My new, to me, Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum & a revised Rolling Stones cover. I wish I had purchased one of these sooner. Damn thing is scary accurate.
Question time. So I went out and got relatively cheap ($800) Diamondback 5.56 AR. I was looking at the optics (looking for red dot/holo) and the guy said that some optics sit too low on the rail, and the cheapest they had which would work was an EOTech for $400, which for a starter rifle, I don't feel like paying. How when shopping for optics online can I tell what "fits." I'm confused.
I also didn't want to shell out for optics that will end up costing like $700. I went the iron sight route. I got a troy industries fixed rear sight. I fucking love it. /back-up-iron-s...-battlesight-rear-di-optic-aperture-doa-fixed Generally, all newer AR/M4 styles have similar dimensions, which is what makes them so fun. If it has a front sight, there should a stamp on it. I don't have my rifle here, so I forget what the stamping says, but I think its the letter F or something. If that is on there, most all aftermarket products will fit and line up to the front sight. I literally screwed it on to the rail, lined it up a bit at the range and it is deadly accurate.
It sounds like your guy at the gun counter may have confused what he had in stock with what was available. There are a litany of options to modify the placement of a red dot optic. Risers are one of the more basic add ons, but as previously mentioned, stuff designed for an AR platform are fairly universal. My experience with red dots is limited, but I keep reading that you get what you pay for. Magnified optics, however, are coming down in price. There are a lot more budget friendly, quality options to consider.
Just thought I'd pass this along. Who doesn't want a discount on ammo? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ick=231503</a>
Well this should be interesting, my brother needed money to fight his DUI and unloaded this on me this am.
The project I'll be working on for the stockmaking seminar I'm doing soon arrived today. I bought a quartersawn English walnut blank and sent it to a professional stockmaker to do a 90% semi-inlet job (rough cut inside and out) in an old-style English design. This will be my first time working with this variety of walnut and I'm looking forward to it. The work already done saves a ton of time and grunt work but it is minor compared to what I have left to do with it. Spoiler It looks even better with some mineral spirits splashed on to bring out the color. There are a lot more smoky lines running through the wood than the blank initially showed- I got lucky.
You think that's a lot? You should see the back of Pat Rogers' suburban (affectionately known as "The Death Star"). I wish I had a picture to post but it probably has 20 BCM ARs, a few dozen Glocks and M&Ps, body armor, comm gear, and enough ammo to invade some smaller European nations. I have a half-chub just thinking about all the toys in the back of his truck.
Yeah there are some rich mother fuckers over at that post some astounding collections that put that dudes addiction to shame.
I'll be honest, collections like that make me wary toward the collector. I mean it's one thing to have a 500 gun collection because you have 500 different guns. But 20 ARs? That's like a car collector who has 20 F-150s. Why would you want 20 of the same gun?
They are mostly T&E guns for the manufacturers so they can be run hard in classes. That said, they are expensive high-end ARs, many of which have cool toys that aren't on the market yet. A lot of companies come to Pat so he can have serious people run their products and give honest feedback about what works and doesn't work. I think one of the AR's, "Filthy 14," has 80,000+ rounds through it without ever being cleaned and has no degradation in accuracy or performance.
If whatever you're shooting at is so dangerous that taking less than 3 seconds to swap to a fresh magazine - after you already put 30 rounds into it - means near certain death, perhaps you should re-evaluate your weapon of choice for the situation. Just sayin... I was wondering about that; how many of those ARs were customized differently. Makes sense now.
Nah I don't think that is too much or a lot of guns, I just liked his commentary on it. Especially the part of buying another safe, but that will cause him to buy more guns fill all the empty crevices in that one too. In regards of buying the similar or same guns, I have two nighthawks currently, a 9mm t3 and a GRP Recon in 45. But honestly if I was able to afford it, I would purchase at least 10 other 1911's. it is like the adult version of Pokemon. *** side note: one of my favorite pistols is simply CZ 75 SP01, I would highly recommend you guys purchase one if you ever get the chance, great resale in them too since they are relatively hard to get.
Went to the gun show today and traded out my glock g30 for an FNX 45. I really wanted a full size handgun and something a little more comfortable to hold. I'm super excited about it. I'm going from a 10+1 mag to a 15+1 and they give you 3 of them.
Re: Re: Guns and Ammo Thread I am extremely impressed with my FN, quality pistol for sure, an FNX is my next purchase.
Re: Re: Guns and Ammo Thread I've always wanted one. And they weren't that expensive as long as you don't get the tactical model. It's practically double the price. But the barrel comes threaded and the slide is pre tapped for an optic if you want it. I don't foresee needing any of that so I went with the more basically model.