Awesome picture. Along this 1911 mini-thread, any thoughts on the Kimber? I am looking at the red-dot for the fun at the range, and I'd probably never CCW a 1911; I am pretty sure of that. I simply do not practice enough and I love the Sig 239 and I feel I am in better control with its safety. That said, I want this if I do carry or want to play at the range: Stainless Ultra TLE II (LG). Is it worth the money? Thoughts? Better value/performance?
Top Sniper, Season 2 just started up it seems. Holy crap. Sniper shooting out of a moving, airborne helicopter. DAMN.
I got another catalog from Cheaper Than Dirt to add to the 3" worth they've sent to me already. They're usually ignored, but I laughed out loud when flipping through this one today. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> That shit is awesome. Only $39.95. How fucking ridiculous would it be to pull it out of a holster? What kind of holster? What if you had two of them? They need this.
Good call. I've never seen anything like that before, but a quick google search confirmed it:
Imagine if you had one of those in each hand! Just start walking forward while spinning your arms and pulling the triggers. You could shred your way through a whole crowd of bad guys!
Gun porn. For the sake of gun porn. Spoiler I'm switching up my finishing method and am using spar urethane varnish on the stock instead of Tru-oil. I'm pretty sure the finish will be tougher than hell when done and I can get the color and figure to come out just as well with the urethane (way more durable than the cheap Tru-oil stuff, which is synthetic linseed oil). I apologize for how blindingly Minnesotan I am.
Finished my latest AR build, here's the whole family. I obviously don't have kids in the house ha ha ha.
Maybe it's just me but the whole fanatical got to keep the guns away from kids thing boggles my mind and always has. Growing up we had a room locked up with gun safes where almost all of our guns were, it was heavily locked to keep intruders from stealing our guns, not to keep us kids out. As long as I can remember I knew where all the keys were. Along with that my dad had a carbine in his closet for home protection. Being young and having summers off of course I knew which fucking pocket he hid the magazine. I never had any inclination growing up to ever fool around with any of it or show it off to friends. Shit we were more concerned with the porno tapes hidden near by. Otherwise we would have never been in trouble or yelled at for being in the gun room. I really don't know where Im going with this rant other than the fanaticism I think breeds the exact behavior it tries to prevent. Sorry not trying to direct any of it at you either.
So about the on-campus concealed carry permits. I don't really understand the point of a bill/law one way or another. If it's supposed to be concealed (at least with permits in my state), what difference will a rule make that states whether or not that you can do something that's supposed to be secret anyway? If you get caught with a gun thats not concealed, you're getting arrested, regardless if you're on a campus. So what's the point of the law?
This seems to be a complete misunderstanding of concealed carry. *If you don't have a permit and have a gun in public, you're getting arrested. *If you have a permit and are brandishing a gun in public, you're getting arrested. *If you have a permit and use a gun to defend yourself, you're probably not going to get arrested (unless you fucked up somewhere in the process of defending yourself). You might be taken to the station and questioned about the incident, but you probably won't ever be under arrest. And at least you'll be alive.
From my understanding of the law in California (as an example, laws may vary between states), CCW holders can carry their firearms within school zones, and they will be shielded from criminal cases. However, that might violate a campus policy, and they may be punished in a civil case or otherwise disciplined without going to PMITA prison. This is a non-issue for me, so perhaps asking some experts is the way to go.
I think it's pretty clear that teaching kids that guns are automatically dangerous and bad isn't working. I think a large impact could be made by making firearms safety an optional class in more schools- something that used to be done often. The earlier kids are taught about guns and learn how to respect them, the better. The same applies for adults, and any first time shooter I've taken with me has always been surprised and enjoyed the experience. I put something in the R&R thread about this, but I'll drop a direct link here anyways because it's pertinent. Spoiler In other fun news, the UPS truck delivered a kickass package. Three stock blanks culled from Weatherby for flaws that I can easily fix... and I bought them for a serious bargain. The new Marlin XT-22 rifles are affordable enough that I think these three will be turned into custom XT-22 stocks (in other words, high-grade squirrel slayers). Spoiler The bottom one may have to remain mine. I paid $30 for each. There's enough meat there for me to make them a lot less Weatherby and a lot more classic varmint styled if my rasps are up to the task.
It's pretty much the same thing here in Virginia. You can carry on campus (just like anywhere else not specifically exempted in state law), but it is probably in violation of the university's policies. The only school in VA you cannot carry on campus is VCU because it is specifically named as one of the no-carry sites in the state law (like courthouses, public schools, and airports). That said, I still carry almost every day when I go to class because A.) it's concealed, B.) if I have to use it, I'm a little past the point of caring if the college disciplines me after the fact, and C.) I've seen the campus cops shoot at the local police range - there is no way I'm putting my life in Hellen Keller's hands.