There's something awe inspiring about this.... I put my hand over my heart to recite the pledge of allegiance just now...
For most of my life I would leave clothes on the floor like your typical lazy guy does. Then I moved into an apartment with brown recluses. I fixed that bad habit real quick.
Ya'd think the LL would have noticed and/or already taken care of that if for no other reason to, kinda sorta, avoid a possible LAW SUIT. Wow.
I'd like to my hand on her heart and recite the 'Pledge of Desperation Sex,' uh, I mean, 'Allegiance.'
Also, look up the previous tennants and set them on fire while they're bound to a chair. This is probably their fucking fault, so you'll be doing the work a favour.
Our internet isn't hooked up, so I can't reply as quick as I'd like. I did call the landlord so it'll get figured out. Also, there's no attempt to be tough, I've just been around them a lot so the fear has worn off a little. We'll keep our shit clean, put out traps, spray, and keep shit off the floor while we get the fuckers taken care of. Besides, you might like the "ask a recent amputee" thread.
ANYWHO. I was handling a candle this morning and didn't notice I spilled white wax right above my crotch on my shirt. Then I went to the doctor's office for an appointment and didn't realize it look like I came all over myself until after the semi cute nurse took all my vitals. I don't know if she noticed but she was rather giggly for nurses in the office.
He's making a joke regarding the brown recluse spiders. C'mon Angel, you're usually quicker than that.
I was too distracted by the fact that every time I read "brown recluse spider", I immediately feel like things are crawling on me. I've been swatting air for the last 45 minutes.
I am getting sick and fucking tired of seeing pictures of lotus seed pods photoshopped onto nipples/knees/babies floating around facebook with headlines like 'HORRIFIC DANGERS OF LAUNDRY SOAP BRAND XYZ!!'. My friends are morons. On the plus side, this has led to a massive facebook friend purge I should have done ages ago.
It was literally on my hand. And though I am very sure I wasn't bitten, symptoms supposedly appear after 2-8 hours. I'm at hour 6. Time for a beer.
I'm perhaps being too lenient, since I got that one and it didn't trigger a slash and burn when it probably should have. I'm waiting for Bonsai Kitten to make the rounds again before I open up with both barrels - though I did drop kick this one moron out of there when, after pushing his luck with Tea Party bullshit for a few months now, he shared what I'm sure his tiny brain thought was a hyper-clever quip about President Obama's race. I haven't decided which is worst, the political shit, the sickly-sweet "inspirational" garbage or the pseudo-scientific eye-rollers about the "natural" healing properties of honey or how vaccines make babies grow balls between their eyes.
To be clear, before some people get their panties in a bunch and call me a hypocrite, there's a difference between laughing WITH someone, and laughing AT them, never mind just being cruel. I'm all for making jokes at other people's expense, but there's some shit that you SHOULD know is offside, and crosses a line. Making fun of someone's financial situation, especially knowing they bust their ass in life and around here, crosses a line. Especially when you do it from a condescending and self-righteous position. If you start shit like that, then you'll be banned and all bets are off. Be funny, not cruel.
I pledge allegience I am happy to help your search efforts. I guess the first one is ironic, since I'm pretty sure she's from Russia. but 'murica anyway:
Well, since panties are getting twisted . . . here's some photos with panties removed (or in the process thereof) to ease the tension! I mean, I think we can all get behind that, right? I call this series: The International Nudity Tribute Featuring Shoes of Patriotism
Can everyone just calm down please. What Nett said was not just directed at 'sack, he was making a point for the entire board. He does this so if it comes up again action can be taken without (yeah riiiiiight) bitchin', because it was known already. Even though I knew 'sack was flipping me shit, it was a low blow which is why I said my peace in response to the inital post in the previous WDT. What Nett does or does not do is no one's fucking business. He is the sole reason this place is still here because had it not been for him coming back and taking over there would have been yet another offshoot board AKA Freak Safari style. The rumblings had already begun. I am not going to step in here, it's between Nett and 'sack but I have a feeling I know what will happen. Stay tuned! And PS Do not respond to this post. None are needed. Smiles everyone!