i'm pretty young, and i look even younger. i am also small. this means that men of all ages thing they can call me names like sweetie, honey, hun, baby, babe, etc. half of those don't fly when boyfriend uses them, let alone creepy stranger. but i think the 30-50 yr old ex-frat-dudes are the most guilty of this. i don't get upset when people call me ma'am, but it does make me uncomfortable, and sometimes confused.
guys, leave edgar winter alone. it's bad enough he gets shit for it in real life, he doesn't need it here.
i do not like getting called chief or boss when i am bartending, unless they are very good tippers it is a warm beerable offense.
you guys, we've overlooked a key piece of information here... not only is his entire name shared with a musician, but his first name is also tied to a major movie... Spoiler
like snake plisskin, i thought engelbert humperdinck was dead. guess not. Spoiler humperdinck! humperdinck! humperdinck!!
it seems hard-wired into male dna to call any guy working in a bar (especially bartenders) "chief". it must be the high douche content bars attract, because you have to be a cretin to think guys appreciate being called that. however: female bar employees are to only be referred to as "sweetie", "babe" or "hon". unlike men, they like being talked down to. sure, females might say they don't like being called names like that by drunks but we all know what a fucking bunch of lying teases they all are.
It's on just because you're not keeping score doesn't mean it's not a game. alright, so we know it's the same first and last name as a musician and the title of a major movie. this far we have the following that meet the criteria: jack white ted nugent i was thinking his first real name was the title, but upon reflection, he just said "tied to a major movie." so clearly, it's lawrence welk, (lawrence of arabia) - what do i win.
Who you gonna call? hmm, yeah but he wrote "fans of that guy ask me if i've listened to his music" not "fans of that guy ask me if i've listened to his one song." i'm going to go with irene cara (me, myself and irene). final answer.
shit. crown wins. but really though, why does everyone get so upset with the mr or mrs. last name thing? why the whole "that was my father/mother and they're dead."