Well, this is brilliant. My friend (entirely different one) made a tumblr of him trolling women on POF.
Keep it classy, Pennsyltucky. http://news.yahoo.com/fans-burn-couches-flip-cars-kentuckys-win-033832402--spt.html
When the fuck did we start exporting confederate flags? I have never seen that shit in northern America, like ever. I thought the CAR might be some tribute to a military accomplishment, which is fairly common down here. Well, more common than confederate flags in Canada, or so I thought, which makes even less sense.
You must not live near south central Pennsylvania. And I'm not even talking about souvenir flags - I grew up in/around Gettysburg, and people fly confederate flags all over the place. Hell, I knew a kid at my high school that had the "Dixie" car horn.
Fuck me, I remember being an ignorant little shit that actually wanted a confederate flag sticker on my back windshield. Thank God I grew out of that. In other news... This is my buddy. There are many like him, but this one is mine. My buddy is my best friend. He is my life. I must master being his owner, and friend, as I must master my life. My buddy, without me, is useless. Without my buddy, I am useless.
Online dating, here I come. On another note a little bit of country, and a little bit of rock and roll.
I read somewhere that it is more of a symbol of rural whites, a "rallying cry" if you will. They feel that they are being ignored in political discourse, they feel mocked by the coastal and big city elites, and that is their sign. Or they are just racist fucks. I dunno.
As one fine, upstanding, southern gentleman once said to me "My flag ain't got nothing to do with the niggers."
I finally got a new phone today and it is the tits. Samsung Galaxy S2, shots all over Apple. I tried to give you Idiots phone boobs but I haven're quite figured that out yet.
Everything with a penis has tried to put it in me this week. I'm seriously not bragging. I'm stunned. Is it spring fever? Do they know someone is? What is going on? I have been working harder than I have in years, yet they're reaching out? I'm just turning down dick every time I turn my head. They circled me like sharks tonight after another 10 hour day. I was repelling 2 more by text. I went home alone...by choice. 6 week dry spell sucked, but this is ridiculous.
In the meanest April Fool's prank ever, this bacon coffin might be a hoax. Don't fuck with me like that, boy. BACON COFFIN. Goddammit.
I wouldn't expect Americans to know it, but the Canadian Airborne Regiment, despite being a bunch of utter badasses for most of its history, also played host to what is probably the darkest moment in Canadian military history (more in the sense of soldiers behaving poorly, not in the sense of thousands of young men dying). They did have their accomplishments, but they've been vastly overshadowed when two members tortured and murdered a Somali teenager in 1993. As in, overshadowed their accomplishments so much that a medal wasn't even made for the deployment. <a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Airborne_Regiment" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Airborne_Regiment</a> What the wiki article doesn't tell you is that one of the units of the CAR frequently flew the confederate flag inside their barracks or while they were marching around in the field. I've read it argued - by very serious people - that the flying of the flag wasn't meant as a racist gesture by those doing it, but was one of those cultural quirks that airborne regiments develop. I wasn't there and don't know what to make of it, but it still doesn't look good. But yeah, country bars in Canada flying the Confederate flag. And it wasn't just the typical "stars and bars", it was also the flag of Mississippi, and some other Confederate flags (the one with the five stars in a circle, if you know what I mean). Oh, and also a Texas flag.
It was a damn good time. I completely lied about the pictures, we'd look like a bunch of asshole tourists surrounded by a lot of very serious KU people. I've heard stories of females that actually cared about sports sans male influence. But I never ever thought I'd see a group of 9 girls, no males, at a bar 5+ hours early to watch a basketball. They weren't the only group either. Once again I will kick myself for going to the wrong college.
Now this is how politics should be sorted out. Spoiler On the left, Liberal MP Justin Trudeau. On the right, Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau. Fight that shit out, boys.
Who won? I would say we should do this here, but we would just get back to the days of Burr v. Hamilton in a month or two.