)
Re: MobyDuk said: ↑ Alt. Focus - Same rules but movie(s) 19 year old gets buttered up Perhaps to both, but see Post 9.
Hunt for Red October. Angsty teenaged farmer recruited to a terrorist organization destroys government facility killing thousands. In space.