Kind of interesting... I've always gotten a kick out of shooting black powder. There's just something amusing about pulling the trigger and ...wait for it...wait for it....BOOM...recoil...followed by a bunch of smoke. So I went looking for black powder hand guns, like an 1851 Colt Navy or a pepper box replica. It turns out, they're all sold out too. (I did find a couple brass frame replicas available, but I kind of want something that's going to survive more than 100 rounds.) Why the hell are black powder handguns sold out everywhere I look?
At least in Texas, black powder rifles and handguns are considered “replicas” rather than firearms, so people who would otherwise not be allowed to own a gun (like felons) can still legally buy and own one
I'm not sure I buy into the theory that felons are buying up all the pepper boxes instead of Hi Points because they want to be legal. But maybe... I spent most of tonight searching down folks that sell 6.5" Raging Judges and asking them to notify when they have one for sale. It's going to cost me $1500 or so for one, but I don't give a damn. If I can pick one up for <$1500 I'll be a happy man. The difference between a Judge and a Raging Judge is comical:
For my Micro 9, I'm thinking something like this might be a viable holster: It rides high enough that I wouldn't need bigger t-shirts and shouldn't imprint to bad. I could also carry cocked and chambered without worrying about blowing my dick off. Any thoughts?
get some cheap ones in different styles and practice with them. Even just dry firing in your house with snap caps or whatever. Practice pulling it in and out of the holster, using a variety of clothing you could be wearing with it. When you settle on a style that's the best, then go for a more expensive holster along those lines. I have a drawer full of different holsters I tried out before I settled on a basic concealment express for my p365. Are you really sure you wanna carry something that requires the hammer to be cocked back in order to have it in Condition 1?
That's why I'm asking y'all...CCW is something new to me. I'm deferring to your experience. Snap caps? The only reason I have any is for a .12 gauge breach loader. I never even considered them for my handguns. Are they really that necessary? The Micro 9 just seems to be a perfect conceal weapon size wise, is there another 9mm of the same size and quality I might look at?
The hammers just worry me. Hang ups on clothing mainly. One more thing to get caught or cause an issue. im partial to the p365 after going from a bersa thunder (380), to a Glock 19, to briefly a snub nose .38 special
I do want a bit more stopping power then .380. I've had a Glock 19, I loved that gun and I was disappointed my Glock 23 was smaller, I like a full size Glock. I thought the Glock 23 would be a good CCW gun, then I bought my Micro 9. So far that thing is tits for me. It's only single stack, but it's tiny and 9mm. Besides that, it's a Kimber...
Got this holster in the mail today. Nope, nope, nope. The front sight hangs when trying to draw and it imprints horribly. Back to the drawing board.
You've got some free time, I'd be tempted to make my own holster. Some simple leatherwork and heat-formed plastic and you can make one that works for you.
I know my limitations, and sewing/stitching is one of them. I wouldn't trust anything I might cobble together to hold a roll of pennies, much less a loaded firearm. I almost bought a Colt M4 today. They were in stock and after I'd pondered if I wanted to spend $1200 and arrived at the decision of "Yes, I do want to spend $1200" and hit the "Add to Cart" button, I was greeted with "This item is no longer in stock." They do still have a Century Arms AK for $1K, but I'd rather have 5.56 than 7.62.
That's an awesome piece. The birthday part of the story kind of reminds me of my property in MO. I bought it as a birthday gift for myself, and 4 1/2 years later I paid it off. Somehow I received the deed in the mail on my birthday that year.
Speaking of ARs, I just bought one of these: I'd been waiting for a Mossberg 590M, but I've never found one. This was a bit more, but I like it. Sadly, it appears the higher capacity mags are sold out everywhere.
If it's a firearm they imported, Century Arms is fine (WASR 10 for example). If it's something they put together in the U.S., stay far away from it. Their quality control is subpar.
I went to do the paperwork on this gun today (I ordered it online.) I got to the store about 15 minutes before opening and people were lined up 20-30 deep to go in when they open. What. The. Fuck. I'm guessing folks that are hording ammo? I have no idea. I sat in my car and read for an hour or so. Then I went in and the store was empty. Until I got to the gun section. There was a nice long line of folks wanting to buy guns. Or look at guns. I could've took a number and waited in line, but fuck that...I was there long enough to hear questions directed at the sales staff like "What's the difference between a hollow point and a revolver?" and "That looks neat, can I see it?"..."Now can I see that one?"..."Does it come in silver?"..."Oh that's neat, can I see that one?". Yeah, I'm not hanging around for an hour and a half of that. I'll try again next week
They're not impractical if you want to kill a bowling ball. I've been trying to find one myself and it's a pain in the ass. Who in the hell is buying up 45-70's?
Owen Grady fans. And people that know it's a good caliber for hunting in brush, ain't no briar going to change that projectile's vector. I tried to buy one last year from Walmart. The Henry Golden Boy in 45-70, but the stock was already scratched from idiot sporting goods associates not being careful taking it in and out of the display case. I'm not paying $1k for something with blemishes like that, and every single one they had in all calibers was dinged.