I just signed and there's now over 1,800 signatures. Also posted to my FB page. Good luck, HotWheelz.
Chalk up another one for the cause. It's sad when people in a position of authority forget who and what really matters.
Signed it. I'm really glad you didn't just roll over and let this happen to you, but decided to fight it. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.
Psh, I've never been one to roll over. It's going to be a little slow until January just because everyone is on vacation, but in the meantime keep reposting it on facebook, twitter etc. We're almost at 2k.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.univisionsandiego.com/noticia/2011/12/30/325171-joven-lucha-cuidados-medicos.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.univisionsandiego.com/notici ... dicos.html</a> Have another interview tomorrow.
Today I found out that my private insurance isn't covering my hours from mid November to December 31st. I'm now 30k in the hole with the nursing company and I'm going to have to cut half of my nursing hours on Monday. I'm going to have to choose between being able to go to school. I need any help I can get now. Please upvote this: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/o6cxb/medical_is_forcing_me_to_make_a_decision_sleep_or/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comme ... _sleep_or/</a>
Hotwheelz, you are a better man than me. I've said that many times in jest over the course of my life, but this one of the few I've actually meant it. I just took a look at the comment section in your reddit page and this is some of the quotes I saw. That's all coming from a five minute glance. I don't know how many blood vessels I would have popped if I were you, but I can only imagine the kind of resolve it takes to fight for basic rights around this kind of naivety. You've had to work a lot harder than rest of us at times to accomplish what you're capable of, and it's a sad fact that most Americans take firm stances on subjects they're so poorly informed in. This is why I always have and will continue to support a 'socialist' approach to medical care. I don't pay my taxes so assholes can find bad reasons to revoke care.
Thanks dude, but honestly, I don't really lose any sleep over it. It's an opportunity to win people over. I have an update, too. There's going to be a protest on January 27th at noon. If you're in the area then you're welcome to come. I really want this to be big so anything you can think of to get the word out.