This is why I can't be entirely pantsless. Pantsless= sexytimes. Always. I would grind my clitoris into a bloody nub if I slept naked. Underwear always has to be a part of the equation. EDIT: Oh, I'm sorry--is that TMI? I thought this was TiB. No apologies for that mental image.
Some thoughts on the subject. 1) Socks: no. Always seems like a good idea going into bed - my feet are cold, socks help this, let's keep a good thing going - and then about 3.5 minutes later my feet are burning up and constricted and off they go and then there's suddenly a stash of socks at the bottom of the bed. Plus, husband is still smitten kitten and thinks it's cute when I put my cold feet on him. We've been together over 7 years, you guys, I think I broke the time/space continuum. 2) Can't sleep naked. No way, no how. The boobs flop, and the crotch feels very... how do you say?.... unsupported? I mean, I don't have THINGS down there to support. It just likes a nice secure feeling. No one is picking up what I'm putting down, are they? 3) The sleeping naked = boning thing does not work with my husband. By the time he hits the hay he has firmly decided it is Sleepy Time. I disturb this at my peril. No really, last time I crawled in bed and offered him a blowjob after he had turned in for the night, it was an actual discussion. And this is a man who really loves his blowjobs. (In case you were wondering - blowjob did take place. He's not a total idiot.) 4) My husband thinks lady sized old man pajama sets (think flannel pants and matching top) are cute. He particularly loves stripes and polka dots. I have 3 sets at this moment. 5) The single most comfortable outfit I can think of to put on my body is: cotton boy short underpants, men's large traditional fit sweatpants (elastic ankle, ohhhh yeah), girl sized but old v-neck t-shirt no bra, slippers. That is my JAM. 6) Let me kindly blow your mind. I did not own lounge clothes of any kind (no sweatpants, yoga pants, anything) until college. My parents literally did not believe in this segment of apparel. Every single day of my entire life, even if the sum total of plans for the day were it's the fucking day after Christmas and all we're going to do is eat leftovers and play with our toys, each member of the family needed to get up, make their bed, and get dressed head to toe INCLUDING MOTHERFUCKING SHOES. To this day, I walk into my parents' house, and I guaran-goddamn-tee you that no matter what time it is both of them are wearing complete full clothes (I'm talking chinos, collared shirt, belt, watch, the works) and shoes unless they are literally .5 minutes from bed. I may have residual issues.
Wait, this is a bad thing? Shit, I'll jerk off three times in a normal night, more if I sleep in. Girls tend to go "Oh god, you're hard AGAIN? Get that damn thing away from me" after the first few times, though.
I prefer sleep shorts/yoga shorts/underwear and a t-shirt mostly. No bra or one that will allow the girls some breathing room. Pajama pants/sweater are only to be worn when it's too cold out. I have a lot of little nighties but those don't really get used until summer.
I don't spend a lot of time naked for three reasons: 1. I live alone, and it's just creepy and ill-advised to cook pancakes naked. 2. I am hairy and that shit falls out sometimes. When it is found, it is a law of nature that it will only happen at the worst possible moment. 3. Windows and Korean neighbors who would shit a star if they saw my gringo ass/junk in the window. Police would be called. In some other places, where I was sure I wouldn't have visitors, I would cruise around in boxers. Naked always felt....weird, because then your junk is making contact with a variety of surfaces at waist level, often tragically.
I enjoy being naked, especially when the boyfriend is around to make it interesting. However, I can't just hang around naked. My mother is quite the nudist, she only put on clothes if she had to. Bear in mind, this woman had six kids and breastfed all of them. Her ample tits obscured her bellybutton, her c-section scar jiggled with every step. Stretch marks and varicose veins made a terrifying roadmap across her pale flesh. Every morning, this is what I woke up to. When I was sixteen and my brother was ten, I had to explain to her that it was inappropriate for her to be naked around him. She was mad, and I had to explain that the damage would be irreversible. She finally heeded my wisdom but it was too late. My brother was gay for a while (no fucking joke, kids). Anywho, I tend to wear clothes because of these memories. I sleep in panties or boy shorts and a tank top or an old tshirt. If I want some action, I'll sleep in a sexy nightie (if it stays on..).
