What makes you think that? In cases like this saying I think does not really cut it you want to be really sure, not .99 cent store sure. You know there are ways to mitigate the pregnancy thing, I mean aside from having a girl that only likes it in the ass, there are some very economical things you can do, and when I say economical I mean cheaper than 18 years of paying for a littlecheesestealer.You could buy a lot of IUDs for 200k. Congrats?
I know a lot of ex-Marines. Most of them are nice, polite, respectful, hardworking, and considerate people. I know one or two who are hotheaded angry violent assholes. Imagine a documentary on ex-Marines that only focused on the latter. Most LARPers are people enjoying a creative hobby. Doctors, lawyers, judges, computer engineers, police, military, scientists, teachers, and so on all play. Just people having a good time. It's activity based storytelling. Somehow writing stories at home is fine, being fat is bad, but writing stories with other people while getting exercise is a problem? Whatever.
With Plan B being legal to buy over the counter like aspirin aren't the days of knocking the girl down a flight of stairs over? I don't know why guys wouldn't stock up on these and slip one em' son'a'bitches in a complimentary morning beverage.
Any environment which lets me dress up in 60-odd lbs of steel and batter people over the head with a sword, all while not having to deal with the inconvenience of ransom, dismemberment, early death from trivial illness or religious persecution is A+ in my book. Where you don't fuck around with spellcraft and fake magic and if someone tries to fireball you, you hit them edge-on in the stomach with your shield so they fold in half like an old school cellphone. Jock LARPing. A man can dream.
I immediately thought, "Woah, that's got to be a pretty massive crime right there", but Google turned up dry on giving someone the morning after pill against their will / without their knowledge. It HAS to be criminal in some respect. Lawyers, thoughts?
Speaking generally it's a form of Assault governed by state law, may come under Federal drug control laws depending on its classification (A pharmacist would probably know that side best off the top of their head), and depending on what state you're in could be considered along the homicide spectrum.
A quick search reveals Louisiana's fetal homicide law as follows: There are, according to the National Council of State Legislatures, where I found this information, 38 states with laws similar to this one. Disclaimer: The above is intended for information purposes only and not intended to incite discussion, comment, argument, or discourse of any kind.
I guess the slipping a plan b mickey joke just doesn't have the same punch to it that the old fashioned staircase joke does.
Uh, isn't Plan B the sort of thing you have to take before you think you're pregnant? Like, within 72 hours or some such? Or did I miss something about why you think she's pregnant or gotten my drugs confused?
If there were ever a thread on this board in need of Audrey's expertise, it is this one. So much misinformation here. It's no wonder unintended pregnancies are still a problem. Wouldn't it be great if there were some electronic gizmo that would allow people to find information on things they need to know? Oh, wait....
Yeah, but its a pain in the ass flipping through channels trying to find a science program on birth control.
What he said x1,000. At this point, you should get your tubes tied. Both of you are done, no reason for you two to have children just so you guys can "have a little me and a little her". Dude tie those things up, then you can free-blast raw dog and not give a fuck. No scares or anything else. Jesus, four is enough. It'd take me one child to realize pull and pray doesn't fucking work.