I am here, but I feel like I hit my quota of posts for the hour so was giving somebody else a chance.
I'm here...all of the alcohol in my apt has been consumed. I've been contemplating driving to get more, but I'm really lazy. I wish I could be D in the WDT.
A large man dropped in on one of my hot yoga classes last year. He had to borrow a mat, which wasn't non-skid, and during the first downward dog, spread-eagled on the floor and went down like a ton of bricks. He must have startled himself because an epic fart accompanied his descent. It affected my zen. This is also two of my posts back to back involving farts. I am not proud of this.
If I remember correctly, Purple Rain won an Oscar for best music the same year Amadeus won everything else. Go figure.
the fuck? Did you all eat a bag of Olestra chips first? When I first typed that, I wasn't looking and was off by one key. yjr givl FoF upi s;; rsy s nsh pg P;rdys vjo[d gotdy I would die 4 U!
Come have some of mine! I have red wine, dark rum, pineapple rum, coconut rum, light rum, tequila, vodka, whiskey, triple sec, amaretto....and I think that's it. And I can't drink any of it tonight, so someone should at least get some use out of it all.
I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow, and every fucking day until August 15th too. Hooray for free time!!!
I found this in my Favorites. Maybe it helps? http://www.customizedgirl.com/tag/u...r&separate=1?gclid=CNjUyM3Em6oCFULc4AodphPXww
Yes you can! Spoiler http://www.customizedgirl.com/tag/underwear&toppage=customunderwear&separate=1?gclid=CIG879HEm6oCFQVrKgodFFRNzw
What wouuld you print? I never meant to cause you any sorrow. I never meant to cause you any pain. [Raise your hands with me!] Dammit. Where's SheGirl? She likes Prince . . .
I was thinking more like "space available." On second thought, I would also get "Fat bottomed girls make the rockin' world go round." I need shorts that say that too. It's too fucking perfect.
I had a testicular torsion when I was 19 or 20, tried to battle through it (because I'm a moron and had no idea I could have lost MY FUCKING BALLS) until I passed out walking up some stairs. I went to urgent care that day (Fri), hadn't slept since Tuesday night. Bright lights everywhere, tons of pain, it was awful. Then I got put into this dark room for an ultrasound where I promptly fell asleep from sheer exhaustion (okay, and pain killers too). I was woken up by the tech walking in, and sure enough...big'ol boner. I was so happy that I had a boner, and that I had fallen asleep, and the whole nine that I just said sorry and laid my head back down. She was nice, decently attractive, and asked if I wanted a few minutes. I said whatever, and she got the images. It was a weird moment, standing next to a computer with hundreds of pictures of my balls, wearing a hospital gown and boat shoes, ass cheeks exposed, wondering if it would be weird to ask for duplicates.