Now that we know she has a phenomenal ass, I feel like pictures of the RMMB bicycle need to be presented, post-haste.
Not that I'd feel comfortable posting someone's picture on a public forum without their consent (I guess I could edit her face out), but she unfriended me a while back on FB anyway.
If you mean in the last two years, it's because she got married to someone from her church (!) last year. I'm still devastated to have not received an invitation. And sorry gang, I hate-deleted every trace of her when she left Australia and went back to New England. No ass photos from me I'm afraid.
I looked and found one old picture of me and her on my own FB but unfortunately her ass isn't visible. I dated her for maybe a month over 7 years ago, so it's not like I have hard drives filled with pics of her. Sorry guys. Sounds about right. Not sure when she unfriended me exactly, but it was after she moved to Australia (that's how I put two and two together when I saw your earlier post) and I'm pretty sure it was before she got married. It would be funny if her husband lurks here and is reading all this.
Personally I'm hoping more for 'prominent poster' than lurker. And that the lady in question is actually one of the regular Tibettes (or Tibbers, for that matter) under a new name.
Most of my ex's still want to be friends. I deny most of them because I feel like if they wanted to be close they had the formula pre-break up. Some though, I just can't quit for some reason. I'm not still hooking up with them or even hanging out but they (and I do too, at least to some extent) want to stay in contact. Close even. I feel like its not healthy and I need to force a bail out. Like some have said, there is a reason they're ex'es, it just feels more complicated than it is sometimes.
Generally speaking, I think "toxic exes" are rare. Toxic relationships, however, are common. So unless you had the statistical misfortune of falling for someone with primary-type idiopathic psychopathy; you should shoulder your share of the blame and learn from it. All my exes with whom I've severed contact were from relationships that were necrotic in some area - and neither of us did anything about it. Just let it grow and grow until everything was disgusting and irreparable (I think most relationships die that way). Which isn't always a bad thing. But I think you lose out on something valuable if you cast the failures to the wind.
In the vein of this topic, Thursday night my wife had a girls night out hangout thing with two of my exes. Both, incidentally, that we've invited into the bedroom during our relationship. What I get from this is that apparently my relationships don't seem to crash and burn in the same way as others do? Or at least that I think that after that initial cooling off period (which can admittedly be a term of years) people can be in your life again and its often worthwhile and valuable. I think part of it is that I've never really dated someone in a social vacuum in the sense that I met them and they were wholly disconnected from my social circle and thus a breakup meant I would never see them again. Instead, they've all been friends or social acquaintances from mutual hobbies and so there's an underlying common interest and social bond beyond just the romance.
(In response to OP) I consider an ex and ex for a reason. If I enjoyed their company, we'd still be together. That said, I don't begrudge anyone else for their choices. The reason I'm not fond of talking to exes is it's just too messy. I've had 2 exes come back wanting to hook up again, and I'm just not an on again/off again kind of guy. When it's time for good-bye, it's time for good-bye. Holly cheated on me with some other dude while I was "away" (translation: in jail). Then she surprised me one night for a booty call (while still seeing the guy she cheated on me with). So I hit that and sent her on her way. A couple years down the road, she was married to the man & came for another visit. I tapped it again, and hid her panties. She finally gave up looking for them and went to work, and I put those panties in her husband's hands right as she was getting home from work. The look on her face was priceless. I'm too old for such games, now.
I don't have any exes. That makes the present man very happy, I think. He has nothing but good things to say about his exes, mostly because he is a nice person who doesn't like disparaging others. I don't care that they talk, since it's really on a need-to-talk basis and not like they just chit chat on the phone or whatever. That would probably be much weirder. Still, I am safe in the knowledge I'm the baddest ass he's ever dated, so even if all his exes showed up in Starfire costumes, I doubt it would shake me much.
How can you not have any exes? Did you make them all disappear? That would worry me as a man if the woman I was with had no exes, I would be very scared.
It probably means that she's never gotten to the point with anyone she has dated where she could call it a relationship that was serious enough that when it ended, that person became an ex. Symantics.
He's a brave man. Why would you be scared of a girl who has no exes? The adage of why buy the cow when the milk is free just went my way, that's all.
On the surface, it would look like she's either a sheltered religious nut, an undatable psycho or an unapologetic libertine. I know there's other reasons, but impulsively that's what it looks like to most.