Okeedokee, here's the update. I first tried a 3db coax attenuator, which didn't help. So, I tried the portable TV at different points in the signal chain. It's definitely some kind of interference in the RF modulator that converts the RCA out to coax. I unplugged everything that's at that TV station: there is a PS5, Wii, DVD player and two external hard drives, in addition to the TV and satellite box. I plugged in only the satellite box and RF modulator, and viola, perfect signal. I plugged everything back in, and it's one of the DC transformers for one of the external hard drives. It's not one that's needed often - it has TV shows and movies on it, so I'll probably just leave it unplugged. I'm not sure if one of those clip on ferrite cores would help. I think I have a bag of them somewhere, lol.
Interesting. Yeah, a clip-on should help with that, for sure. You may also try a higher end power supply. Cheap supplies are everywhere and they are really, really noisy. If the clip-on doesn’t do it, swapping it out might help.
I don't know what thread to ask this in . . . My DISH DVR Hopper bit the dust. I had tons of movies recorded that I liked to keep and this season's Fargo, that I haven't watched yet, along with some old shows here and there that were sentimental for different reasons. I have several other streaming services, so I fucking hated also paying for DISH, but I didn't want to give up my recordings AND it was my best option for several live TV things. Anyway, fuck all that now. DISH is sending me a replacement DVR Hopper, but that does fuck all for my recorded shows. And, DISH hasn't had Bally for a couple years now, which is where I watch the Braves. Fortunately, a buddy gave me his login info, so I could stream on Bally's app. I think FuboTV is my best option. I can add the B/R add-on to my MAX plan, to get TBS, TNT, etc. and the total is still cheaper than what I'm paying for DISH. My questions are these: a. Does anybody have FuboTV? Like it? Hate it? Whatever? Having DISH or cable or whatever is MUCH easier to flip channels on than through streaming services like Hulu, Pluto, YouTubeTV, etc. How do you like the Cloud DVR-ing? b. Does anybody have the add-on for MAX? Is it just for sporting events, or can you watch live TBS, TNT, etc.? It's free right now through end of Feb, but I think they extended it to end of March, because there's some tech stuff they haven't worked out.
Can't help you much with everything else but this here is the reason why we still pay a stupid amount for DirecTV
Did a couple resets, power downs, retries - no luck, dammit. DISH sent me a replacement Hopper for free, of course. But, I can't get all these movies and some sentimental things I'd recorded, back. DISH said, since you've been a valued customer for 22 years, we'll offer you Showtime for 3 months for free. I was like, uh, isn't that an offer you already have for everyone? No, it's normally $2.99/mo. Oh, golly gee, thanks. Why don't you offer me a service to disassemble this hard drive in a clean room, recover the recordings, and send me back a hard drive? crickets How 'bout that Showtime, huh? cries
The other thing I hate, is I had some timers set for TV shows and I don't always know when they're coming back to air the new season. Ugh. First world problems. Oh well.
Yup. My father-in-law had a similar issue, his DVR shit the bed but a bunch of his shows he had recorded are now only available on (paid) streaming services. I was watching some streaming service or other and had some stuff that I was watching change licensing and get pulled. It's obnoxious. I've almost entirely switched back to watching my own library.
One thing I've done is getting the free trials for some of the movie channels, the setting the DVR to record the 2:00am showing of some classics I like to have. Or the movie channels will just have a free month every now and them. I guess I'll be rebuilding some database, lol.