This year we're nutjob third party candidates and the dog will be an undecided voter between us. I'll put the lion costume back on him to surprise trick-and-treaters too.
Are you going to paint on the ivy vines or is there like a Dave's House of Body Stockings place that carries that sort of thing? Asking for a friend.
I'm going as a hockey player, because its easy. I don't expect to get laid, I'm just hoping the hockey smell isn't part of the getup.
Paint. I thought about trying to find a stocking solution but there is no way to make it look cool, as far as I could tell. I'm hoping being inside and all the drugs will keep me warm. Since it's just Halloween I'm doing it myself, but the next convention I go to I hope to get a professional body artist to airbrush it on.
VERY easy to make. I hammer rebar poles in the ground and paint them black. The shoulders are pool noodles cut to size and wrapped in white duct tape. The arms are simple cloth, the hands are skeleton props from Dollerama. I zip-tie the hands together so they look like they're holding hands and spike styrofoam heads/skull on the top of the pole, just above the pool noodle. The veil/bodies are cheap white mesh that's around $2 per yard at a fabric store. Blast them with a blue disco light at night and they both shimmer AND are see-through. If you have the things you need ready, they take about 20 minutes to build from scratch. Check out "tape ghosts" they are insanely awesome and easy to make but you need somebody who is not claustrophobic at all to be your model/patsy. Approved.
Everyone has a weird movie that scares the shit out of them. Mine is gremlins, hate it, still walk out of a room if its on.
The first one is one of those pre-code PG horror movies that got away with VERY extreme violence. It's straight-up nasty. The sequel on the other hand is a goofy satirical masterpiece with Christopher Lee devouring the scenery as an intimidating mad scientist.
Our place is the feature house on the haunted attractions list this year, and for the first time is seven years they aren't calling for rain. It's going to be a zoo around here Monday.
The only movie I've ever had to quit watching because it terrified me was "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me." The scene where she runs up to her bedroom and sees Bob pretending to hide? My brain was like, "Nope." Watch that shit in the daylight hours.