I believe Hawking. Hell, he's a genius he knows if he's being abused. Plus, I'm sure his Speak and Spell voicebox has a medic alert button on it. But not all diseases would hurt your sex life. Michael J Fox's wife must love their sex life. He's like a human vibrator.
I can't imagine what kind of person it would take to fly out to Denver to get their genitals rolled on by HotWheelz's HawkingChair. Hey, maybe he could try fetish sites if this normal 1-on-Ragdoll experience doesn't work out? Re: Michael J Fox, I'd cum if he just referred to me as Doc Brown for a day.
Since you're bringing that up, why does he do guest appearences on The Simpsons and Futurama? It SAYS it's him in the credits, but how do we know? They could have just had a laptop or an announcer for an early 90's sports video game fill in for him. Couldn't they save themselves money and him time by just using ANY voice box, like the invalid teacher on Family Guy? It's like the cotton swab before a lethal injection: sure you can do it, but why the fuck bother?
As others have pointed out, that's a little unusual - biologically. Is there sufficient evidence that, um...the car's going to start when you turn the key? Because we want to ensure that there's a this and not a this...
I have a friend in a wheel chair right now because of being shot. Twas the result of a lame bar argument and I was less than 5 feet from him when he got shot[skipping details for the focus]. When I wheel his ass around the mall or the movie theater or wherever we are he still gets looks from chicks and words of sorrow and you're too cute to be in a wheel chair comments, yeah he is ok looking but no stud in my non gay opinion. I now really refuse to believe being in a wheel chair is a hindrance to getting laid. I realize you have much more major problems than my friend, but there's no excuse to not getting a chick at least moderately interested in you.
Sorry if Im a little behind. But aren't you still living at home? Is she taking the trip before or after you move out? If before, have you told your parents/guardians/nurses to expect a random chick coming to stay with you for a week? Would your they freak if they new what was going on? It's always an embarrassing subject but do you know if they are rooting for you in this regard? Godspeed
She's coming after I (hopefully) move out. The girl who's going with me, my caregiver, is cool with it.
I've brought up threesomes with pretty much every girl I know. I assure you my friend is not down. Sorry, Wheelz, just don't wanna get your hopes up any higher than they are.
As if this contrived scenario wasn't straight out of a DMT trip as it is. We need to get the chick to post here too, there is much insight to gain.
Really? Why would she? HW, I assume you're talking to her between now and the trip. How often and are the convos going well? I think, especially for you being the type of guy you are needing some sort of connection outside of "wang this is vag", this is really important.
Actually, she loves tequila. Still no go. Trust me. I assure you/everyone she will not be posting on here. I've probably already said too much with the tequila.
I've got a good buddy of mine in St Louis with MS and going on 30 years old. What say I buy her layover in The Show-Me State on the way back? 500 cc's of liquid dinner is on me.
I don't understand your two questions. Unless it's you flying out to bounce on top of his penis, why are you responding to my obviously hyperbolic statements? It could not be related to a disability at all but I'm immensely curious why a woman would agree to fly out to have sex with someone she doesn't know, like at all. How much is a flight to Durban, South Africa by the way? Totally unrelated.
I think she may have been implying that a girl who's obviously so open-minded and adventurous might not want to expose herself to the thundering bipolar assholes on this board. But I don't wanna put words in Shegirl's mouth. Hotwheelz, your life so far has been atypical. It only stands to reason that the 'how you met' story of your first girl would follow suit. I wish you two all the best.
Why do you care about her whys so much? You already talked enough about her you got HW a little snippity with you. You can't just not be all weird and nosey about why someone would do what she plans to do? I realize it's not a normal thing and that is why you're oh so curious about her reasoning behind doing it but you're coming off as weird. Kind of like this entire thread though so by all means carry on. And by the time she gets there, they WILL have known each other for longer than many do that screw. And Dcc is exactly right.
Yes, but she agreed to bone him before knowing him - that's Tucker Max level ability. I want to learn and reverse-engineer, and I'm sure every other "thundering" asshole here does too.