It's not that the activity itself is a guilty pleasure, but just the sheer amount of time spent on it. Big boobs. It's just endless. I'm permanently and irreparably obsessed with finding and looking at girls with big boobs. I have several blogs dedicated to big boobs on my google reader. At one point I downloaded a software which monitors everything I do on my computer to see how much time I spend doing what. In one week I spent 21 hours on some form of boob viewing. That comes out to 3 hours everyday. AND I'M NOT EVEN UNEMPLOYED. This doesn't include the time spent with my fuck buddy who has big boobs, or going to bars in pursuit of boobs. I like to think I'm a pretty decent guy who has his shit together. This is my biggest vice; two god damn lumps of fat. I wish I was gay.
You'd be surprised how many people are fans of Sinatra, especially in college. I've never felt guilty about the music I like and as such, would select my entire music collection to play and leave it on shuffle for hours at a time when at University. If Men Without Hats' Safety Dance came on, so be it. I don't know why but I've always enjoyed that song, if Chilly Down from the Labyrinth soundtrack follows on after a Mr.Big record, I'll carry on with what I'm doing and not think twice about skipping the song for fear of what other people may say. That said, I was genuinely surprised by the amount of people who ask for me to turn up the volume should some Sinatra start playing, the man's music is timeless. Choice of film/television show on the other hand, I keep guarded. Mostly due to being tired of hearing, "You're far too young to know about that series, let alone even know it exists". Dallas, I cannot get enough of it. I get a kick out of seeing a particular brand of Pâté in the supermarket which is branded as, "John Ross Jr. Smoked Salmon Pâté." Besides, Victoria Principle was phenomenally stunning in her day.
I spoke earlier about my new cinema set up, what was the first film I ran through to test it out? Was it LOTR? Was it Rambo IV on bluray? Nope: Footrot Flats, I'm listening to it again right now.... If it doesn't make you feel good I pity you.
I bought my smaller dog a hoodie. I tell people it's because he gets cold. In truth, it's mostly because he looks fucking adorable wearing it. The last CD I bought was the new Baroness CD. Before that? Paramore. I consider myself to be a bloody-mary connoisseur . I think Chandler Bing is one of the greatest sitcom characters ever created. In fact, I'll watch pretty much anything with Matthew Perry in it.
You know I would have agreed with you but I learned that the guy has part of one of his fingers missing. After noticing just that every time I see him on tv, well I just can't take him seriously any more. Sigh.
Up until a week or so ago my roommate and suitemates had no idea that I had played video games competitively over the summer and had several videos of myself online on youtube. Now nearly each day I get to hear something about my "gamer mouse" which is just a Razor Lachesis, bastards. I also like listening to the stupid ass songs that Soulja Boy makes, especially that HOPUPOUTTABEDYEAHTURNMAHSWAGONYEAAAAHA. Hop up outta bedddd, turn my swag onnnnn, *pulls trigger* I hate myself for it. [Also, good romantic comedies are quality movies. >_>]
The John Cusack-Kate Beckinsale movie Serendipity. Actually pretty much any John Cusack movie. Especially High Fidelity.
You wouldn't believe it but the novel of the same name is infinitely whinier and less interesting than the movie. The movie is good; Cusak plays the mopey, whiney loser perfectly. Serendipity on the other hand, you'll get flogged for it.
What Can I say. Seeing a whiny bitch like John Cusack get a hottie like Kate Beckinsale [she's in my "Five"] gives me hope.
The Pokemon TV series, and the first Pokemon movie. I'll defend this with that I grew up watching it. What I can't defend is that the 'Bye Bye Butterfree' episode and the scene in the movie where Ash turns to stone makes me cry. And I still play the shit out of the games too. When I found my GameBoy color and Blue version a few months ago, it was as though Christmas had come early. This is even worse but, I...I still listen to John Mayer's first cd Room for Squares. And I LIKE it. I feel guilty even writing this. I think I'll go now.
No reason to feel any guilt about listening to John Mayer; he's a great artist, puts a lot of emotion into his songs, and can play guitar like a motherfucker. I'm not ashamed to admit that I get a little misty-eyed whenever I listen to "Comfortable" from his EP Inside Wants Out Focus: I don't mind admitting I like anime, because what could possibly be cooler than giant fighting robots? However, I am a little hesitant to admit that one of my favorite animes is Inuyasha. It has a lot less action than most anime, and focuses more on character development, so it's basically just a love story. It's been called the "anime for girls," but I just can't resist it.