I'm still convinced that TiB would make a great sitcom. This would definitely be one of the episodes.
The tongue piercing came long after we split up. As did the karaoke thing. Want to know the best part? Since that night, he's given up the karaoke business and has become a hypnotherapist. Because this is the kind of man you want helping you with your psychological problems. To clarify, the night he sang profanity at me was nearly 10 years after we split up. I still don't even know why he was so angry - he's the one who broke up with me.
and putting you in a semi-conscious state and convincing you to do things against your better judgement. Episode 2. Although, now this is going to have to be on HBO instead of FX.
This exactly. However, I made some good friends through my ex that I'm still friends with that I still like to see. We ended up at the same bar on New Year's, but I instantly turned around and I'm pretty sure I didn't see him the rest of the night. It's fine on my end, but I didn't want to ruin his night if he had saw me. For only living three blocks apart and going to the same university, I am pleasantly surprised that we haven't run into each other more often since our break-up. The one before that I haven't talked to since we broke up over three years ago. He was an asshole and doesn't deserve any form of contact from me. My high school boyfriend and I are on good terms. We're not friends by any means, but it didn't end badly and we still have a lot of mutual friends.
I'm another one in the "I need more than two options in that poll" camp, that's for sure. My most recent ex and I split up late November when I moved to the US permanently. She's still back home working in her dream field and I wouldn't have presumed to have asked her to move here with me. We still text frequently and share our daily bullshit with each other. I'm sure this will play havoc with either mine or her emotions at some point moving forward (read: mine) but fuck you don't tell me what to do. They're not all like that though. The somewhat infamous one in my past was actually a girl I met through RMMB years ago, back in 2007 or so. Quite confident I wasn't the only board member she fucked either. We ended up hooking up the first time I visited the US and did long distance for nine months before she moved to Australia and lived with me. Then she developed the taste for another guy's dick and left literally days before I dropped thousands of dollars on her permanent residency visa. Small victories I guess. And you can count on the fact that I don't have any contact with her anymore. Last I heard, she found Jesus when she moved back to the US and then got married last year. STUNNINGLY I didn't get invited to the wedding. As for embarrassing stories? Apart from the ol' "while-I'm-social-media-stalking-I-accidentally-touched-Like-on-your-photo-that-I-shouldn't-be-looking-at" (fucking iPhones), I don't think I really have any.
My wife and I went to one of my exes house Friday night for their beer snobs party, this particular girl I still really like but she is a fucking whack job to date. She moved back to Arizona a year ago with her husband and 2 kids and when they wanted to go out my wife inquired how I knew her. I explained we had dated briefly in high school and then again about 13 years ago before I had met my wife. The part I left out was how crazy she was in the head, she wanted badly to marry me and moved back to Arizona from San Diego to be near me and I was having none of it and preferred the long distance as a buffer, plus I was seeing a few other woman. I made sure to let the ex knew that any and all details of our relationship were not open for discussion with my wife and that she just needed to say we were just in different place in our lives and it just did not happen between us. While that may sound odd, I do really like her and her husband but do not need more questions from my wife about her.
Well I still hang out with my first girlfriend around the holidays mostly. So I don't really feel I can have an issue with my S.O. maintaining a friendship.
So, a slightly longer answer. For the most part I'm on good terms with my exes. There's one or two I don't really see, but even that's not really acrimonious, just time and distance and natural fading. For a number of the rest, however, I talk with, hang out with, and sometimes sleep with. When my wife and I have had threesomes, it's been with my exes. It's really not caused any drama or issues, rather it's been a comfortable and enjoyable experience and a surprisingly easy approach. My wife, obviously, has no issues with me spending time with my exes and I don't really care if she hangs out with hers. Though, over the years, she's had a somewhat more traditional series of boyfriends and breakups so is less connected to them. Over the years I learned that when I break up with someone I need a certain amount of time away from them for any emotional poison to fade. After that I can usually be friends with them again. One of my best friends these days is an ex where the break up was actually, essentially, so I could date my wife. So for a time it was strained and painful and awkward but eventually we started talking again and then became friends again and eventually she became an FWB when not otherwise in an exclusive relationship. She's seeing someone else now so we just stay as good friends and I'm rather happy she's in my life. She and my wife are also good friends now.
Okay, I've had more than enough rep asking who it was (and one guy actually guessed, way to go Mantis Toboggan M.D.). Her name was Ashley, board name ashley_unwritten I think. She studied abroad in Australia in '07, I met her once back home then we...reacquainted when I visited Boston in the summer of '08. And before anyone tells me, yes I now know that I unknowingly had a bunch of Eskimo brothers on the old board. Fucking hell. I actually remember getting a rep point back in the day, after posting on the Rant and Rave thread that I was about to go visit her for the first time in months, from someone who knew her, or enough about her, to know that I should be wary. I think it even said "make sure you bag it". I took "bag" to be a typo for "bang", when he definitely meant "use plenty of prophylactics". We were all 23 and horny once though, right?
The only reason my latest ex would even look at me if we crossed paths now would be if she could shoot fireballs with the ability to give me aggressive herpes out of them. She's pretty mad that I didn't cancel my 6 month European holiday with friends for her. I have zero regrets
Ah the good old days. Although there were some really solid and normal people we had plenty of crazies of both genders. Some days it was harder to tell the difference between the sane and the opposite. I don't talk to any ex because as has been said, they are ex's for a reason. I have plenty of people in my life that I call friends so why would I want to include an ex in any capacity? For me personally it's a no go. And yes, the one ex was a total abusive POS so that one goes without saying. Another, we parted on good terms and had some very limited contact for a little while after but people move on ya know? As it should be. Living in the past is no bueno.
Right? I've since been informed that she was the character in one of Tucker's stories that would "show up, do his laundry, blow him and leave". I knew she'd fucked him, and she DID like to do my laundry, but I never put two and two together.
I first made her acquaintance when I posted something on the old board about how I had a goal to bang a girl from each of the 50 states and listed the ones I had already knocked out (probably 8 or so at the time). She left me a rep that simply said "I'm from New Hampshire" (not one of the states listed)....I hadn't had any interaction with her on the board up to that point. I will say, you're not the only one she had fooled. I dated her for a month or so and actually really liked her, fell hook line and sinker for her religious good girl act. In my defense a) I was a 22-year-old idiot who still didn't really know shit about women, and b) she had a phenomenal ass. The funny thing is that two or three female friends of mine who met her said there was something off about her that they couldn't put their finger on, but I stupidly wrote it off as her being several years younger (yes, she was legal). And now I feel like I should contribute to the actual thread focus....I've only ever had three serious girlfriends. With both of the first two there was a period of time where we couldn't stand each other but ultimately ended up on good terms; the first deleted her Facebook a few years ago and seems to have completely dropped off the face of the earth, the second I'll talk to maybe once a year but we never see each other even though we both separately moved to North Carolina around the same time and live an hour or so apart (she's married with two kids, so it's tough). As for the third ex.....we broke up about 2 years ago, stayed friends, grew into best friends, got back together a month or so ago, and we're discussing the possibility of her coming with me when I move to California in a few months.
I am on speaking terms with most of my ex girlfriends. Don't actively keep in contact but if we see each other, we say hello etc. No problem with my SO being friends or speaking to her ex boyfriends so long as it's above board and not secretive, sketchy, behind my back stuff that some guys try and pull. If he can come up and say hello to both of us and hold a conversation I'm fine with them talking whenever they like. If he actively avoids her while I'm around but is happy to call or message I don't like it.
While we're at it, anyone else feel like fessing up to fucking this Ashley character? The way it looks there has to be more of you.