WTF, this is the drunk thread, and these long posts are not conducive to drunk assholes like me being able to read them. And I fucking dozed off and missed the best part! "His was the most...human.". Gets me every time.
Whatever happened to funny drunken posts and/or pictures of black and white erotica? If I had either of those right now I'd post them so that this thread would get back on track.
My legs are disgusting right now. they are a gross combination of nasty, blistered, really burnet skin; dead, nasty, peeling skin; and freckles. Pictures upon request.
Kind of like the girl I just got off a date with. Except her shit was herpes. I wish I was fucking kidding.
Bread, just out of the oven! Whole pan of it ready to eat. Tomorrow: clam chowder in a bread bowl! I will pretend is it not 90 outside.
No, that's not what it's saying. At all. /quote] The saying is "If she thinks he's hot, it's flirtation. If she's not into him, it's harassment." Right? The saying isn't talking about those contextual situations. The "classification" and "interpretation" that you were talking about is right, but it has to do with those contextual situations, not with whether or not she's attracted to him. What it says is that harassment has anything to do with physical attraction. In the situations I described as lecherous - being stared at on the subway or by someone who's trying to sell you a car, or whatever - that man can be attractive and the girl can think so, but what he's doing is still harassment. Just like women can be harassed by their dates, boyfriends, or husbands - it's because they're harassing her, not because she's not attracted to him. I have had the train of thought "That guy is hot, but wow he is being really creepy" plenty of times, but I have never thought "That guy is being really creepy, but he's hot so all of a sudden I'm not offended anymore!" If a guy comes up to a woman and says she looks nice that evening and asks to buy her a drink, but she's not interested, and then later goes on to claim she was harassed, than clearly she is in the wrong. But, let's get serious, how often does that actually happen? And how often is that what actually happened when a guy goes on to claim that's what happened? This little saying gets pulled out to defend guys who were being gross or taking it too far or not giving it a rest or saying something inappropriate or doing any of the above in an inappropriate setting. That's why the girl wasn't into him and considering it harassment- because he was being "lecherous"- not because she just, for whatever reason, decided she wasn't interested. Or, it gets used by guys who are all upset about being rejected, because they think all women are bitches who like to toy with men's feelings and go throwing harassment claims around to bring down men. Like I said, I'm aware that there are women out there who are quick to cry harassment when it may not totally be warranted, but to have this as a rule that gets whipped out in every bro-talk about boundaries to describe every woman's interaction with men is inherently victim-blaming. It's not her fault that what you said was offensive. If you're harassing someone, then you're committing harassment. Anyway, this is too deep for Drunk Thread. I forgot to include Marion Cotillard in my collection of hot curvy women, and it's been upsetting me all day:
No. I told her I'd still like to hang with her (she is fun after all) but left her at the bar with her friend and came home.
Oh, I got the impression you went down to do the deed and found something unpleasant waiting for you. That doesn't sound like the worst thing in the world, then.
No. She took me outside the bar and walked me to my truck. When she took me to the truck she told me she had something to tell me and hesitated. When she hesitated I of course already knew what it was. I wasn't a fucking dick about it. I told her I appreciated her telling me and being upfront about it, I gave her a small kiss and left.
That's so sweet, it's like a chick flick! Then the next part of the movie, the guy would catch the herp from some other slut and then realize his true feelings for the original girl, and then the herp de derp pair live happily ever after!
Is it type 1 or 2? Type 1 is actually very common and a lot of people have it don't even realize it. It mostly lays dormant in the nervous system and some might never even have an outbreak. If it does, you might see a cold sore. Type 2 is more fucked up and can be found on the genitals or mouth. If its type 2 on the mouth, it came from someones genitals first. Mostly, they will get sores around their genitals and anus. Happy sailing!
I can feel the love radiating off you! Fortunately, you won't be catching the herp from me. Maybe it can be a bonding moment with you and original girl. Kind of like having sex for the first time, but actually, she's giving you a lifelong VD. Sounds like a real romance!