45-70s are very popular in states that only allow straight walled cartridges for deer hunting. I went with the 450 bushmaster which does its job but kicks like a mule.
So, have y'all noticed a turn towards normalcy, or are people still panic hoarding? I'd like to stop paying scalper prices, that'd be nice.
Dude Biden hasnt even been sworn in yet. You wont see any return to normal until at least the summer.
My money would be on Winter 2021 or Spring 2022 barring any new legal entanglements. Panic buying in general will continue for at least a short time after Biden is sworn in. Once that dies down, normal folks and scalpers will overbuy for a period just because some ammo is available. Same thing happened to a lesser degree when Obama was elected. Ideally, ammo manufacturers are ramping up production to meet demand, but people trying to make a buck will screw the rest of over for some time.
I finally did the paper work on my VR80 today and got to hold it briefly in my hands. Oh my. That thing is a fucking beast. The guy behind me in line stared at it wide eyed and asked "Is that a shot gun? In an AR frame? Holy shit!"
Still waiting on the call to pick up my gun. Usually I get the call in a few hours, at the most three days.
Went into the store today and told them "I did the background check on the 9th and I haven't heard from anyone, what's going on?" The guy behind the counter immediately said "Are you toytoy? Yeah, it came through."I didn't mention my name or the type of gun before he said that. Part of me thinks some employee was hoping I wouldn't pick it up so they could get it seeing as they sold out right after I bought mine. Anyways, I now have it. So Yay!
I finally came across a place with the extended mags for my VR80 in stock. Two 9 round mags with shipping and tax came to right at $100. Ouch. And no, I never even considered buying the 19 round mags. Besides looking stupid, they also seem to me to be impracticable, bulky, and ridiculous.
That wasn't too difficult. I got 200 rounds of Hornady 5.56 for .75 a round. This being my first AR, I have no idea if that's good or bad. I would hope it's usually about 1/2 of that, but for the moment I'm just happy to have something to chamber. What scares me is the .223 prices. Everything under $1 a round is steel case. I was hoping to pick up a few hundred rounds of .223 also, but right now I think I'll pass. My AR also didn't come with sights. I have a red dot I could throw on it, but I'm thinking I'd rather have iron sights. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Last time I bought 500 rounds it was $169.99 plus tax for Federal American Eagle, which is brass cartridge. That was March 3, 2020 from Bulk ammo .com. Hope it comes down soon, also. I'd put the red dot on it and order some 45° offset flip up sights. Then order a decent scope when you can.
I think flip-up irons are the way to go. I put a red dot (sig romeo5) on mine, then some UTG slip flip ups. They work great and stay out of the way, which is really what I want. The entire purpose is mainly just to hold zero so if I want to switch out the red dot for something else later, I can. But also in case the red dot does run out of batteries, or I just feel like fucking around with those instead of the sight.
For God's sake... I went and did the paperwork for my AR today. Only an hour and a half wait to be served. While waiting I wandered around the empty ammo shelves. There was some 9mm and 5.56, but they had a limit of 2 boxes for anything. The aisle was crowded with people, many of them on their phones telling whoever was on the other end what was available, or bitching about what wasn't available. The best one was the guy on his phone blocking the CCI .22 LR from anyone else accessing it, for over an hour. Either that or the guy flipping his shit at some poor employee who told him he could only have 2 boxes of .357 because "NO ONE ELSE IS BUYING IT!"....yeah, no one else was actively buying it at that exact moment. Probably because you were standing in front of all the .357 and screaming like an idiot. I get to go back next week to pick up my AR after the background check clears. Yay. Thank God I have enough ammo.
I have enough that if you shoot at me 5000 times, I can shoot back at you 5000 times with something. I figure if we trade 10K rounds at least one of us will be dead. Hopefully not me.
magazines or just ammo? I only ask because I only had one or two mags for a long time, and got sick of reloading them so damn slow doing target shooting when I was in a groove. Now I have a few for my 5.56 and .308, but still just use the mags that came with the other ones. There's so many aftermarket choices now and I don't really trust any of them other than pmags.