Just go as "The Joker," get a red wig, a single movie ticket in one hand and an airsoft AR-15 in the other. Make sure you yell "damnit!! Why won't it fire?!?" ever few minutes. Guaranteed to get you punched in the face. But you can rest comfortably knowing you sent a few people home crying.
We've been invited to a Halloween party this year. My wife has a Raggity Ann costume as well as a Malificent costume she can wear, so I am trying to come up with something related to either, but brings the funny. If she had a Snow White or the Evil Queen costume, I'd go as Angry, the Forgotten Dwarf (I'm 6'4") as an example. Any suggestions?
Wife told me this morning she's already ordered a Snow White costume, so dwarf it is, but I came up with a few other ideas. Being that the party is being being hosted by two friends from AA and the guest list is all recovering alcoholics and addicts, I thought about going as Jimmy Stewart and have my wife dress up in rabbit costume. I also thought about dressing in all camo, the grease paint, etc. and sewing a French flag on the shirt and carrying around a white flag, but considering the hostess is French, I don't think she'd find much humor in that. I also found a pretty decent gorilla suit for $250 which my wife thought was a lot of money just for a Halloween party, but I explained the multiple uses it would get: PTA meetings, city council meetings, church on Christmas, a tour of the Museum of Natural History. She said she'd think about it (fingers crossed!).
Dude, there has to be some gallows AA humor you can exploit. Go from one of the characters in the BB perhaps. I dont really go out for Halloween anymore as costumed drunk people suck when your sober.
I absolutely wanted to get someone to do Walt & Jesse in full meth-lab outfits for Halloween with me this year, but alas, I have been invited to a wedding Halloween weekend and I don't think the couple's family would appreciate me showing up head to toe in polyethylene.
Polyethylene at a wedding is a bit gauche. This is the appropriate Breaking Bad costume for a formal occasion.
Was a bit annoyed at myself and disappointed that I couldn't think of a costume for Halloween. In the past, me and my buddies would spend an afternoon making silly costumes which was always the highlight of the night (or day, rather). So, in that spirit, I thought that this Halloween I would make a T-rex costume out of cardboard boxes. It will be awesome. Big box for the torso (with small holes for my forearms, you know, small arms), and one for my head. One smaller box cut in half lengthwise and "opened" for a mouth, a cardboard tail and some felt-tip pen details and I'll be golden. I might have to create some elaborate cupholder-straw contraption in order to drink as well.
All you need is a 45 year old cougar to claim she's 16 and say random stupid shit throught the night.
I'm going as a black Craig Sager. Spoiler Just need to hit up goodwill and find the right combination
"Hmmm. Do I want to go as sweatsuit guy with crusty pit stains? Orrr, maybe this year, I want to go as man with khakis, but one pant leg is too short. Oh, I can't decide. I'll just go as 1989 XXL Calvin Klein Oxford." You may as well just go in a cardboard box with "Rob0t" written on it in marker and a couple colored marker "buttons." Actually, this sounds completely awesome for a 30 year old man to do. Child of the 80s should be all over this one: Fuck it, do this. I take everything back. In all sincerity, do this:
I have friends coming in from out of town, we needed a group costume... Bam! Motherfucking Captain Planet. My buddy's gf is creating his Captain Planet costume, I can't wait to see that colored mullet. Should be solid
Suppose a guy needs to have fake boobs under a sweater for his costume. Suggestions on how to do this?
There are about 10 costume ideas in this talladega nights clip alone: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A0-u85aAYg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5A0-u85aAYg</a> For myself, I just bought a sleeveless tuxedo t shirt.
Someone in Britain made a Parker costume: Spoiler <a class="postlink" href="http://www.joke.co.uk/inflatable-king-dong-penis-costume-black~63434/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.joke.co.uk/inflatable-king-d ... ack~63434/</a> Only 30 pounds. That's like $45. That's a bargain in any language.