I can't believe I'm actually admitting this. I think I've only told two other people over the course of my life. I'm a huge Warrant fan. And not just 'Heaven' or 'Cherry Pie.' I like their later stuff even more. I'd go so far as to say that Dog Eat Dog is in my top ten favourite albums. It's a good thing there are no longer red dots.
Stargates SG-1 and Atlantis. They started out as what I would watch when I got home during the weekend and cable was broken. Now i find myself watching as episode or two a week. I don't know what I'll do when I'm done with the entire series.
Sims. I fucking love controlling every aspect of their fake, pixelated lives. And I have been known to start playing on a Friday night and then continue well into Sunday afternoon without stopping. Is it undeniably nerdy? Yes. Every time I fire up the game and hear the opening bars of music, I feel a slight sense of shame and guilt at wasting my time on such a stupid computer game. But it's not like that'll stop me from playing or anything.
Ok, two gripes. The Fifth Element is straight up awesome, and if you have not seen this on Blu-ray yet you should be shot. Demolition Man although cheesy, has a young Sandra Bullock in spandex for the whole movie. THE. WHOLE. MOVIE. That's worth the price of admission itself. And you know you're just waiting for someone to invent the three sea shells. Focus: 80's hair metal. Maiden, Dio, Ozzy, Crue, Kix, Queensryche. Man I haven't been able to get enough since the sixth grade. It was a sad day when grunge hit the scene, and part of me smiled when Cobain decided to take a dirt nap. Is that wrong?
None of the things mentioned in this thread that people like or do, have I ever had a problem saying that I like or do. I am just that dorky a person. But the one thing that I rarely bring up to anyone is that I have at various times in my life watched soaps. It tends to be on again off again since I was a teen. For the past two years I've only been following one storyline on one soap, and I'll soon let that go because one of the actors is leaving the show. Unless he joins another soap, I'll be finished with them for awhile.
Paranormal research shows. No matter how dorky, stupid, or asinine they are I can't help myself. 99% of their "Evidence" is pretty easily explainable, but there is always that 1% that makes me wonder. One of my nieces is coming for a visit next week and we've already planned one night of looking for ghosts. She loves that shit, and secretly I do too.
I have watched every episode of The Real World. Every single one of them, and usually not in some type of MTV marathon sequence. I am a 30 year old man who would be a laughing stock in my office if my co-workers knew that I can't stop watching. It's interesting to see the way the entire program has slid down a slope all the way to total shit. Remember when the people were interesting? Cops, country singers, writers, bike messengers, comic book artists, doctors, people with AIDS, race car drivers, and actual professional models all got their 15 minutes of fame and though they were usually completely self absorbed, at least they had a life before (and presumably after) MTV, except for John the country singer. He's just a fat, Jesus lovin' redneck. Now it's just a booze fueled fuck fest that springboards a career into other MTV reality shows. I still watch it though, and I am not proud of myself.
Saturday/Sunday afternoon, if this movie is on USA, Spike, TNT, or WTBS, My ass is on the couch watching it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojPVOhHhwnk
I have stopped watching The Real World, but I still watch the Real World/Road Rules Challenges. I just can't help myself. Also, I managed to get sucked into the show Vampire Diaries on the CW. I was channel surfing one night and watched a whole episode (because I saw Boone from Lost in it) and now I watch it every week. Embarassing.
I watch all the high-school drama type tv shows. I about shed a tear when The OC went off the air. I have my dvr set to tape 90210, Degrassi, Glee, all the Real World shows including the Challenges, among other atrocities. I coach high school basketball, so all day long I have to hear all the 15-18 year old girls ramble on about these shows without being able to chime in my thoughts. One day, I'll be man enough to admit my obsession with these shows, but until then, I'll lay back in secret hiding behind the safety of my OC collectors boxed set, all the while waiting for the new episode of 90210 to air.
None of my friends know this and I'm going to get flamed for it but I'm a 30 year old straight dude and I...I...watch the Hills. Are you happy now? I'm going to go throw up.
I secretly indulge myself in watching Maury Povitch when no one else is home. I have no idea why this level of stupidity entertains me, but it does. Seeing the look on people's faces when Maury reads the paternity results just never gets old. Also, watching people get tasered on Cops. That is the epitome of excellent television.
I just finished Twilight. And I liked it. The love story get horribly sappy in a lot of places, but otherwise I thought it was a good read. I'm going out to buy book 2 now to see what those crazy vampires will get themselves in to next! Also, -Pink (the singer). I almost want to buy her CD, but I don't think I could live with myself if I saw Twilight AND a Pink CD in my room. -Guitar Hero. I'm way better than anybody should ever be at that game, but I can't stop.
Damn it if I haven't been addicted to playing "Sorority Life" on my facebook for the past few weeks. Sorority Life is a "Mafia-Wars" style game, where your character is part of a sorority and you get to organise events, fight other sisters and win and change outfits. What makes it guilty - I regularly continue to play despite anything else that needs to be done - cook dinner, mark student's assignments, teach my class... Considering I have the attention span of a gnat, hopefully I'm over this guilty pleasure soon!
Entourage. It's like watching something horrible happen once a week, and not being able to look away. Jeremy Piven may be a super douche bag, but Ari Gold should have his own show.
I have a few guilty pleasures that I revealed on the RMMB: Lights attains levels of hotness I previously thought were only theoretical: Mika sounds like Freddie Mercury: Vampire Weekend writes light, catchy music: