I remember you said someone here offered to pay for the girl's flight...did that happen too? If it did, is there any chance you could reveal who it is so we may shower them with green dots?
I believe the plan was to wait until everything had happened to reveal the name of the benefactor(s?), in case things didn't pan out.
has this been mentioned yet? "Wheels" must get loads of Aussie ass. It would be more impressive if HotWheelz pulled that shit, though.
Was this your doing? I've been wondering where the girl came from as well. I remember there was one being discussed a few pages back, is it the same one?
So, is she going to move you from the chair to the bed? Unless this is how you meet for the first time: SHE enters the room. HOTWHEELZ is on the bed, arms at his sides, legs spread. He is nude. And erect. She turns flush. They exchange hellos. She leaps for him. A rainbow shimmers into existence, spreading from wall to wall. A bird's singing is heard through the bedroom window. The sun sets. They both crescendo echoing each other's moans. Silence. Fade to black.
Int. Bedroom - Day HOTWHEELZ is on his HawkingChair, tentatively looking out of the window. He notices a car approaching. SHOT: Car approaching, the driver is not very visible. He rolls to the other side of the room to get a better look. SHOT: From through the window glass we see a gorgeous brunette exists the vehicle, she has some luggage in the trunk. SHE is planning on staying here for longer than HOTWHEELZ figured. This news excites HOTWHEELZ whose eyes widen as he examines his busty beauty lustfully. He aims his HawkingChair at the cabinet on the other side of the room and slams into it at full speed, dropping his favorite cologne, a comb and a large pack of magnum condoms onto his lap. There is knocking at the door. HOTWHEELZ: It's unlooked, come upstairs. We stilettos as they slowly, deliberately walk up the hardwood stairs. SHOT: As seen from HOTWHEELZ's room, we see the staircase it's first empty but then we see the figure of the BRUNETTE appear, step by step. The BRUNETTE turns toward HOTWHEELZ. She is wearing a leather overcoat and stockings [note: like Jolie's Dominatrix outfit in Mr. and Mrs. Smith]. BRUNETTE: You must be HOTWHEELZ. I'm Tiffany. HOTWHEELZ's chair rotates in excitement, sparks fly from the motor. When he manages to calm his devices down he says: HOTWHEELZ: I expect you had a good flight? TIFFANY: Couldn't be better. HOTWHEELZ: Why don't you come over here and make me more comfortable? TIFFANY approaches HOTWHEELZ and pushes his HawkingChair next to the bed. Then she sensually goes down in front of him and unfastens his leg restrains. She reaches for his arm and neck restrains and, perhaps intentionally, pushes her rather voluminous bust in his face. She then applies the breaks on his HawkingChair. TIFFANY: What do we have here? She reaches for his accessories, and applies the cologne and comb to him. The Magnum condoms however, she dismisses. In response to HOTWHEELZ's inquisitive face she says TIFFANY: I want to *feel* you. HOTWHEELZ: Get on top of me, I wanna spin you around like a pinwheel. TIFFANY removes her leather coat, she is only wearing stockings and a garter belt. SHOT: HOTWHEELZ's excited face. She delicately disconnects HOTWHEELZ from his computer system, and then grabs him from around his waist and hauls him onto the bed. It takes several attempts to properly straighten him, his legs are particularly cumbersome, but she succeeds at the end. MUSIC: Foreigner - Feels Like the First Time SHOT: From outside HOTWHEELZ's room looking in, we see her reach and undo the zipper of his khaki, stain-resistant Dockers. SHOT: From HOTWHEELZ's point of view, we only see TIFFANY's lusty face as she moans in glory. SHOT: From TIFFANY's point of view, we see HOTWHEELZ's face and breathing tube. Some saliva is dripping down his cheek but his eyes are widened in ecstasy. SHOT: From outsite HOTWHEELZ's room looking in, we see HOTWHEELZ's arms bounce up and down on the bed like a ragdoll, in reaction to TIFFANY's thrusting. TIFFANY: I want you to fill me up with your love. HOTWHEELZ is not attached to his HawkingChair, so he can only speak in gutteral sounds. HOTWHEELZ: gurglelruglglggleur TIFFANY: YES BABY, YES! HOTWHEELZ: GURGLGERUGLER GRRRGGRRLLGRRGGLL!!!! SHOT: TIFFANY arches her back for several seconds, fully exposing her perky, erect nipples, then falls down on top of HOTWHEELZ in post-orgasmic bliss. Fade out. *** Serious version: Spoiler It's better to comes to terms with the fact that you won't fuck someone in the near future than to get anonymous people to pay some slut to bounce on you while you lay on your back, immobile. You'd only last like two minutes either, and given your situation you'd be passive and awkward. There's also the risk of her changing her mind at the last minute, embarrassing you further. Just take it easy.
Showing the sex is so not classy. INT. KITCHEN- DAY Hotwheelz' MOM is sitting downstairs at the kitchen table when suddenly a loud BANG is heard from upstairs. She rushes up the staircase to Hotwheelz' door and opens it, fearing the worst. We see Hotwheelz laying on his bed on his back, covered in a white, creamy, sticky substance. The entire room, once a solid dark blue, looks like a freshly finished Pollock painting, with spackles of white and red everywhere. Mom is shocked. She looks down and sees the body of TIFFANY, spread-eagle next to the bed. Her pelvis looks as if it just exploded, and copious amounts of jizz are leaking out of her mouth, ears and eyesockets. The bloody remains of her uterus are draped like a coat over Hotwheelz HawkingChair, and from the brainmatter, blood, and hair on the ceiling directly above Hotwheelz, one can assume she went up before she went down. Mom stares speechless. Hotwheelz, then with the greatest of effort, nudges at his HawkingChair and beeps out one phrase... HOTWHEELZ: I...came... Sirens are heard in the distance. FADE OUT
Just as long as he stays focused: GIRL: Hello, I'm -- HW: DUMERVIL'S HURT GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!!!!!!!111!! That's how NOT to do it, Superman. And be courteous when she arrives. Broads love that.
Have you given any considerations of how you will dress for the meeting? I'd think a custom t-shirt would be in order. Something with a slogan like: "I may have muscular dystrophy, but there are no muscles in my penis" It's classy. It gets her mind on topic. And it creates intrigue. Triple win.
Shit, I hadn't read the recent developments, making my "serious version" out-dated. Still, who the hell is this anonymous trollop who is flying out to fuck someone she doesn't know and stay there for a week? Oh and the person is a very immobile virgin. She's either a saint or a sociopath looking for her next victim. Someone should be around there, filming and/or guarding you. I nominate Durbanite. Also, you should'nt just lay there, you should lay there in style.
If you think for one second that I'm not making her wear a Tebow costume... Also, are you guys writing erotic fan fiction about me? Because that's... very... um.... wow.