Right but Bran can also affect historical events, like he did with the Mad King. If he goes back and tries to stop the Night King and keeps failing, I could see him warging and getting trapped in his body right as he's turned by the Children of the Forest. And don't forget, the Nnight King knows when Bran wargs. How? If the Night King is Bran on a separate part of the timeline, it's very possible and would add a level of tragedy when Jon Snow slays him.
It sounds really out there on the surface, but you know the writers are looking for some sort of twist(s) to throw at us as the series reaches its conclusion. I still think the weirdest theory I've heard involving the white walkers is the one where they're supposed to actually be the good guys.
You can find the episode online. Parts of it are really cool. If you are an HBO subscriber, you don't even have to feel bad for pirating it.
Spoiler: not aired yet Dude I totally called it last season that the dragons wouldn't survive the series.
Wasn't the appearance of the dragons what "awoke" the Night King and made all this magic easier/more widespread?
Fucking spoiler some shit if it hasn't aired! Anyway, the Night's King is still just a legend in the books and hasn't been featured at all of than mentions in tales told to the kids. The appearance of dragons has strengthened magic all around for those who practice it.
For what has been a fairly strong season thus far, I honestly thought the last episode kind of sucked. Spoiler: leaked episode First off, how the dragon dies. They launched the scorpion at Drogon, and it hurt him, but not that seriously. That's a fucking scorpion. The most devastating weapon of its type in the ancient world. The night king just lobs a spear half a mile and takes out the dragon. Ok, they're 'magic' spears and I'm sure he's supposed to be super strong, but come on. Then, in a span of a day or less Gendry races back to the wall. The raven flies about 2000 miles south, and Dany flies back 2000 miles and shows up to the rescue. All in one day. I think we can forgive the traveling plot holes to an extent, but it's getting to be too much. Then that whole thing where the wights just stand there for a day and finally realize "Oh shit, we could just walk right towards them. Let's fuckin' do that! Man, we should have tried that shit earlier." Even if the ice did crack at those particular spots, can't they just swim over? Apparently it's ok to go into the water if you have to tie ropes around a dragon. Hmmm... I hated the scene where Arya is threatening and intimidating Sansa, talking about killing her and cutting her face off. What the fuck is this shit? Because Sansa was forced to write a letter back when she was like a 13 year old girl? The whole time she's running around trying to find ways to get vengeance for her family. She meets her family and is almost immediately threatening them because she's just that easy to play for Little Finger. It was stupid. I think the books night king and show night king are totally different things. Book night king was a leader of the watch who humps a female white walker, puts the watch under his thrall, and all of this takes place after the long night. Show night king is the first white walker ever made, and presumably starts the whole thing.
Can we talk about how quickly a raven flew over that distance and then Dany and her dragons flew back? This screen cap from a deleted scene explains it: Spoiler Pretty cool ending of the episode though, cant wait for the dragon show-down. A few points: -The overall plan to go North was pretty stupid IMO. No back up ready to go at Castle Black or Eastwatch? What about a scout so the King of the North isnt blindly putting himself in danger? -How damn fast can Gendry run? -Where did all of the Brotherhood Red Shirts come from? I dont remember seeing any of them in the original group. -Enough of the faux drowning sequences. -So I guess you could drown a dragon in Dany's panties at this point with regard to Jon Snow? -Coldhands ex machina.
Honestly it's like the show runners are just sick of still shooting this show and decided to say fuck it and blow through everything. Its no longer must see tv for me, starting to feel like a hate watch at this point, not quite at The Walking Dead level but it's getting there.
Man it was really a fun episode until the island battle. Everything about the battle, Gendry running, a raven to Dany, Cold Hands, it was all weak as fuck. In the extras D&D explain Coldhands as being there because they compressed the time so much they just had to, they had to have him reveal himself immediatly to Jon so he would take the order to leave. Yikes. I know they have to start wrapping up story lines but this is just bad fan fiction at this point.
Who/what is Coldhands again? Yeah, this feels like it's getting off the rails. It's starting to resemble the final seasons of True Blood: trash tv driven by character concepts ("what if the hot slutty one did THIS?") with no cohesive narrative. They spend 15 minutes of the episode just being surrounded by the dead (which can survive being submerged in the water, so...why the fuck did they stand there?), and the gang was content to just sit there with the only plan being "gee, I hope Gendry runs fast and Dany saves our asses?". Even for this show, it seems a stretch. However, I'm calling it now: Dany gets martyred. If not the next episode, no later than episode 3 of next season. The foreshadowing is all there.
Agree with the above. I'm kinda over the show. I can't suspend my disbelief any more. At this point I'm just riding it out to the end because I feel invested. I hate that they're shipping Dani and Jon, and seeing that dragon go down was fucking painful.
In the books you dont really know. GRRM might even go another direction and have him not be Benjen Stark. Apparently, he was stabbed with a white walker dagger and they left him for dead. But the Children of the Forest stabbed him with dragon glass in time that he's more of just an in-between/daywalker like Blade or something. Whatever, it has been handled poorly on the show.
I could see Dany being the last big character to bite it. They are setting Jon up a little much for being a targaryn. Maybe he'll sacrifice himself for the cause instead? Since D&D have given every big fan theory to us I'm about as confident in Jamie killing Cercai becoming the valanqor as the Mexicutioner is on the Mayweather fight.
I'm glad it wasn't just me. That episode was a mess. Overall, I still think it's been an entertaining season, but without Martin to rely on anymore the dialogue has dropped off substantially and the plot holes keep widening. I'm calling it now. She shacks up with Jon and they have a child. However, Dany dies in childbirth because of what happened in season 1. She sacrifices herself for the child. Jon dies in the final battle. Sacrifices himself to take out the night king or something like that. Tyrion sits the iron throne at the end. He will rule the 7 kingdoms until Dany and Jon's child comes of age. Take it to the bank. The reason I say this is because they've spent a lot of time building up the romance between Dany and Jon. Jon is technically going to be heir ahead of Dany and they can't have them fighting. The idea that they're both (or at least one of them) are going to get heroic deaths just seems set up at this point.
No tits whatsoever this season. What is this faggotry? Aside from characters basically having teleportation powers to travel across great distances.... nah that was goofy shit. I realize this season is padding: 8 episodes in between books that don't yet exist, where DO you go without fucking it up? This show better not die on the vine like Dexter and True Blood.