This looks shopped. I have a friend who does a lot of shops and you can tell because the shadows are off
I'm imagining you laying boxes labeled TNT around the tree Wile E. Coyote style and when you push the plunger, the resulting explosion leaves the tree on an island inside the crater. Yes, I am retarded. So, I almost got jumped in my favorite bar. A bunch of hipsters were doing shows. This gangly fuck comes up shaking a jar full of dollar bills. He asks for donations for his travel fund. So I shake my beer glass and say "Sorry, man, but I'm looking for donations too... nothing? S'cool." 2 hours later he's breathing down my neck as I pay the check telling me how fucked up that was. I told him it was cool, not a big deal, I'll remember not to do that again. I'm not going to start a fight in my favorite bar. Just deescalated the situation. What got me was that him and his friend did the same shit to my buddy when he paid his check. What the fuck? shit irritates me. I'm to old for fights. I was too old for fights 10 years ago. Hold your fucking liquor better you hipster cunt. Realize you're the cum rag of society.
It's a German bar in south Florida. They're trying to make money because nobody will go in there otherwise. A handful of old drunks and 30 old farts for the early bird. I dig it. The last time anybody started shit in that place was the one-legged dude attacking my buddy on Halloween. Yeah... yeah. That happened.
Haha, one of the benefit of being a 6'3 black dude is that I never ever get into bar fights. Because if a guy is starting a fight with me, he can definitely kick my ass, and I'm better off apologizing. Of course, I'm a giant pussy, but nobody knows that unless I'm wearing my "Tibettes for Life!" baby tee.