Are you kidding? That still happens to me if I forget to put my boxers back on post-sex, and I'm about to turn thirty. I don't know how guys can sleep naked without getting incredibly sexually wound up. Maybe I just have really boner friendly sheets?
Cooking pancakes naked is fine. It's not until you try frying bacon or frying eggs that it becomes a problem. This, I know. Me, I don't wear undapants under my jeans. Why would I decide to put them on when I go to bed?
And age. The Mrs and I pretty much only started sleeping with clothes on once the spawn arrived. By this time, kid or no kid, I'm not walking around naked anyhow. When I was young and in reasonably good shape, I was very comfortable with it. Now, I think its better for everyone concerned if I remain modest.
YES. I think there is something really weird about walking around or sleeping naked when you have kids. Have kids, sleep clothed.
I should point out that the less clothes you wear about the house, the more likely you are to stay in good shape. I was a lot more trim last year when I would only wear (at most) a pair of shorts because I'd be constantly aware of my body shape. This year, since we've had a miserable fucking winter and spring and my windows leak I've pretty much been wearing comfy hoodies 24/7 and I only really noticed once the weather got milder and I stripped down that I'd turned into a sack of shit over the winter. Wanna get fit quickly? Be naked more! The constant sight of your grotesque, shambling body will shame you onto that treadmill!
Nope. Anus and ballfunk must be held in by underwear so they don't migrate directly to the mattress. The boxers I tend to wear though were bought for me by an exes milf of a mom.
Chalk up another for not being a fan of sleeping naked. I'll do it from time to time, but it feels...odd. Like even wondering around my room to the bathroom naked feels off, even behind closed doors. It's not a discomfort with my body, it's just weird. Whenever I sleep naked I feel really scrawny, its odd. I'm thin, but in good shape and not underweight, but I always feel strange. That being said, I can't sleep with a shirt on. Always in either boxers or basketball shorts, occasionally soccer pants if I want to feel like Bruce Lee. Post-sex, I can sleep naked no problem, but I totally agree with the people who've said that is a recipe for more sex stuff, and less sleep. I could care less if a girl sleeps nude or not, but I had an ex who would throw on clothes pretty quickly after and it was always weird, cause it would often be on the sly. Like we'd fall asleep naked, and I would wake up in the middle of the night to her wearing a t-shirt and underwear while I would still be nude. Very disorienting.
Even if it's cold, I just double up on the blankets. But only on my side. So we have the top sheet and comforter, then on my side I put the afghan my mother-in-law made (it's awesome), then if it's really cold, another blanket that I fold in half. The bed looks ridiculous, but I can't have long sleeves or pants on. I think part of it is I like if I start getting warm, I can move my leg and feel a cool part of the sheets.
Nekkid every night. A comfort thing, basically. It ups the cozy by about 15%. Also, when I'm lucky enough to share my bed with a lady friend, I've been known to sleep-hump. Being naked already makes this easier. I have a roommate, but I still dress as casual as possible around the house. In the warm month(s), as soon as I get home from work I'm wearing board shorts and that's it (throw on a T-shirt for bacon purposes only). Freakin this! I've only spent time in the U.S. and NZ/Oz, but it seems like in every place but Canada people wear shoes inside the house. What the fuck is that about? Given the climate here, it would be ludicrous to trek muddy snow around the house, but even still, I've seen people keep their shoes on while lounging around on the couch, putting them on the coffee table, even going to their freakin rooms! So many reasons why this is insane, but to keep it short: are you trying to get your feet as warm and potentially stinky as possible? Also, you realize at some point you've worn those shoes in a public washroom, right? Freakin whackos.
White trash leaves their shoes on in the house in my country, that's who. Winter is a filthy and disgusting season up here, i will be goddamned if it comes in my home with me.