Absolutely. And the worse the movie, the more excited I will be. The Shining is great, but Jack Nicholson can't stand up to the cannibal mutant rapists in The Hills Have Eyes 2. John Carpenter/Kurt Russell movies are another. Escape from New York, Escape from LA, and Big Trouble in Little China are all fantastic. I've found that they are also inappropriate getting-to-know-you conversation. I could include The Thing, but I'd defend my love for that movie to any crowd. And I might propose to the first girl I meet that likes Kurt Russell half as much as I do.
I may be about to start very casually playing Magic the Gathering again. Do I win the thread? In my defense, my buddy and I are going to be very stoned. But still. I almost feel like I would be less ashamed playing Pokemon. Or WoW. I will also admit to jamming out to Janelle Monae's Metropolis: The Chase Suite from time to time. I know that objectively it's a good cd (got her nominated for a Grammy I believe), but I have probably less than 30 songs out of 8000+ on my iTunes that could really be classified as pop. Most of it is rap or metal, and if I were caught listening to Many Moons I don't think I could defend myself from my friends. But it's a damn cool song.
It's been mentioned, but I'll second Romantic Comedies. Especially British, like Four Weddings and a Funeral or An Ideal Husband. I'm not proud of this, but I've come to accept it.
Oh man. This is bad. This past summer, my roommates and I whipped out our old copies of Pokémon Gold/Silver version for GameBoy Color and played the shit out of them for like 3 months. Granted, they are fantastic games. But try explaining that to anybody and not sound like a fucking 11 year old.
Dragonball Z? Yes please. Ace of Base is the fucking bomb. I've also learned every song from Metallica's "St. Anger" on guitar and think its one of their best albums. I also played the Star Wars MMO for 3 years.
Don't you ever feel guilty about that. Do you hear?? Don't you ever...shhhhhhh. don't you ever feel guilty about that FOCUS: Two and a Half Men. I know, I know, it's terrible. But Charlie Sheen....the crappy fart jokes...the borderline retarded kid...cah-maaaaaan. *whip-crack* *whip-crack*
Iron Maiden isn't, nor have they ever been hair metal. Also, they're bigger now than they ever were, they just did a record breaking tour A band that is so widely considered cool -they are muscian's muscians as well- is not a guilty pleasure. My guilty pleasure is Mika. Fucking Mika.
I hear ya. Any bad dance movie for that matter. As previously mentioned, the Fast and Furious movies. All of them. 2 Fast 2 Furious was on USA last night and I stayed up to watch it. Now I'm at work and need a serious nap. Also, string cheese. I feel like a 7 yr. old when I eat it, but I could polish off a 24 pack in about two days. It's bad.
Thirded. Especially any of Zahn's stuff I really, truly enjoy BL Lime. I don't even like any other Budweiser products and generally claim to like good beer, no idea why BLL does it for me. Beyond that I like the odd jpop song. Goddamn you Megumi Hayashabari and Aya Matsuura.
Project Runway I have no idea why it always seems to be on when I'm in the mood for it, but I'm fully up to date with it, and have spent hours and hours watching marathons of it... My girlfriend just found out a couple of days back and we haven't addressed it yet.
Terrible romance novels. The more horrible the story line (voodoo priestess finds love with mission worker) the better.
There's something about watching Hobbits party in a Ferngully setting that's pretty fucking humbling.
Staying on tune with the music, I sometimes go on a Sinatra binge and blast him 24/7. I wouldn't consider this a guilty pleasure at all if I weren't in college right now.
I used to watch those damn small claims court daytime tv shows almost religiously. Judge Alex having the most even handed rulings while Judge Maria Lopez having the nicest Cubana Ass.
I listen to The Birthday Massacre, watched every episode of Degrassi: TNG though the first 7 seasons (with season 8 on my hard drive somewhere), and love Smirnoff Ice Green Apple Bite (for the taste, goddammit -- the trace amount of alcohol is incidental). I just forfeited my right to make fun of any of you, ever again.
Long warm baths with scented bathsalts. When the ex moved out she left all her girly baththingies, so whenever I've had a long day I just get in the tub, crack a beer and relax. And I read twilight, don't judge.