They could go fuck themselves, or they could go fuck you. Guess which they'll pick. There's a real one-way street when it comes to what businesses and employees do for each other. You can be expected to cancel your life for the company, but they can fire you at a moment's notice and without cause. You should look for a job that will make you happy, you should just also be open to the possibility that you can be happy from things outside of a job you don't care about. The Blackberry is screwing that up though. Now you can go work your 40-50 hour a week job, come home, and have a flashing red light nagging you the rest of the day, with the company expecting you to read e-mails while at home, and put in an extra 5-10 hours of uncompensated time off-site. As the time your job takes up expands, it becomes more important that you enjoy what you're doing.
Last day of another 55 hour work week, 65 including this drive. Can't wait to go back to school. Love the job but having four classes this semester will be glorious. On another note, the hot bi girl I've been hooking up with for a few months wants to start dating. Not sure how I feel about that. But she's taking me to dinner and a movie tonight. Can't complain too much. Let's drink.
You ever hung out with more than one lawyer? It's the most painful conversation in the world. They can't resist talking about themselves. And they feel the need to explain in excruciating detail why what they are working on is the most important case in the world. Self important patronizing douchebags. The lot of them.
This is why I like hanging out with my Marine friends, they are some of the funniest, most laid back guys I know. And when they talk about work its just bullshitting, which is still funny to hear about. Like last night at a hockey game my friend was explaining about how one of his guys called him and told him he'd be late to work again. My buddy was ripping him apart when they guy got in a word and explained what happened. Apparently the guy literally shit his pants on the way to work. Those are the work stories I get to hear.
The smartphone is the least of my worries. The company has done everything in their power - from a company issued laptop, to the RSA keychain and Windows Remote access - to make sure that I am able to work wherever and whenever I want or need to. ...although this does make it very easy to call in "sick" and say that I'm just going to work from home.
Fuck, all this job talk reminds me that I need to be looking for one instead of watching Suits. Loved this email earlier this week:
I know there are other lawyers, ex-lawyers, on this board, and they don't feel the need to drown us in "woe is me" pathetic garbage. I understand that lawyers in conversation try to one up themselves. However, I don't see any other lawyers beating their chests. Every single time there is a drunk thread, and he is lurking around, he finds it necessary to swamp this thread with his garbage about jobs.
Or when you get an anal bead stuck in your ass, almost die of bowel obstruction, then explosively shit yourself in public when it's dislodged. Or when you film a 600 man gangbang and at the end weld some dude's cock to your vagina. (Hey, I want to play too.)
To be fair he could be an engineer or electrician or male stripper and he'd complain about the same shit. It isn't the lawyer in him. It's just him.
You have a complete and valid point. I also find it completely amusing that he is chosing to ignore everything, and just continue to keep babbling his bullshit.
Maybe it's because I usually stay out of drunk threads, but I've got no idea what y'all are going on about... Can't wait until tomorrow. First an eye-doctor appointment, where I can hopefully stop being half-blind. Then Atlantic City with some of the coolest uncles ever, and I'm finally 21. Fucking sweet!
I've thought about getting Lasik or whatever it's called surgery so I can do away with my glasses, but when they explained exactly what they do I chickened out.
Holy shit, you think that the Casey Anthony trial was fun? I'm watching HLN right now and they just told me that the Warren Jeffs trial is about to begin! And they are going to cover it all! For those of you that don't know, he is the "prophet" of the hardcore (fundamentalist) Mormon church that still believes in Polygamy! He is charged with having sex and marrying a 12 year old girl. According to the video I just watched, he no longer believes he can talk directly to God. I have a feeling it will be a circus.