Obscure B-list celebrity trivia. Did you know that Robert Patrick, he of the infamous T-1000 fame: Is brother to the lead singer of Filter? Also, Narc is on (unedited). That is a fantastic indie movie. Jason Patric and Ray Liotta as jaded cops, with all exteriors actually shot in Detroit? Yes please.
Pfft. The vodka and cigarettes wouldn't do her half the harm toxoplasmosis would. But in other news, I really should do some laundry. May as well, it's only 11:30, right?
A Kentucky man faces criminal charges after getting caught having sex with a horse for a second time, according to investigators. On that note I'm going to go drink some beer at the neighbors. He even invited me this time.
Fuck, I am the biggest bitch when it comes to sunburns and have the mother of all burns right now. It's covering my entire back, shoulders, chest and top half of my stomach. The worst part, I was only in the sun for an hour and a half with SPF 50 on, but it was Florida beach sun at noon time.. in July. Fucking hell. There isn't enough booze in this state to numb the pain.
I wonder if police officers hate and are disgusted by cases like this, or if they see it as a welcome break in the routine of arresting drug addicts and wife beaters?
I spent yesterday and today roasting in the fucking heat (97 with about eleventy billion percent humidity) to help my friend build a screened in room on his deck. The upside? That motherfucker makes Vodka & Tonic with about 111111111 parts Vodka and 1/111111111 Tonic. Holeeeeeeeeeeeee shit. I did some quality woodcrafting on that sunroom. It is the shiznittle, mofos. Time to go rail the hell out of the wife.
Nope, Tonka got stuck at home, but at least we got him a kiddie pool to lay in to cool off. He's currently eating ice cubes out of his water bowl.
Because she's doing the laundry like a good wife should. Then, she's slipping into something more comfortab.... err, slutty. EDIT: And Tonka is trying to beat the shit out of the cat, and I need to referee. So far, Tonka is winning on two out of three of the judges cards. EDIT AGAIN: And now he's beating on the Corgi. Not a fair fight, but better than the cat at least.
God, I almost envy you being married. Having a woman do your laundry and then dutifully reporting to bed for some sexing? This is so much better than doing my own laundry (which is down the hall, down a flight of stairs, through two doors that you need a key to get through, and costs $1.50 per load), and sexing myself. My girlfriend is working six days a week and wanted to spend today with her "friends" and her "brother who I haven't seen in several years". Bitch.
Yeah, well Mrs. Noland has been 700 miles away for the past 3 weeks and when I was up there last week she was covered in poison ivy and had a regular monthly visitor. If that were my wife, she'd be bent over that washing machine right now.
After an afternoon of drinking beer I'm switching to whiskey. Like messing around with a fat girl I know I'm going to enjoy it tonight but regret it tomorrow.