My friend suggested that, if Ask Reddit doesn't work, "assistance or self" might work. He said there's also a subreddit called favors. But he said that, assuming they don't delete it, Ask Reddit was probably your best bet. Good luck, man!
Signed. I wrote in the "WHY" box; hopefully those bureacrats don't discount my vote for my advocation of them spending 24 hours of their life living like Hotwheelz if they don't want to approve it. I swear I didn't use any foul language. Good luck 'Wheelz. You're a great writer, and you don't deserve this kind of treatment (even if you were a bad writer).
Thanks dude. We're now over 200 signatures and I have some great news. From the owner of my medical supply company:
Hey Wheelz, is there somewhere we could chip in some money toward your lawsuit like Mr doctor guy above? I may have missed the link, but would like to help out.
Me too, it won't be much, but we want to help. Mr. P is one of Wheelz's biggest fans and we've gotten a couple signatures. We both would link up FB to get donations.
This is some serious shit dude, not like you're a loser kid asking his parents for gas money. If getting some funds together helps you have a higher quality of life, then by all means, ask! Signed.
How about this: Get the care you need. Have a life. Let the top donor and every other donor get the joy of seeing you continue doing what you do. Tell the man you're working with that there are people on the interweb who want to contribute, and ask him if he can set up a way to do that. Then shut the fuck up and let people kick in. That's part of what the 99% thing is about - people who can help, helping those who need it.
You know, you're right way too many times. I haven't heard from the guy yet (only been a day), but in the meantime I can give you guys my paypal. Any and all donations will go towards a badass lawyer or medical costs. I'll be 100% transparent about where the money goes. Sound good?
Actually, you should talk to the lawyer man before you do that. If you do it legitimately you can probably make it tax deductible for the donors, and if you just give out a paypal and people send money to you personally that could have repercussions for you that you don't want. Is there a lawyer in the house maybe wants to jump in with the legal wisdoms here?
I'm not a lawyer but don't do something ad-hoc through Paypal. They will fuck you like they tried to fuck Regretsy. Go through the guy offering to help you for free- he seems like he knows his shit. Donations will be as easy to get through whatever he sets up as through Paypal plus you won't run the risk of getting your account frozen or having Paypal take all your money. Seriously, don't use Paypal. And good luck.
HW, $750.00 made me want to puke. Listen to what Sup says. Email me and this will be taken care of. Screw Sack and Cali too. They are both repugnant. bill