Damn son. They deal it hard in episode nine, yes? Sit Booboo sit. Good dog. Sansa choosing to watch again after turning away was perfect. The battle was claustrophobic and grim as fuck although the "saved at the last second" secondary army thing is getting a little cliche. Dani's segment sure gives great hope for things to come, what could stop her now? She has an Armada and flying beasts that torch other armadas.
That bellow you heard was the sound of six years worth of television blue balls being relieved. What an amazing episode. I felt way more satisfaction seeing Jon go apeshit on Ramsay then I did for Sansa. In any case, it'll be interesting to see what exactly Sansa had to give Littlefinger for essentially saving her family's ass. Really looking forward to next week.
Great episode. Jon beating the shit out of Ramsay was amazing as was Tormund going apeshit on Umber. Did anyone else care more about Wun Wun dying than Rickon? The only things that dont quite make sense are - 1) How the hell did Theon and Yara make it to Mereen so quickly? 2) If Sansa was writing that letter to Littlefinger, why would she never tell Jon about it or at least to wait until the reinforcements arrive? Loved it the nonetheless. I wonder if Sansa can legitimize Jon as a Stark now that shes technically Queen of the North?
That battle was brutal as fuck. I feel bad though. The wildlings have like nobody left alive. I would have thought Ramsey was going to die from those punches to the face though.
I actually thought this episode was a let down. The scene with Rickon was all kinds of terrible. I can't even begin. The battle itself was ok, but not nearly as exciting or well done as the battle of black water bay. What bothered me was I kept thinking, now here comes House Arryn, right when they're sure to lose. Oh look, what do you know? Seeing Ramsay die was a little satisfying, but the cheapness in how it played out kind of nullified it. Regardless, it was time for him to go. Good character, but they rode him out as far as they could. I would have much rather seen Jon outsmart him on the battlefield, or have seen some diversion prevent the battle entirely. I don't know, it was just too much of exactly what I expected the episode to be like. I'll forgive it because because the earlier scenes in Meereen were great, and I can deal with one episode per season that I personally don't like. It really wasn't that bad of an episode I guess, but I had much higher hopes and they settled for the most predictable twist and then the obvious conclusion.
I tend to agree this battle episode was not as stong as previous ones. The scene where he almost got trampled was pretty real though. Spoiler: Bookish spoiler. I was hoping beyond hope that Jon would send Davos to treat with Wyhman Manderly as he approaced Winterfell. We get a mock execution only to see Wyhman turn coat against Ramsey in the middle of battle having the onion Knight spirit off Rickon with his smuggling ways.
Fuuuuuuuck me running. For a show that usually has meh season finales, that was far and away the best one. And confirmed Snow is a you-know-what. Cersei, you cunt. I got to give you that one, and it only cost you your final kid. They've given us a reason to hate her entirely again and I love it. That was a heck of a mortality rate. Bronn is so fucking awesome, and criminally underused this season. Ditto for Olenna, I loved the way she buried the Sand Snakes. Oh, what things to come.
Good stuff for sure. So Arya isn't a faceless man but possesses the gift? Or she is and DGAF? Her whole story line is garbage. Other than that great finale, that fucker the high sparrow got what was coming to him.
Oh my God. NO WAY. Is... is Jon... the son of... Lyanna? Fuuuuuck. Good episode. They got rid of the high sparrow. They got rid of the fag brigade. The even got rid of the bitch king. That's fucking great! Walder Frey is gone too. Whatever. Is Arya going to go north now? She should, right? I don't find Sansa attractive at all. I don't know why. She has very good features and all that. Maybe it's the previous five seasons of dumb. So house Lannister is pretty much fucked now, aren't they? The Tyrells, Dorne, the Arryns, the Starks. I mean, shit. Those are some deep odds. I feel like Margaery didn't get a proper send off. They had her do something completely out of character and then boom, she's gone. I can live with it, I guess. As long as the fucking high sparrow is gone for good. What an annoying character. Anybody else feel like Daenarys might die next season? It would be so appropriate in so many ways.
Just finished watching it then, that was fucking sweet. Little girl Mormont is bad ass. Did not see Tomnen just taking a skywalk like that.
You didn't know that was coming? That's the worst kept secret of the whole thing, book and show. I don't know that "fag brigade" is a thing, but yes, all the Tyrells died except for Lady Dianna Riggs. Super hot for a septuagenarian. I think Arya is going wherever her next name on her list is, which I think might be Cersei. Sansa is a Goddamned smokeshow, so you shut your mouth and suck it (somehow do both). Yeah, I was thinking, "Cersei, first of her name (not for long, bitch)"[/quote] I also felt like that character was given too little love on her send off until I thought about the purpose of it. That's how the new Queen sees the people. Insignificant, something to burn. Fuck you, knock on wood three times and throw salt over your shoulder.Dany and Tyrion (awesome dynamic, bytheway) have, between them, the awesomeness to rule a kingdom justly. I want that Targaryen/Lannister rule to happen.
Are you drunk? Because that was some really obvious sarcasm. I don't really want Dany to die either, but it's hard not to feel like they're making the end game too obvious. They need to do something people won't predict, and killing off Dany is good choice for that. There's supposed to only be two seasons left, and they might be shortened seasons. I want an ending that lives up to the series, not an ending that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. The brigade I referred to was the sparrow's followers, not the Tyrells. Call them whatever you will. Good riddance.
I keep imagining the writers meeting before the season started much like the scene from Leon The Professional. Writers: Give the fans everything? D&D: EVVVVVERYTHHHHHIIIING! I think they set up a possible Jon Snow/Dany alliance or possible marriage. It would be the ultimate fan nod to have them team up against the white walkers. I do hope it ends up being more complex. Good episode.