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Game of Thrones - Season 5

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Parker, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    I'd rather take the throne when everybody else is at their weakest and the country is most fractured. Even though Baelish is essentially bullshitting his way to the top, being a paper king is better than not being a king at all. It's much easier to consolidate power from above than below. A bully holds power over someone because of threats and intimidation, right up until the bullied gets sick of it and punches them in the face. If Baelish holds the crown and cows the populace until he gets an actual military behind him, he'd be able to hold power. If I were in that position, I'd offer to marry a daughter to the strongest military family left standing or the biggest enemy in order to bring them to heel.
  2. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    So many good points here. I agree with Kubla when he says "Then again, given how he killed her aunt I'm not so sure just being related to Catelyn really means that he cares all that much." Even in the books, (I don't remember there being an actual kiss, but let me know if I'm wrong), we don't KNOW that he's obsessed with her. Also in regards to the Sansa strategy, he could be placing Sansa close to an enemy knowing she's growing in her boldness and can snap at any point. No one is going to frown on her when she does and gets some revenge on Ramsay/Roose (assumed story not spoiler btw).

    What Littlefinger wants is interesting, because he wants power, but not to rule. He doesn't seem to have a desire to rule (i.e. sit on the Iron Throne), just have the power to do shit when he wants too. His history is that he comes from a house so small, they didn't even have their own sigil. He created his own. So it's interesting to think about if he really needs an army or not, if that is the power he wants or if it is really just information. Tywin won a war without using his army, he used his pen. Power is also a concept they're playing with shown in the conversation between Lady Olenna and the High Sparrow. Power does or doesn't exist when a large group of people decide to ignore it like they did with Cersei.
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    They kissed in the book like the show. Lysa sees and flips just the same. Looking back he did orchestrate smuggling Joffery's poison into the wedding unbeknownst to Sansa, while making it easier for him to smuggle, puts her at greater risk of being discovered or directly implicated in his death. If something had gone wrong with her escape he could have also just claimed it was all her. Not as protective as you'd think if he was as obsessed with her as her mom.
  4. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    Baelish definitely has some weird obsession with her. He mentions multiple times how much she looks like her mother, and given that he shoves Lysa out the Moon Door by professing to have only loved Cat, I think it's pretty safe to assume that he's got some weird fixation for the person who is exactly like Catelyn in nearly every respect.

    I also think it was pretty safe that Tyrion was going to take the wrap for the poison. And she was directly implicated in his death, by Cersei, but I don't think Baelish would have put her at risk if he wasn't certain he could get her out of there easily.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    But I mean the mere fact that it was in a necklace she'd wear would condemn her even if that kangaroo court wasn't stacked against her. Why not just have Dontos bring it in and slip it to Oleanna? He was going to kill him anyway and wouldn't have directly implicated her if shit went wrong. You know other than the fact that if she didn't know she had the poison she couldn't have implicated him.
  6. Juice

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Its safe to say Littlefinger is the best part of the show, except for Tyrion. Every now and then a little bit of Tommy Carcetti slips in into his speech, or maybe Im just imagining things.
  7. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm still a big fan of Jaime and Bronn, although I think I liked seeing Tyrion/Bronn together a bit more.

    I know he's a deserved fan favorite, but I fucking hate Little Finger. Not sure what it is exactly. Maybe it's the subtle hint of arrogance behind everything he says, but whenever he's on screen all I can think about is how much I want to punch him in the face.

    I hope we start seeing more of Dany's dragons. They're not mature yet, but their definitely big enough to do some serious damage. The question of course is if she can get them under control....

    Speaking of which (possible spoiler from book 5) -

    So are they just scrapping the entire Victarion storyline then? I get that some plots aren't going to make it into the show, but I'm surprised that this one is gone entirely given how important it appears it will be.
  8. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    I think that he meant to implicate her. It made her complicit in murdering Joffrey, and even if she doesn't know it, that ties her closer to Baelish. It also meant that she no longer had any friends in Kings Landing, and considering Baelish's plan is to make her think he's her only safe option, that was a good way to go about it.

    It also would have been weird to see Olenna talking to the court jester at any point in the ceremony, and people tend to remember weird things like that. Not so weird if she's seen talking to Sansa, though, so no one could ever point the finger at the Tyrells, and I imagine Olenna wouldn't have gone along with it if there was even the smallest hint that she could be implicated. Given that Baelish leaves little to chance, I would imagine these were all things taken into account.

    One last thing about Baelish and Sansa too, spoiler from Book 5:
    In ADWD you learn that he originally asks Cersei for permission to marry Sansa before they decide to marry her to Tyrion. That's pretty much the nail in my coffin of he wants this girl for himself.

    And another last thing, spoiler for the show:

    They started casting for season 6, and one of the role descriptions is for a pirate-type character that very clearly resembles Euron Crow's Eye. I don't know if they're going to meld his character with Victarion or have them both, but either way, hopefully next season is a little bit GoT: Boat Adventures.
  9. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Ice giant LIKE A BOSS.


    I guess we just met the King Of All Badguys. Holy shit. I was not expecting a huge-ass battle scene out of the blue like that. I guess Valerian steel ALSO fucks up the white walkers' shit.

    I mean holy shit, did that really just fucking happen? That was NUTS! I was really starting to like the wildling chick. The way she bought it was sooooo creepy and well-done.
  10. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    Is it just me or did the sigil on his brooch look like wolf-ian? It would have to be Benjen Stark, right?

    Also, I'm so goddamn glad Tyrion is playing the game again. If he was 6'4" instead of 4'6", he'd have taken over the world by now. I think Ser Friendzone really needs to take a hint. Have him heroically stop an assassin or something and die.

