A big, booming finale. Much better than that goofy bullshit last week. The dead dragon should have icy, freezing breath rather than just blue flame. But then it wouldn't be able to do what it did. Looks like Ramsey's helpful tutoring of Theon finally paid off, yes? So is Tormund and One-Eye dead? It didn't look like they made it out of Eastwatch, that was a shitty way for an awesome character to go. The Hound giving a bonifide smile at the thought of Arya being a ruthless killer was awesome. I was wondering if he'd ever encounter his bro again. He and Bronn have all the best scenes and lines.
Tyrion is in love with Dany, like Jon, like Jorah. You saw it last season in the scene where she made him Hand Of The Queen and the way he was almost panting like a dog while talking to her. THAT'S why he's pissed at them screwing.
I don't think it's that simple... I think he respects her, is loyal to her, but will now betray her for the sake of getting the deal done. I don't think that he will kill her or set her up or anything, but knowing Cersai, it might be something like "you killed my kids, so go and kill hers". He might kill her dragons, or help with them being killed, so that the books are balanced.
Possibly. They're leaving a lot open by having him brood in the hall for a few seconds. Here we go again:
Where did Bran get the brooch? Surely he's had a change of clothes since fleeing Winterfell, passing under the wall, going North North to the 3 eyed raven, fleeing South again... If Bran is Future Night's King, then how can they exist in the same time period? Is NK a time traveller too? This whole theory is dumb.
Yeah, this isn't the show that will deal with time travel well. I get the feeling that Bran's warg power will be a giant plot hole for the ending of this show.
Well if every episode in this final season is supposed to be feature length, and they haven't even started production, then 2019 sounds about right.
The longer episodes this season were on average longer by 5-10 minutes. The series gives feels like it's near wrapping things up, but my guess is at only 6 episodes the last season is going to feel as rushed as this one. That, and a lot of characters are going to die. I thought we'd lose more this season, but we didn't see any of the major ones go. The closest would be Little Finger. The culmination moments for the finale felt a bit disappointing to me. They spent about half this season crafting this inane plan to capture a wight, and shockingly (read: not shocking) Cersei just lies to them and refuses to go north. It was obvious that was going to happen, and it should have been obvious to the characters as well, especially Tyrion. It did give us a great moment where Jaime was finally fed up and is leaving, but the whole plan was just SO idiotic. They built the entire season around the scene all the characters meet in the dragon pit, and it's all to convince Cersei to do something she clearly was never going to do. Little Finger's death scene. Ok, was the idea that Arya and Sansa had in actuality been scheming against Little Finger the whole time? That makes a little more sense than how it appeared on screen, but emphasis on 'little'. If they're scheming the whole time why are they still pretending when it's only Sansa and Arya in the room together (like the end of episode 6)? Why do they have to scheme at all? They would need to get the Vale lords on board, but most of them hate Little Finger anyway, and all Sansa had to do is tell them what she says while they're all gathered together. She never presents any actual proof, so what was the hold up? More importantly, what was Little Finger even hoping to accomplish? If Sansa and Arya turn on each other what does he stand to gain? Why does he craft a plan around turning two people who are the least likely to turn against each other? He started out a great character, but he's been totally worthless for at least 3 seasons. Why did he give Sansa to the Boltons, which gained him nothing, cost him dearly, and risked isolating himself from his most powerful allies (the Lannisters). Why does he choose to stay in Winterfell at all? In the books everyone likes Little Finger. He's quiet, unassuming, and always there to help - at least ostensibly. In the show everyone hates Little Finger. You can't be a master manipulator if you're constantly making snide insults and all your actions accomplish is further isolating yourself. Maybe I'm being too harsh. I mean, I still enjoyed the season, but if you're going to spend that much time building up these arcs they need make a lot more sense and accomplish some kind of character development. You can't just wrap them solely for some sort of gimmicky twist, especially when the twist is either really obvious or just as absurd as the whole plot line was to begin with. This show is becoming all booms and bangs, and no substance.
