A black guy in a loud suit? People are gonna think you're just going to church. Better bring a microphone and ask stupid questions.
I'm going as Fifty Shades of Grey. Spoiler Going to rob Home Depot of their grey paint chips and staple them all over my body.
Coming down to the wire, but I'm going to try to go as Bill Nye, Pajama Man (from the old pajama sam computer games), or Tintin. We'll see what I can find at goodwill.
CJ, you get me on that one. Yeah I'm getting a microphone and will be asking plenty of questions. especially going up to guys after they got shot down and asking them how they felt about that interaction and if they plan on making any adjustments at halftime.
Better get a red coat so the blood wont show when some idiot meathead in a 300 costume punches you in the face after trying that.
I spent WAY too much time and money on my costumes the past two years. First was the tyrannowhorus rex, followed by the bjork swan. This year I just didn't have the time/wherewithal/creativity to make a new one, so I am doing the unthinkable and recycling a costume from high school, so I'll be mauled by a bear for halloween again. Hiking boots, torn clothes, fake blood and a 4 ft stuffed bear strapped onto my back. Is it ever really acceptable to re-wear a costume though?
The only time it's acceptable to reuse a costume is if everyone who originally was present for said costume is no longer present. The question is, are costume changes acceptable? I've been told to wear my sparkly dress for the first half of the night as Selina Kyle, and then change halfway through the night into Catwoman. Could be fun, or could be that I'm so drunk that by the time I pull the rest of my costume on, I'll fuck it up somehow.
Going to be in Vegas for Halloween so anything I'll wear has to be easy to put on and pack in a suitcase. My buddy and I are thinking of going as nuns. Think it'll be pretty funny for a couple of nuns to smoking cigars, drinking and playing blackjack.
Now THAT is committing to a costume, right there. That would be pretty awesome, especially if you seductively danced with a billionaire named Bruce at some point.
"You and your friends better batten down the hatches...actually leave them open, probably easier that way."
If I wasn't already going as Jesus in a Tuxedo T-shirt I'd probably be "Winter is coming". With some variation of a snow blizzard coming from my pants and a giant sword. Love me some obscure jokes.
Costume wasted! I'm too sick to go to work today. I tried to buy a ball gag instead of a crop, but the store was sold out. I didn't know it was possible for sex shops to sell out of basic necessities! Crops are so boring.
Game day! Well, 1 of 2. I didn't have time to finish the hood, so I just went without. I couldn't find the perfect short hair wig, so I am not as comic-book accurate as I wanted, but I imagine no one will notice. I'll save the accuracy for when I'm actually around a bunch of nerds that will.
Quoted from the entire TiB male population, and perhaps most of the female population as well. Have a fun halloween.
I'm gathering a group of men to wield pitchforks and torches so we can mosey on down to whatever guy apparently laughed Roxanne out the room. Is this the first time ever we have witnessed proof that a female poster is actually hotter than her avatar? Happy Halloween everybody.