    Between Meereen, the North and King's Landing, Arya's storyline feels really out of place. I get that she's going to be some kind of medieval Beatrix Kiddo. I get that you have to crawl, walk then run. What I don't like is that we have to watch all of it happen. Personally, I think we could have gotten skipped Arya's storyline this season and gotten an expository monologue or something next season. Regardless, I'm hoping that after she kills the life insurance salesman they're able to jump ahead and have her murdering heads of state soon.

    I thought it was great that Theon owned up to what a shitbag he is/was and tried to apologize for it. I'll be really interested to see how the Winterfell dynamic will change now that Sansa knows that there's two living male Stark heirs. Specifically, how Ramsey will react to another threat to his future. Of course, living male Starks makes a living female Stark slightly less valuable. I wonder what would happen if Osha rolls into a loyal Stark bannerman's hold with Rickon?
  11. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I thought humans could only turn into wights. The white walkers are at least eight feet tall, too. I always keep thinking Benjen still has a vital role to play in some way or the other since we haven't seen him since the beginning. Surely he'll turn up again somehow, right?
  12. Juice

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Save for a few others, this might be my favorite episode of the series so far. Its been a while since anyone really felt the threat from the White Walkers, and this was very well done. The scenes with Tyrion and Dany were great as well, Tyrion hasnt been this good in a long time.
  13. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    That shit was epic on levels that I can't even process. They've completely blown the books storyline to shit. Now, I don't want to say this is my favorite episode or this is the best episode ever, for a number of reasons. Game of Thrones (as is ASOIF) is great because of the attention to minor details between these massive war scenes. The conversations between Dany and Tyrion were just as electric as this the Hardhome scene. This shit was just way more visceral and REALLY well done.

    Yeah, given they dropped the White Walker mic so fucking hard, it really fucks up Arya's storyline. Well, they basically shit on every other storyline and made them look petty real quick. It really fucks up everyone's storyline, because now you have all these people who have seen the shit as opposed to stories here or there. They're still going to be interesting, because everything matters. People are going to be upset when the show isn't Game of Walkers the next two episodes, because they got a lot of other shit to get to.
  14. Juice

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Basically. This is now such a clear-cut existential threat, nothing else remotely comes close in terms of importance, except maybe convincing everyone south of the The Wall of whats coming.

    So to summarize:

    -The White Walker/Wights swords and armor are extremely vulnerable to either dragon glass or Valyrian steel.

    -Neither of those are currently forgeable on Westeros because you need the right ingredients and circumstances, except for the two rumored Valyrian steel swords that may have been forged there.

    -You need dragons breath or the fire from Dragonstone to make either one, which then require magic to forge.

    -Dany has dragons, Milessandra knows magic.


  15. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I've heard the theory is that Craster's sons are how the White Walkers make new White Walkers, so maybe there is some sort of ceremony that takes place that's different than raising wights in order to make new Walkers.

    I fucking love how they did this episode. All these machinations, political dealings and even Arya's taking up with the Many-Faced God, all pale in comparison to what is coming for everyone from the North, and no one has any clue except Jon (and the wildlings and Night's Watch etc). They're all fighting their pitiful wars, and winter is fucking coming. Or it came, all over Hardhome.

    One thing I had a problem with: Dany just sits down to eat and drink with Tyrion? A Lannister who just shows up on her doorstep and says a bunch of things that may or may not be true, and invokes the name of the spymaster she thinks has been trying to kill her for years? And she sits down with him ALONE?! Come the fuck on, Dany, you should know better than to sit down with someone who has SPY/ASSASSIN basically tattooed to his forehead (even if we know that he's not one, how the fuck does she know that).

    She definitely needs some good counsel.

    So excited for the rest of the season.
  16. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Oh and PS:

    Book 5 Spoilers
    Sam's been worrying about Jon for years, but 'he always comes back.' The Night King saw Jon wield a sword that kills WWs, knows he is his true nemesis. Jon confirmed as The Prince That Was Promised.
  17. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    They can just also farm up the dragonglass/obsidian that's currently on dragonstone. Stannis mentions that in his talk with Samwell. They can make a bunch of dragonglass arrowheads or spears.

    Also Rox, you gotta remember. She's a little full of herself right now. Dragons, unburnt etc. They probably check her food, but she doesn't think a world weary dwarf is a threat to her.
  18. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Can someone explain the Arya plotline to me? Either last night's episode was convoluted, or I was distracted. She has another identity and she's been sent to go after the guy who bought the oysters, or the captain? And whichever one it is, they're bad because...?
  19. Parker

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    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    The Faceless Men take on other identities to do the work they do. She has created another identity, Lana. She has been sent to go after the guy who bought oysters because he cheats people out of their money. He basically is a ship insurance guy that doesn't pay the insurance to the family when the boat goes down. Boat captain gives money to him saying "If my boat crashes, give this and more to my family." But if the boat crashes, captain is likely dead and there isn't anyone to ensure the money gets to the family.
  20. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Arya is training to be an assassin at the house of Black and White, which serves the many-faced God. The many-faced God is all gods, which is to say, it is death. She's been given her first assassination mission, which is to kill the thin man that Jaqen H'Gar referred to as a gambler (i.e. life insurance salesman who doesn't always pay out when he should).

    I was sitting there thinking, "Man, I could watch Cersei be miserable all fucking day", but then I thought, "I need the rest of this show to be Dany and Tyrion verbal fencing, this is glorious," THEN I remembered what I've been telling everyone for years. All this "who sits the Iron throne" shit doesn't matter except to the degree in which it prepares the south for the invasion of the Night's King (who is believed to possibly be one of the ancient Brandon Starks).

    I'm with Parker, I'm loving the divergence from the books, and the fact that we're maybe getting to see in the show farther ahead than we got in the last book.