This is what Im hearing a lot. You can really feel the lack of substance and direction effecting many of the main characters. I never liked how Ayra just got a head nod from Jaqen Hagar for basically going against everything his assasin's order was about. Going back to Winterfell only to become suspicious of her sister then fall for Littlefinger's easy deception, again unless they were just acting out their combative scenes and secretly working against him which is just silly, seemed out of character for her in an impulsive sort of way. Im sad that Littlefinger became the easy character to kill, for a series that elevates great drama by making much harder choices, it felt hollow.
It's almost like they didn't have someone with the storytelling skills of George RR on staff to help with the writing... People bitch about how long he takes to write stuff, but this is why. It's fucking HARD to write a solid story, well. Most writers in Hollywood are hacks that are not masters of the craft. I think George RR set the bar really fucking high, and we're seeing the results as reduced quality of story.
I think they could have avoided it if they hadn't turned it into their yearly tentpole cashcow. Given a Curb approach releasing the last seasons beyond the books when they were good and ready it could have given them time to deliver the absolute best. If the last season slides like this one, will it still be considered a 10 ten all time show?
If not 10, then a 9/10 show. It started off so amazingly well, and so many people are so heavily invested in it for now, that unless it pulls a Dexter, people will be pretty tolerant of the shit they throw out. I fear that those wanting high quality are in the minority, while those looking for "oooohhhh dragons!" will be plenty happy with it.
Everyone I know who watches the show thinks it's dropped off. It's forgivable to an extent. The casting was damn near perfect and I could watch this show for the scenery shots alone. But with a lot of this stuff over the last season it's like they're not even trying. I get it, no GRRM means a drop off in writing. I've been anticipating that the whole show and it's the main reason I've been apprehensive when they chose to deviate from the source material in earlier seasons. But with a lot of this stuff it's like they're not even trying. What is Little Finger trying to accomplish? Why does he believe this will work? These are fairly basic questions for any writer. They seemed to have spent a lot of time developing scenes without asking them. Or with the fast travel nonsense. It's like they literally took 2 seconds to say "The fact that Westeros is big is inconvenient, I give up." Yes, they'll get away with it because people already love the characters and the production value per episode is better than most movies. But.... I just hope in the last season they don't end up like the horse who breaks his leg down the final stretch. It's looking like that's where this is heading.
It could also be that they just have so much shit to shoe-horn into what little time they have left that they can't be subtle or smart about it and have to just lay it out there.
Why are these seasons being rushed, anyway? Did they think HBO wouldn't spring for the full 10 & 10? That's money in the bank for them. Are D&D just tired of their success? Are they bored? Eager to rip off Man in the High Castle? Surely they realized this would give them less time to cut all the loose ends.
Yep, and I remember them saying so. They've been working on GOT for 10 years and they're excited to be done with it.
The original run was supposed to be 7 seasons, and I think without having the completed books to work off of, it presented both an opportunity to keep people interested and a challenge to provide high quality storytelling. Martin kind of fucked them over a bit, because The spin-offs will be ridiculous. And at this point, I think the show has lost it's edge...I think about this season and the major death was Littlefinger, and the most shocking event was the dragon's death, which....was wrapped up in a silly sub-plot anyway. It feels like a bit of fan service as well: why are characters like Bronn, Brienne and the Hound still alive? The Dany/Jon hook up thing felt like this as well (aside from the fact she's his aunt), just fan service, or there's a rule that Dany must fuck at least one character per season.
1. I was have a discussion with a friend the other day about Littlefinger's death and he was unhappy about it and complaining that it was out of character for him to fuck up like that. I thought the point they were trying to make was that his desire for Sansa was his weakness and clouded is judgement, but I forget he had her sent off to marry Ramsey fucking Bolton. Kind of fucks up that reasoning. Unless we're supposed to believe he's such a diabolical mastermind that he knew she'd find a way to kill Ramsey. 2. I'd say it's not so much that everyone likes Littlefinger as much as people constantly underestimate and dismiss him. But you bring up a good point. I've watched the entire 1st season, some of the 2nd, and some assorted youtube videos of the rest of the seasons. Have they ever had any scenes with Littlefinger where he's not scheming to fuck someone over and/or enrich himself? I get that pure self-interest is what the character's about, but like you said, if all we ever see is scenes of him being a self-interested prick then it strains credulity that he's got all these people in his pocket willing to do him favors.