I'm no scientician, but generally when a girl tells you she's having trouble photographing her own ass, she wants you to photograph her ass.
Yup, I hate that stupid book. I forced myself to read it front to back because of all the hubbub about it and I came away feeling dumber than when I started. Same old post-modernist bullshit rehashed in a different context.
No it doesn't help to set a timer. A timer doesn't check to see if it's in focus, a timer can't let you know you should have bleached your anus first, and a timer definitely can't reach over and pick out that roll up piece of TP that got stuck in those pale ass hairs you think you don't have. My boss worked in corrections many years ago and mentioned the fact that prisoners often liked to get the guards to comment on the nude pics their girlfriends would send. His guilty pleasure was looking at the guy after and taking all his joy away with one little comment. "that's nice and all, but who took that picture?" On anouther thought, local website is now stating that this is a supposed comedy attempt instead of an editorial. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.castanet.net/news/Entertainment/73184/O-Factor-Non-tippers-beware" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.castanet.net/news/Entertainm ... ers-beware</a> I guess they must have watched it after the fact. Could someone please put a dick in her mouth to shut her up.
Finally time to get the weekend started, and what better way to kick it off with a little Sailor Jerry?
With a LOT of Sailor Jerry? OK, I saw on the news that there are people taking out home equity lines of credit to buy tickets for the $640M MegaMillions. I'm guessing it's going to end up being WELL north of $700M by draw time. We've had talks about "fuck you" money on this board, but frankly, if you won $700,000,000+ in the lottery all on your own, is that "fuck you" money, or is that "way too much, I'm going to have a breakdown" money?
Saturday morning and I've already been up for two hours and gone for a run in that time. Red Wings on tv and then off to the pub to watch some Rugby. April would have to be my favourite month of the year.
Most people can't manage the income they have now, why should a $700 million windfall ameliorate that problem? Now they don't have to worry about discretion. Money will probably make these people even dumber. Reminds me of the dude in S FL. He won about $24 million. PISSED it all away in a matter of about 4 years. His house looked like white trash heaven. Baubles and gaudy furniture, toys of all sorts, furry white rugs, chandeliers, and the walls adorned with both French-style scones and art you buy at the fucking mall. He blew about 80k on life size replicas of The Blues Brothers. His back porch looked like a store there was so much shit laying around. He is now in jail for selling meth to pay off his creditors. Meaning instead of stopping his spending habits when he was running low, he took out MORE credit, mortgaged his house, and continued to buy without any fucking source of income. Unless by income you mean his daughter's trust fund.
He also didn't get his in one big fucking check overnight. I'd take my chances too, but still, it seems like that kind of cash fucks up a lot of people's lives that have won it before.
It's all about the timer. Then you should set a mark, so when you put the camera in its spot, you know you're getting your ass in the shot. Angles are also important, so experiment and find what works best. Obviously bending over slightly and arching your back is going to help out a lot. The rest is just good lighting and prayer.
You're correct, but as a general rule people who win the lottery are pretty fucking stupid to begin with. I know a family that won about $150,000 pissed it all away very quickly and ended up losing their house. On the other hand I work with money and know how to handle it. Even though technically it's not the best option, I would buy a geometrically increasing life annuity starting $1 million a year as soon as I got the money. Again, not the best choice, but at least I know I'll be comfortably set for life, no matter how fucking stupid I am.
Someone hands you a half billion dollars and investing is your first move? I call bullshit. My guess is that you'd buy a lifetime supply of dragon t-shirts. That much money would fuck anyone up. I sincerely hope a win of that nature comes with the phone number of a reliable and trustworthy financial advisor. You can't throw a half billion at a trailer park family and figure that they'll just sort that shit out on their own.
I mean, even if I bought a lifetime supply of dragon shirts, even if I bought every single dragon shirt in existence I'm pretty sure I'd still have enough left over for the annuity. So even if investing wasn't my first move, I'd still be set.