Well shit.. I didn't realize there were fucking rules about the length of a sentence. Farmer terrorist destroys government space installation.
Serial killer, great nose, wants virgins. Fought in Pennsylvania, covers both sides. Movies: Man dies daily, falls in love. Boy with huge dong becomes star.
Nope, it was the original Star Wars. I just felt badly that I'd caused such a panic that I tried to redo it into the "proper" form.
No other Discworld fans? The Color of Magic Movies: Mid level bureaucrat finds love with a potential terrorist, hangs out with Robert De Niro and hates paperwork.
He didn't die every day in Groundhog Day, only while he went suicidey- berzerk from being heartsick over Rita. Cruise had to get himself killed every day in Edge of Tomorrow. EoT basically is an action version of Groundhog Day with the "reset" thing in the plot. But only one has Emily Blunt looking as disgustingly, atrociously hot as she did. And if you haven't seen it, that movie is completely fucking awesome. Worthy of multiple views.
Bright Asshole Gets On Everyone's Nerves Scumbag Kid Rats Out His Friends Mobsters Pussy Kid Gets Really Lucky Job Listing Fails To Mention Risks Women Fight To Death For Shoes Dying On Shitter And Anal Rape
Books: Nukes, civilization different but same, nukes. What goes up... might die there The Bible if God could write Exposes industry, attracts douchebags to it