Do will still have a military contingent on this board? Diablo you still floating? Just got in country and it brought up all sorts of emotions, and nausea.
I'm still floating about, Had a stint in the sandpit last year and got back from a month in Guam for Cope North a few weeks back. Oct this year is my long service medal for 15 years. I'm getting old and crusty.
I wouldn't say around but I just thought of this place again for the first time in a while. Surprised there was anyone still active after so long.
This guy on Reddit is posting some Tucker Max-esque stories from his time in the Navy. Look at his recent history for today's, he says he's posting the best ones tomorrow.
Introducing, Army Reserve Ready Force X. Seriously, someone needs a fucking medal for sliding that one through. If you still don't get the joke, read the above sentence out loud, slowly.
Heh. That reminds me of a patch my father had from his time in Thailand. He and his buddies called themselves "The Railroaders" and the Thai government got all sorts of pissed off about it. "I don't get it" I told him. "Think about it, what do railroaders do?" he replied. I sat there and pondered it for a while and finally it hit me. Railroaders lay ties. Or Thais.
My wife’s grandfather died last night. He served our country in the Navy in WWII. They can’t find his military papers and have no idea on how to go about getting the flag draped casket military funeral he well deserves. It has fallen on me and I don’t know what to do other than calling the local recruiter. Any help would be appreciated.
Toytoy is correct. That form and a little notice, and you get a free flag plus an honor guard to pop it, fold it, present it. The funeral home people know what to do. If you can't find the form, you can get a new DD214, but it is not very fast.
One word of caution if you do have an honor guard: Find out beforehand if they plan on doing the three volley salute. My father's funeral was held in a chapel and no one was expecting gun fire just outside a door open to the outside. It was somewhat unnerving 10 years ago, in this day and age it may cause a panic.
As a military guy (Navy Hospital Corps), I never know what to say when people say "Thank you for your service." My kids school does a big thing for veterans and there is this song about "You're our heroes" and I'm... So embarrassed by that. I don't know why, but I just get so uncomfortable when I hear "thank you" for any of that. Anyone else feel that way?
It's not something that happens here in Australia a lot but is starting to happen more often, like yourself I generally don't have anything to say unless it fits into the conversation organically.
Just got the 10 year email. Purely a lurker before and hadn't logged in for years. I remember hitting up BrianH for advice on potentially joining Special Forces forever ago. Been an 18D going on close to 3 years now. Just wanted to say hello to errbody and try to revive the board a little.
I guess this is the best thread for this . . . I have a friend who was on the safety review team for the MQ-25.