Seriously? This is the year to find salmon pink jeans. You may have to venture into the women's department, but the cut would probably be about right. Give me an idea of your size and I can look online for you. Cheaper places to try...forever21, old navy.
O'Banion would be easier, just because all you'd have to do is cover yourself in paint and carry a paddle.
I'm thinking of going as the guy in the yellow suit from the gangnam style video and busting the sweet moves out pretty much everywhere. Problem is I'm not Asian and don't own a highlighter yellow suit.
Dude, this shit has been getting some big exposure and once again I was wondering what the fuck everyone was talking about. Then I searched the video. I just thought "oww, someone posted that like two months ago on TiB." Apparently it has a quarter of a BILLION hits on youtube.
I think my best friend and I are going to do this: I'm Idaho. Yes, my boyfriend is already making "Who da ho?" jokes.
My roommate and a few others decided we would be going as Super Troopers in hopes of looking something like this. Spoiler I was so stoked to do Super Troopers. My roommate was made for the role of Farva. However, now my roommate has decided that we should be replacement NFL referees and wear sunglasses and have canes used by blind people in addition to the referee costume. He found it on busted coverage or some shit so I'm sure we won't see another group of NFL replacement refs all night.
Damnit. I had elaborate mental plans about a Halloween party and costumes and booze and it all went away when my mother in law called and said she'd coming in on the 25th.
With the replacement refs now gone the costume has lost some of its luster. The roommate has now conceded that it would be best if we went as Super Troopers..after I shaved my moustache.
After my episode on Friday, I am trying to think of a costume on the theme "The Widowmaker" since thatis the nickname of the type of heart attack I survived. I was thinking of going as the artery that clogged on me, but I have no idea how to do it.
If I didn't have a costume already I think it would be fun to dress up like the dog from Duck Hunt and hover around people who are trying to hook up, and when one of them strikes out just jump out and laugh at them mercilessly. You know, to recreate the joys of our childhoods.
A few years ago, I had the bright idea of dressing up as Moses to go to a Halloween party. I got the wig, the beard, the red robe and stick. No need for tablets because hey, I'm fucking Moses, everyone knows that. As I walk in, cue the girl, who is throwing the party. saying: "Are you supposed to be Jerry Garcia in a bath robe about to go on a mountain hike?" To which I replied "......Yes..." GODDAMN THESE GLASSES! So this year, I am going as Jerry Garcia....
Ruined Spanish Monkey Jesus Fresco? Fucking. Awesome. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... en-costume</a>
Not in my book. I told my roommate that we should go as Sandusky and Paterno. He thought it was awesome. Others, not so much.
I would be so impressed if you had the balls to do that in my town. There is no way you wouldn't end up in a fight with some former Penn State asshole at some point.
Hairy Jerry comes a close second to James Holmes $500 paired with a desperate need for attention and it's yours!