My favorite part of this game is that it is really making people uncomfortable with other people being around in the world. Realizing that you can identify what people are doing (playing Pokemon Go) seems to make those people visible to you when they might not have been otherwise. Now you're aware that there are people at the park, on the street, congregating and doing something. I like it. I can play video games outside at the park, so my dog doesn't hate me as much anymore, and I have something to do with my man, who picked it up and will probably be interested for another week before he goes back to doing more productive things. Regardless, I get to inundate him with video game knowledge and strategy where before he didn't have much interest. It's fun, it's engaging, and it's something to do. A dude tried to make fun of me because I was waiting for a friend to finish taking a shit at a bar, and I was playing Pokemon outside to pass the time. He made some inane sarcastic comment, I told him to fuck off, which I believe is in the spirit of the game. I honestly cannot see the difference between opening a game app for five minutes versus opening up Facebook and mindlessly scrolling through more bullshit that I just saw earlier. Or playing any other gaming app. Or being on reddit, message boards, blogs, every other time-wasting activity on the internet ever, etc. Come football season, people will be making fun of me for opening up my fantasy football app in between friends-at-bars-poop-breaks. People make fun for me bringing a book to read while I wait. People just don't like people doing what they're not doing. So whatever. My sentiment has been and will remain who the fuck cares.
I damn near got hit by some of these idiots drifting around a corner. They were headed for the local park where I had just picked my girls up from soccer practice. Let's see, teenagers+cell phones+drivers licenses+new pokemon game=what could possibly go wrong?
Hate the idiots, not the game or technology. Same could be said for any technology... texting, Tesla's "autopilot", pokemon, etc. It's the meatware that is the problem, not the software or hardware.
Oh Nett, I completely agree. I actually like the technology, and for that matter, I love the idea behind it. Get the kids out of their parents basement and off to a park or a beach, get some exercise, and interact with other humans instead of just a computer screen. It just frustrates me that because of the idiots we go back to the saying, "this is why we can't have nice things."
Roxanne has a great point. I don't see a whole lot of difference between someone walking down the street with their head buried in their phone texting or playing Candy Crush. Its getting people out, exploring their communities. Yea, people walking around with their head buried in their phones is a bit weird, but that happens with texting and facebooking too, I don't see a substantial difference. What I do see a difference in is the medium, its a kids game that adults are playing and enjoying. Why is it weird for someone to be sitting in a waiting room playing Pokemon but not weird for someone to be playing Candy Crush?
That dude doesn't look like he's having much fun playing that game. At least, not from the creepy-stalker-in-the-woods / camera perspective.
K. Based on those comments and rep, that was obviously a whiff. But, that was a joke. I know it's not a dude.